The Italian Next Door. Anna Cleary

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The Italian Next Door - Anna Cleary Mills & Boon Modern Heat

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been her idea of hell, but today … The family looked to be the essence of safe, solid respectability. Was this her chance to escape from the airport and break out into the world of grass, sky and fresh air?

      She eyed Valentino, awaiting her response with apparent patience. What was his motive? Remorse? Something else? ‘I don’t know … Though I guess … Are you sure—it wouldn’t be an intrusion?’

      He made an amused grimace. ‘It would be a relief.’

      ‘They won’t mind?’

      ‘They’ll be fascinated.’

      ‘I wouldn’t want to impede your conversation with your family, or … or your—your privacy in any way.’

      ‘You couldn’t if you tried.’

      ‘Oh, well, then. Thanks.’ She stood up, smoothed down her clothes, picked up her bag. ‘Thanks very much. Though you—you do know this is just a lift, er—Valentino. Nothing more than that.’

      His brows lifted. ‘Scusi, signorina? What else would it be?’ He tilted his head with an expression of polite inquiry, and she felt a pang. Had she been crass to spell it out?

      ‘I was just—ensuring that you—understand …’

      His expression grew grave and quite dignified, as if she was insulting his honour, his reputation, his very heart and soul. She nearly had to pinch herself. Wasn’t this the same bold devil who’d been flirting with her only half an hour since?

      ‘Look, I—I just need to be clear you know that … this is not a pick-up.’

      Looking totally mystified, he drew his black brows together. ‘A pick-up. What is this pick-up? Is it an Australian thing?’

      She flushed and shook her head. ‘No, no. It’s. Look, it’s when …’

      It homed in on her at last that despite his beautiful accent up until now he had really quite excellent English. She stared suspiciously at his solemn, intent face, noting the sly glint in his brilliant dark eyes. ‘You know exactly what I mean, don’t you?’

      He grinned in acknowledgement, then broke into a laugh, his eyes lighting with amusement at her chagrin.

      ‘I might know, signorina.’

      ‘Fine.’ She let out an exasperated breath. ‘Well. So long as you understand I’m accepting this lift purely as a—a—an emergency and I have no intention of being taken for a ride. And it’s Pia.’

      He shot her a keen glance, then his luxuriant black lashes swept smilingly down.

      ‘Pia,’ he echoed. ‘Bella. I am charmed.’

      He was charmed. Well, she might have been a little that way herself, although at the same time she was churned up, confused and irritated. Did he think a woman’s concern for her personal safety was a joke?

      She took the hand he offered her, but briefly. As soon as his hard palm brushed hers her over-reactive skin cells leaped like flying fish on ecstasy. And her hand continued to tingle as she trundled her baggage beside him to where the family waited by the escalator.

      He said, ‘So long as you understand that I will be doing the driving.’ His eyes gleamed, but there was a definiteness in his tone that brooked no argument.

      ‘What a surprise.’ She rolled her eyes, while inside her giddy pulse was rushing like storm water.


      VALENTINO SILVESTRI drove fast, switching from lane to lane and cutting a path into tiny impossible crevices amongst the traffic with blithe disregard for the nerves of his passengers. Pia clung to her seat belt, enduring the aunt’s penetrating voice and trying not to dwell on the possibilities of dying young.

      The aunt had directed the seating arrangement, guarding her menfolk by steering her husband into the front passenger seat and planting her solid self in the back between Pia and the sulky boy. Pia envied the boy his earphones, but resisted retreating to her own for fear of causing offence.

      During a rare lull in the conversation Valentino’s deep dark eyes sought Pia’s briefly in the rear vision mirror and he said in his ravishingly accented voice, ‘So, Pia, why have you abandoned Australia for Italy?’

      ‘I’m here to house-sit for my cousin.’ Pia had to raise her voice a little to be heard. ‘Lauren’s a photographer. She’s gone to Nepal with a film crew to shoot a snow leopard. Maybe you know her. Lauren Renfern?’

      Valentino shook his head. ‘Is she a recent arrival? I haven’t been in Positano for some time.’

      ‘She’s lived there just over a year.’

      ‘There are so many newcomers now we don’t know our own town,’ the aunt chimed in. ‘But you will be very happy. Of course, you will go to Pompeii. Herculaneum is another very fine site. And you must join the climb to Vesuvius, shouldn’t she, amore? Vesuvius is a marvellous experience.’

      ‘And Capri,’ her husband added, turning to encourage Pia. ‘All the turisti go to Capri. You will love it.’

      ‘Shh,’ the aunt hissed, poking her husband and nodding towards Valentino with a frown. In a murmur she added, ‘Have you no respect?’

      Pia glanced at Valentino in surprise. Why shouldn’t Capri be mentioned, or was it the fact of her being a tourist that was the trouble? She saw his sensuous mouth tighten a little in the mirror, but that was the only sign he gave of having heard the aunt’s murmur. A moment later Pia’s gaze accidentally collided with his, and his dark eyes were so compelling, so sensual she forgot everything except the sudden mad rushing in her veins.

      That was why it was such a shock when, just as the first glimpses of the Bay of Napoli hoved into view, the aunt received a call on her cell phone and startled everyone with the announcement that her beloved Maria had started in labour. It was an emergency, the agitated woman declared. She was sorry, but there was no help for it. The journey must be halted and they must speed to her daughter’s side at once.

      There was no option but to alter the itinerary, so at the first available exit they diverted from the autostrada and drove into Napoli, where Valentino deposited the family with all their baggage in the entrance to Maria’s apartment building.

      With their departure a blissful silence descended over the car. While Valentino said his farewells, Pia stayed in her seat, staring out at the busy, ancient, narrow street, craning up at the tall buildings, a sudden tension in her nerves. An anticipation.

      What now? Now she would be alone with him?

      She saw his tall frame turn to stroll back and a shiver thrilled down her spine.

      Valentino paused with his hand on the door handle. A curious sensation charged his blood. His passenger hadn’t moved from her corner. Was she so wary of him?

      With measured calm he got in, reached for the ignition, then turned to examine her.

      Her blue eyes met his frankly, a little defiantly. He felt his blood quicken. He had no wish

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