Perfectly Saucy. Emily McKay

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Perfectly Saucy - Emily McKay Mills & Boon Temptation

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      She started to explain that she was just trying to do her job well. That she took her new responsibilities at work seriously. But wasn’t that the problem? She always took everything so dang seriously.

      Before she could put any of that into words, Patricia babbled on. “So, yes, it scares me that you have no plan. This is just so unlike you. Inviting Alex Moreno over so you can seduce him or whatever is just so…so…”

      “Like something you would do?”

      “Exactly. This is what concerns me. You are acting like me.”

      “Well, you can stop worrying. I’m not going to seduce or proposition him. I promise. I just want to see him again.”

      To see if any spark of attraction still lingered between them.

      And if it did?

      Well, she’d worry about that when the time came.

      “See him again?” Patricia asked shrewdly. “There wasn’t something going on between you two back in school, was there?”

      “No,” she said dismissively. And it wasn’t entirely a lie.

      “I didn’t think so. I mean, I’d heard the rumors, but I never thought they were true.”

      “Rumors?” She’d certainly never heard any rumors connecting the two of them.

      “That you were secretly in love. That you were going to run away together. I figured it was nonsense. I mean, you and Alex Moreno? It was more absurd than that rumor about the giant snake living in the second-floor bathroom.”

      “What’s that supposed to mean?” she asked, more than a little offended about the snake comparison.

      “Just that you weren’t each other’s type. You were such a Goody Two-shoes in high school. And he was always in and out of trouble. And on top of all that, your father was the judge. How ironic would that have been? The daughter of a judge dating a guy who’d been arrested at least a dozen times.”

      “Hmm. Very,” Jessica said noncommittally. Of course, the real irony was that, although the rumors had been false, at the time, she would have given anything for them to be true.

      “But I guess you must have had a crush on him then,” Patricia continued blithely. “Or else you wouldn’t be thinking of having your passionate fling with him now. Not that I blame you. He was scrumptious even at eighteen. And just so bad.”

      Patricia’s inflection on the word “bad” made it clear she thought “bad” was a very good thing.

      And Jessica supposed she knew what Patricia meant. Even a Goody Two-shoes like her could appreciate the thrilling appeal of being naughty. But that was never what had drawn her to Alex.

      It wasn’t his bad-boy charm, his many arrests or the titillation of shocking her parents and her peers. No, what appealed to her most about Alex Moreno—even now—was all the things about him no one else saw. His strength. His kindness. His integrity.

      Well, all that and his sizzling raw sex appeal.

      For now she needed to get Patricia off the phone before her friend’s circuitous logic drove her absolutely batty.

      But before she hung up, she couldn’t help but ask, “What I don’t get is this. If you’re so worried about what I’m doing, why did you want to make sure my clothes met with your approval?”

      “Well, sure, I’m worried. That’s all the more reason for you to look drool-worthy. If you’re going to make a fool out of yourself, I at least want you to look good while you do it.”

      Buoyed by Patricia’s “encouragement,” Jessica poured herself a splash of wine and gulped it down. “Thanks, that’s very helpful.”

      “I’m sorry I’m not more optimistic.” But Patricia didn’t sound the least bit contrite. “Look, I can understand you wanting to get some—I mean, lately you’ve been living like a nun—but, come on, Alex Moreno? Going from celibacy straight to him is like deciding you need to work out more often and starting by climbing Mount Everest.”

      “Pffft,” Jessica muttered dismissively. But was Patricia right? Was Alex the Mount Everest of men? Was she insane for thinking he might be interested in her? Was she crazy for thinking he’d even remember her?

      “Jess, you can ‘pffft’ all you want, but he’s the baddest bad boy this town has ever known. You could get into serious trouble with a guy like him. And if you’re doing this just because of that silly list…”

      On her way back from a nine-week-long business trip to Sweden—a trip during which she’d worked her butt off and still hadn’t gotten the promotion she’d been promised—she’d picked up a copy of Saucy magazine in Gatwick Airport. The cover article was “10 Things Every Woman Should Do.” Have an Affair to Remember was at the top of that list. And Alex Moreno was at the top of her list of men she’d want to have a passionate affair with.

      “Patricia, you only think The List is silly because you’ve done all of the things on The List.”

      “Well—” She chuckled, sounding just a tad smug. “I guess I have.”

      “Exactly,” Jessica growled.

      “Hey.” Patricia sounded falsely cheerful. “It’s not like you haven’t done any of the things on the list.”

      “One. I’ve done one. Live Abroad. That’s the one and only thing on The List that I’ve done. And that hardly counts since I did that for work.”

      “All I’m saying is,” Patricia countered, “you want to do some of the things on The List? Fine. But start with something smaller. Something a little less traumatic. Less likely to come back and bite you on the ass. Why not buy a leather miniskirt? That was on the list, too, right? Or get a tattoo.”

      “Get a tattoo? You think permanently scarring my body would be less traumatic than sleeping with Alex?”

      “Okay, traumatic maybe wasn’t the best word. Drastic is more what I meant. I just don’t think you need to do anything quite so drastic.”

      And that was exactly what Patricia—who’d done all the things on the list numerous times—didn’t get. Drastic was just what Jessica needed.

      “I’ve worked for Handheld Technologies for six years now,” she pointed out. “For the past two years, I’ve been working my butt off for a promotion to team leader. Instead of promoting me, they made me floor safety manager—the schmuck in charge of keeping the first-aid kit stocked and evacuating the floor in case of a natural disaster.”

      “It’s almost like a promotion,” Patricia murmured in placating tones. “It’s a sign they trust you.”

      “No, it’s a sign they think I’ll look okay in a bright orange vest. I’m tired of settling for floor safety manager. I’m tired of settling, period. I’m ready to start living my life.”

      And—silly or not—she’d begin with that list of ten things every woman should do. As soon as she’d seen it, she’d

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