Colton Family Rescue. Justine Davis

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Colton Family Rescue - Justine  Davis Mills & Boon Romantic Suspense

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inwardly. Great, he thought. Here we go again. It’s not enough that Mother accused Alanna of all people. Now Fowler’s got some other crackbrained theory?

      “I presume your glee means you’ve found another suspect for them to chase after besides yourself and Tiffany?”

      “Oh, yes.”

      Foreboding sparked in T.C.’s chest. Fowler was too gleeful. This was more than just some harebrained idea to throw suspicion off him and his self-absorbed, money-conscious girlfriend. T.C. waited silently, refusing to rise to the bait, denying Fowler some of the pleasure he seemed to get out of making people jump to his tune. Irritation flickered in his eyes.

      “You’re so cool now, but you won’t be. Not when I tell you who it is, who I saw right here in town, not an hour ago.”

      He’d been right. This was more. And it was aimed at him. “Just get it over with, Fowler. I have a busy schedule.”

      Fowler folded his arms across his chest and smirked. “I’ve already called the sheriff, so don’t think you can stop that.”

      T.C. frowned. “Why would you think I would want to stop you?” He wanted his father found, and while he doubted whatever wild claim Fowler was making now would prove true, he also felt every avenue should be explored.

      “Because you’re a pushover and always have been when it comes to her,” Fowler said, in that nasty tone T.C. had learned meant he was about to spring his trap.

      The foreboding exploded into full-blown apprehension. “Her?”

      Fowler’s smirk widened. He was clearly taking great pleasure in this.

      “Jolie Peters.”

      Jolie clutched her still-weeping daughter close, rocking her, cooing at her, trying to soothe her. The police were being kind, but as grim as she would have expected them to be, dealing with a cold-blooded murder. The Central Business District had its own dedicated police. They knew the area inside out and were coolly, briskly efficient. If she wasn’t in such shock, Jolie would have been impressed.

      And if it wasn’t for Emma, she might feel safe.

      “It’s all right, honey,” said the uniformed woman kneeling before them as they sat on the edge of the police unit’s front seat. Jolie had purposely put their backs to the bloody scene. The sight of a woman who just a couple of hours ago had been alive being put in a cold, dark bag and loaded in the back of a van was not something she wanted added to Emma’s already horrible images.

      The woman’s voice was soft, gentle, and Jolie liked the way she looked at her for permission before she reached up and brushed her fingers over the child’s tearstained cheek. “Maybe you’ll remember more later when it’s not quite so scary.”

      “I’m sorry,” Jolie said, “but she’s too upset.”

      “Of course she is. Who wouldn’t be? And just knowing we’re looking for a woman helps a lot.”

      “You believe her?”

      The other officers had seemed to doubt Emma’s account, which Jolie understood, given that the girl had been practically hysterical. Although she seemed to be calming down now. As if the quiet, adult conversation going on over her head was soothing her. Jolie’s gaze flicked to the woman’s face and saw she knew that and was doing this intentionally. She glanced at the name tag over her left pocket, which read T. Wilcox.

      “I have a three-year-old boy, Tyler,” she said, “and I know when he’s making things up. I trust you do, too.”

      Jolie gave her a grateful smile. “I do.” She glanced at the people both in uniform and civilian clothes clustered around where the body was, at last, being removed. “But I’m not sure they believe her.”

      “It’s not that they don’t believe her, it’s that she’s able to give so little to go on. And no one else saw a woman in the area. Plus, a crime like this isn’t usually the way a woman would go about a murder. But I heard John Eckhart caught the case. He’s a good detective, one of the best. He’ll—”

      “Liddy,” Emma said suddenly.

      Jolie looked at the child on her lap. “What, honey?”

      “Her eyes were like Liddy’s.”

      Officer Wilcox looked at Jolie, clearly puzzled.

      “Lydia,” Jolie explained. “She’s an anime character Emma loves.” Her brow furrowed, and then she smoothed back Emma’s tousled hair. “Do you mean the color, honey?”


      “Well, now,” Officer Wilcox said with a wide smile. “That’s brilliant, Emma.”

      The flicker of a smile curved Emma’s mouth. Wilcox was obviously a very kind woman. Jolie gave a brief, silent thanks, as she always did, to Art Reagan, the beat cop who’d pulled her out of a morass of trouble and helped set her on a better path. And who had kept her from forever being wary of anyone who wore the uniform and badge. It was he who’d gotten her the job at the Colton Valley Ranch. He was distantly related to Bettina Morely, the cook there, and she’d given Jolie the chance on his say-so.

      She felt a sudden burst of longing, something she hadn’t felt—hadn’t allowed herself to feel—in a very long time. A longing for the safety and happiness and hope she’d felt for that idyllic and painfully short time. Right now especially for the safety. And for the man who’d made her feel that way, that she—and her little girl—would be safe. She wanted more than anything to feel that way again.

      She yanked her frazzled brain off that fruitless path.

      “Do you know who she is?” Jolie asked. Was, she amended silently, grimly.

      “Can’t say yet.” Officer Wilcox looked up, assessing her.


      “Just thinking...”

      “What?” Jolie asked again. When the woman hesitated, she added, “My little girl has witnessed an awful crime, and was threatened herself.”

      “Might have been worse, if you hadn’t gotten there so quickly.”

      Jolie didn’t need the woman to remind her the killer could have broken a car window and gotten to Emma. That her little girl could have been killed right then. She suppressed a shudder and went on.

      “You know what witnessing something like this could do to her,” Jolie said. Probably leave her with an indelible, lifetime, horrible memory long term, and likely nightmares and skittishness or worse short term. None of which she wanted to say aloud in front of Emma, for fear it might plant the ideas. But she was guessing this officer would understand that; she seemed a very perceptive and insightful sort. And she was a mom. “If she can deal with that, I can deal with whatever you’re thinking.”

      Officer Wilcox glanced over her shoulder to where the van was finally pulling away. Then she looked back at Jolie, rather intently. “She was about five

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