The Sirt Diet Cookbook. Jacqueline Whitehart

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The Sirt Diet Cookbook - Jacqueline Whitehart

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from your regular meals.


      This is up to you. The 1500 calories per day is a guideline daily amount for a woman. A man could eat up to 2000 calories per day and still see similar results. Likewise, if you are currently severely overweight you should cut back to 1800 calories (woman) or 2300 calories (man). Why? Because this calorie restriction will still result in steady and strong weight-loss and will be easier to follow. If a diet is too extreme for your body, then the likelihood of breaking the diet or falling off the wagon is much higher.

      If you can manage to accurately calorie count each day, then this is a very good way to follow the diet. It means you are most likely to follow the diet and not tip over into excessive calorie consumption. It’s not that hard to count your calories, particularly if you eat similar foods each day and/or use some of the recipes in the book (which are calorie counted per serving). You will quickly find that you know the calorie counts for all regular SIRT foods.

      Even if you don’t calorie count each day, then it’s a good idea to count calories for the first few days so you get a good idea of the amount you should be eating. Now I’m used to the diet, I genuinely find that as long as I resist stupid snacks and stick to three main meals, I easily stay under the target figure.

      One of the huge (and I mean huge) advantages of eating SIRT foods is that they indisputably curb your appetite, making it much easier to resist snacking between meals.


      It’s true. You don’t ‘fail’ a diet day if you eat a few too many calories; just get straight back on track the next day. We all know that sometimes we find the cravings impossible to resist. I’m thinking impossible hormones or sharing a bottle of wine with a good friend. Don’t let it happen too often and you will be fine.

      By far the most important part of the SIRT Diet is eating SIRT foods. Not eaten enough SIRTs today? Then take a look at the list of SIRT boosters and add a few extras in. It’s better to have a few extra calories, if they are good SIRT-filled calories, than it is to end the day lacking in SIRTs.


      As a rough guide, you should aim to consume up to 300 calories for breakfast, 400 for lunch and 500 for dinner. This leaves 300 calories for snacks, drinks and miscellaneous.



      300 calories • 3 portions of SIRTS

      Cup of green tea

      Fresh SIRT fruit or smoothie

      Healthy cereal or omelette


      Cup of green tea


      400 calories • 3 portions of SIRTS

      Salad or soup or lunchbox containing greens and other SIRT-rich vegetables, onions and olive oil


      optional 100 calorie snack • 1 portion of SIRTS

      Dark chocolate or apple


      500 calories • 3 portions of SIRTS

      Lean meat such as chicken or fish or tofu/beans

      Good carbs such as brown rice or new potatoes

      Plenty of green vegetables


      optional 100 calorie snack • 1 portion of SIRTS

      Small glass of red wine or red grapes or dark chocolate

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