First Comes Marriage. Sophia Sasson

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First Comes Marriage - Sophia Sasson Mills & Boon Heartwarming

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Rose for a moment the day before, but she seemed to be a kind older lady. Rose was wearing a flowered dress, her white hair neatly pinned in a bun. Meera could picture her serving tea and biscuits like a British grandmother.

      “We don’t need you here. Please go away.” The harsh tone was so out of line with the smiling, friendly face that it took Meera a moment to process the words. Her stomach dropped.

      “Rose, I’m sorry, have I offended you? I don’t understand.”

      Rose wagged her finger. “We don’t need your kind of doctoring here.”

      “But Dr. Harper...”

      “Dr. Harper is an old coot who—”

      “That’s enough, Rose.”

      Meera turned to see Dr. Harper emerge from his office. She blew out a breath she hadn’t known she was holding. He was a small man with bright blue eyes, a shock of white hair and a booming voice. She had seen him only briefly yesterday when he’d shown her around the clinic, then he’d left her to see patients on her own. She hadn’t expected to start work her very first day in Bellhaven, but there had been an emergency with Mrs. Harper, who was suffering from lung cancer. Dr. Harper had asked Meera to tend to his patients. He’d been rushed and distracted, but affable enough, which made sense since he was a friend of her British supervisor.

      “Dr. Harper...”

      He held up his hand to silence Rose. “Now, I won’t have you giving Meera a hard time. She did what was right.”

      Meera stepped forward. “Dr. Harper, I don’t understand what the fuss is about.”

      Rose scoffed, glaring at her with open hostility. “Derek Jenkins!”

      Meera blinked. “The boy who had a concussion?” She didn’t understand. It was a simple case, and she had treated it with textbook perfection.

      Dr. Harper sighed. “Meera, let’s go to my office to talk.”

      Meera followed him and sat down in the chair opposite his desk. He took a seat beside her in the second guest chair. He was obviously trying to make her comfortable.

      Did I miss something? She went over the details of the case in her head and ran through the treatment plan. She specialized in cardiology but had graduated at the top of her medical program and completed her consultancy training with commendations. She knew how to take care of a concussion.

      “Was there a problem with Derek Jenkins?” She scanned his desk to see if he had pulled up the teen’s chart.

      Dr. Harper shook his head wearily. “Meera, you provided appropriate medical treatment.”

      Meera relaxed a fraction.

      “But you didn’t necessarily do the right thing.”

      Her heart stopped. “I beg your pardon?”

      “Derek is the quarterback for the regional high school football team, and the first game of the season is this week. It’s against our biggest rival in the next county.”

      Meera reminded herself that American football was not soccer. She had initially thought Derek’s injury was related to heading a soccer ball, but then he told her he’d been tackled during practice and hit his head on the ground.

      She stared at Dr. Harper.

      He tapped a finger on the table. “This might be hard for you to understand, not being from around here, but football is like a religion in Hell’s Bells, and Fallton is our arch rival. It’s the most anticipated game of the season.”

      Meera furrowed her brows. “I know he was disappointed he couldn’t play, but the treatment for concussion is pretty clear.”

      “You and I understand that, but the town doesn’t. Derek wants to play.”

      “It’s a school game! Compared to the lifetime risk of exacerbating the head injury—”

      “To you it’s just a school game, but as I said, to the town, it’s...”

      “Worth more than Derek’s life?”

      Dr. Harper took a breath. “They don’t see it that way.”

      Her mouth fell open. He couldn’t possibly be serious. If she allowed Derek to play, he could make his concussion worse, and there was even a risk of death.

      “Dr. Harper, surely...”

      “Meera, I’m not arguing with you on medical grounds—I am telling you why the town is angry with you.”

      Meera changed tactics. “What would you have done if you were here instead of me?”

      “I would have done the exact thing you did. The risk to his life is greater than the importance of the game.”

      Meera spread her hands, her eyes wide.

      “But I would have handled the communication differently.”

      He leaned forward and patted Meera’s shoulder in a fatherly gesture. “You should have walked Derek home and then talked to his father. Marty was a football star—he’s put a lot of pressure on Derek, but he’s not heartless. If you’d gone over there to explain things, he’d understand why Derek has to sit out a game or two.”

      “Walk Derek home?” That was unheard of. If Meera did that with every patient, she would have no time left. She knew she was used to a different pace than Dr. Harper’s practice. She’d seen only three patients yesterday, when back in her father’s London practice, she would have evaluated five or six patients an hour.

      “Meera, Dr. Thurm called me before you arrived.”

      At the mention of her supervisor, Meera stiffened. Dr. Thurm had added this month-long rotation as a condition of approving the final dissertation for her research degree. It was an unexpected blemish on her otherwise stellar academic performance. None of the other students in the class were required to do this rotation. He had personally set it up with Dr. Harper after he disapproved the one her father set up in New York.

      “He told me you’re the brightest student he has ever worked with. Your medical knowledge is outstanding.”

      Meera smiled and blushed. Dr. Thurm was very hard on her, as he was on all his students. Coming from him, the statement was high praise indeed.

      “However...he said that while you know medical science, you need to learn the art and practice of medicine.”

      “I’m sorry... I don’t understand what you mean.”

      Dr. Harper opened a drawer and pulled out a stapled document. He handed it to Meera.

      She glanced at it, the title familiar. “This is the publication from my research study—I won an award for this work.”

      “But your brilliant research will never benefit patients.”

      She stared at him. “I don’t understand.”


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