In Too Close. Katherine Garbera

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In Too Close - Katherine Garbera Mills & Boon Blaze

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laughed despite himself. “So true. And you wouldn’t be talking on the phone with me in the middle of the night unless you”

      “I’m not going to deny it,” she said. “I have thought of that kiss at Marina’s wedding more than once.”

      Seeing her younger sister married five years ago, coming on the heels of a bad breakup, had shaken Elizabeth. It hadn’t taken a rocket scientist to understand it. He’d glimpsed beneath the outer facade of his best friend and something had changed inside him at that moment.

      “I still can’t eat chocolate cake without remembering the way it tasted on your lips,” he admitted.

      “Me, either,” she said softly. “So, are you—we—really doing this?”

      “Doing what?” he drawled, unable to resist teasing her.

      She cleared her throat. “You know...are we going to try the friends-with-benefits thing?”

      “Yes. I want to,” he confessed, totally serious now. “You have your career on track and my business is going steady. There’s nothing stopping us.”

      She took a deep breath. “This is just sex, right? You know I’m still not interested in anything long-term.”

      “Yes.” For now. Bradley knew he wouldn’t be satisfied until he had everything that Elizabeth had to offer. Until she was his, body and soul. But for the time being, friends with benefits worked for him.

      He heard the rustle of sheets as she rolled over. Feeling an all-too-familiar throbbing, he straightened his legs to make room for his erection as he pictured her topless, wearing only a pair of sheer black panties....

      His imagination took over. If he were with her right now, he would take both of her wrists in one of his hands and hold them behind her back so that her breasts were thrust forward. He’d move in closer to caress her but wouldn’t touch her until she was calling his name, begging for more.


      He shook himself and thrust his hand through his hair as he realized he needed to get her into bed...and the sooner the better so he could stop fantasizing about her.

      “I suggest dinner, once you’ve had a chance to recover from the jet lag. Do you think in two days time would be okay?”


      “We can talk about the details of our arrangement then,” she told him.

      “Lizzie, do you really have arrangements with the men you sleep with?” he asked harshly. “I’m not another corporate entity that you are trying to merge with.”

      “I know that, really, I do. But I’m not sure how to approach this without keeping it more in business terms. I don’t want—”

      “To get hurt, the way you were when Ken left you,” he said.

      She didn’t say anything and he wondered if he’d gone too far, but the truth was, they weren’t like other couples that were starting a relationship. They knew each other’s pasts and closely guarded secrets. In a way, Bradley thought it might make things easier. Yet she was still a mystery from his point of view. And he was dying to know how they’d be in bed.

      And if they were half as good as that long-ago kiss and his red-hot fantasies, then he figured they’d have a rocking good time together.

      “Exactly. But you haven’t been exactly shy around women, Bradley. You’ve broken a few hearts.”

      “Not as often as you make it sound. I tend to date women who know the score,” he said. It was true that he was careful to make sure he didn’t date women looking for marriage and long term. There was only one woman he wanted to try a real relationship with, and that was Elizabeth.

      “See? You’re just proving my point. Who knows what you think the score is?” she asked. “I don’t want to be roadkill on your journey.”

      “That’s horrible. I’ve never left any roadkill, despite what any woman might have told you. In general, the ladies tend to give up on me when they realize that I’m exactly what I said I was and they can’t change me.”

      “What makes you think I won’t try to change you?” she asked.

      “You already know me, Lizzie, and I know you. We both like to win. I’m not laboring under any misconception that you are going to ever put a man before your job, and you know that I need to be free to do my thing at work and at play.”

      “But you’d be faithful to me?” she asked. “Cheating is...well, cheating. I’m not interested in being part of your rotating harem.”

      There it was, he thought. That hint of vulnerability left behind from that bastard Ken who’d thought that Elizabeth really was the same hard woman in real life as she was in the boardroom. That she’d be able to understand he needed variety in the bedroom. Bradley had made sure that Ken regretted two-timing her.

      “Of course. I might like women, but you know once I commit I don’t play around.”

      “I do know that. You even broke up with Samantha just so you could kiss me at Marina’s wedding.”

      He’d forgotten about that. Samantha and he hadn’t been that serious, so their split hadn’t been much of an issue, and he’d wanted Elizabeth in that instant with such fierceness....

      “Okay, I think we’re getting a bit off topic here. So...dinner in a couple of nights? Shall I pick you up at your place or at the lodge?”

      “The lodge. I will have to be on call,” she said. Once again, he heard the rustling of her sheets as she moved on the bed, and he groaned as he imagined her naked.

      “Of course.”

      “And Bradley...?”

      “Yes?” he asked coyly. He had to play this right. If he sounded too anxious she’d back away. Elizabeth had always been wary of him.

      “I don’t want to lose this,” she whispered.


      “Our friendship. You’re the only one who calls me after midnight. Who competes full-out with me and doesn’t hate it when I win. You make me feel like it’s okay to be me,” she said. “If we sleep with each other, that could change.”

      “We’ll just have to do our best to make sure it doesn’t change. I’ll always want to wake you after midnight.”

      “Really?” she asked, her voice soft and husky, so different from how she was during the regular business day.

      “Yes. That’s the time when the line between reality and fantasy are blurred, and attraction and wanting are at their strongest. I can’t imagine that would change just because we were sleeping next to each other. Do you?”

      “I guess not.”

      “Have a little faith, Elizabeth—we’re both intelligent and we both know what we want. We’re not going to hurt each other. We’re going to give

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