The Cowboy's Cinderella. Carol Arens
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“Your father raised me like I was his son. There were some early on who thought I got my position because of it. Thought my job ought to have been theirs.”
“I bet you worked twice as hard just to prove them wrong.”
“And you know something about that.”
She nodded, gazing quietly at the fire.
“I have a sister?” she murmured at last. “I ought to have known it...the way I always felt a part of me was missing. Sort of like, a person standing in the sunshine and not seeing her shadow...if that makes any sense. All those years I thought it was just dreams and child’s play because I wanted a sister so badly. Now I know all along I was missing Agatha.”
Ivy’s hat lay beside the fire, she turned it so that the pouch was away from the heat.
“Even hearing her doesn’t sound like a stranger’s name. Uncle Patrick should have told me.”
“Right now, I guess he wishes he had. But all he ever wanted was to protect you and honor his sister’s last wish for him to be the one to raise you.”
“Don’t see why he couldn’t have done both,” she grumbled then sighed deeply. “Can’t see the harm in telling the truth.”
“At first, when your parents divorced, there were plenty of hard feelings. Your father wouldn’t let your mother take both of his girls. Your uncle says that your mother was afraid that if your father knew where you were, he’d take you back. He had the money and the power to do it. It was your mother’s dying wish that Patrick raise he kept your past a secret from you and everyone else.”
“All I ever knew was that my pa was a good man, a rancher who died young. How is it that you know so much when the only thing I know is a bald lie?”
“Like I said, your uncle and I talked for a long time. Everything he did was out of love for you. Even selling the boat. He didn’t come to his decision to do it without a lot of thought. I told him all about the ranch and about William English.”
“Who’s that?” she asked, her expression suddenly wary.
“The man who hopes to marry you.” There was no point in denying it.
“Gull-durned fellow, doesn’t know a whit about me!”
No he did not...and when he did, would the deal be off? William was expecting a high society bride, one of impeccable manners to charm voters and help accomplish his political ambitions.
Travis’s stomach felt hollow at the thought. Ivy was not the type of bride English was expecting.
In the end, it might not matter since there was every chance that Ivy would refuse to come with him.
“I got any other relations I don’t know about?”
“Only Agatha, but the folks at the ranch, they all feel like family.”
“Tell me about them, might help if I know.”
Help what? Her decision, he hoped.
“It’s like we’re a big family...there’s a lot of people involved in running the ranch. In the house we have Maria, she’s the head cook. Then there’s the girls who work under her, mostly the daughters of the hands. There’s Rebecca, the housekeeper who keeps things neat and tidy with her crew of girls. There’s Master Raymond, the schoolteacher for the children...the adults too, when things slow down for the winter. There’s Hilda Brunne, Agatha’s nurse. We’ve got cowboys, most with families and we have caretakers who keep the ranch in running order. Arthur runs the stable along with the three boys he’s training. Wouldn’t want to forget Elise, she does the household laundry. We’d be ripe smelling without her, then—”
“I think I’m getting dizzy. That’s a lot of folks. Reminds me of the Queen with everyone having a part to do.”
“It’s a lot like that, but on the land not the water.”
“Got any rivers for swimming on all that land?”
He hated to dash the hope suddenly lighting her eyes, but, “There’s water, we call it a river, but it’s not anything like your Missouri.”
“Don’t reckon it’s my Missouri anymore.” She picked up a stone beside her foot, tossed it into the fire. “Tell me more about Agatha.”
“Your uncle says it broke your mother’s spirit when she had to leave Agatha behind. Later on, your father told me he loved your mother, for all that they didn’t suit. It wasn’t for spite that he kept Agatha, but through her he hoped to keep part of his wife.
“I never met your mother. The two of you were gone when Foster took me in. From what he’s always told me about her, I reckon you take after her.”
“I don’t recall much about Mama, just flashes of memory...a picture here and an image there. I want to know about my sister. What is she like?”
“She’s something of a recluse...and shy. Not much for conversation. I’ve tried to engage her but she’s just not interested in much of anything...especially lately.”
“Was she always withdrawn?”
“When I was a boy, I never paid attention, really. She was just a little girl and I had my own growing to do. But I do recall one day asking your pa if she could ride with me. He said she was sickly and he would not risk her health for a bit of fun. Mrs. Brunne, her nurse, agreed with him. A few years ago, Agatha nearly died of a fever. It left your father shaken and even more protective than he had been. According to Mrs. Brunne, she became unable to walk. The things she likes are reading and sitting on her balcony.”
“Gosh almighty, I know something about fevers, but I never heard of one leaving a person lame.”
Ivy stared at the flames without speaking. Rain tapped on the tarp. Travis’s heart beat triple time because he figured Ivy was going over what he had told her—possibly making up her mind about things.
“Unless I agree to go with you to marry that man...” Ivy’s voice was barely above a whisper. It almost seemed as though she was talking to herself. “...the ranch will be lost and my helpless sister will have no home.”
Travis nodded his head. Losing the ranch would be hard on everyone but it would be especially ruinous for frail Agatha.
“I can’t rightly say I want to get married, especially to some stranger.” Ivy gazed over at him, her eyes narrowed. “Can’t quite figure why he’d want to marry me either. Maybe he’ll just give you a friendly loan, being neighbors and all.”
“He needs the ranch. He’s running for territorial legislature of Wyoming so being the owner of respected property will buy him votes.”
“Gosh almighty,” she murmured then gazed out at the rain dripping from the tree branches all around.
“All day long I’ve been walking and thinking, thinking and walking, my head all abuzz...and, Travis, I want to be with my sister.”