Expecting the Playboy's Heir. Penny Jordan

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Expecting the Playboy's Heir - Penny Jordan Mills & Boon M&B

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the darkness Julia could almost feel his quick, almost bruisingly hard visual inspection of her shadowed face in a silence that suddenly seemed to be packed tight with explosive tension.

      ‘I meant your jealousy of the fact that ultimately I will inherit Amberley and not you.’

      Julia felt her face start to burn. If she kept on like this Silas would probably start thinking that she was secretly in love with him. And she most certainly was not.

      ‘That’s ridiculous,’ she defended herself. ‘I’ve always known that you will inherit Amberley.’

      ‘And you’ve always resented me because of it.’

      He made it a fact rather than a question.

      ‘No, I haven’t,’ Julia objected immediately.

      ‘Liar. Even as a child you went to extraordinary lengths to make it clear to me that I was an outsider.’

      Julia frowned. ‘That wasn’t because you’ll inherit Amberley.’


      ‘No!’ Reluctantly she admitted, ‘Ma told me, when I was about six that if Gramps died then she and I would have to find somewhere else to live because Amberley would be yours. I suppose she just wanted to warn me what the situation was, but for a long time I was afraid that I would come back from school one day and Gramps would be dead. Ma always did her best, but sometimes not having a father hurts.’

      ‘Tell me about it.’

      Julia glanced at him and then said bleakly, ‘Neither of us has had much luck in that department, have we? Your father died when you were only a few months old and landed you with those ancient trustees you inherited from him, and mine took one look at me and left Ma for someone else. Which do you think is worse? Your father being dead or your father being alive but not wanting you?’

      To her own irritation, her voice had thickened with the tears blurring her eyes. She had thought she’d talked herself out of this kind of self-pity at junior school.

      And even worse than self-pity was the thought of someone else’s pity—especially if that someone else was Silas. To forestall any offer of it she pulled away from him, and was startled to discover how much her body resented its removal from the warmth of his.

      ‘I’d better go and check that the candles are all put out properly.’ The look he gave her made her point out defensively, ‘I am supposed to be working.’


      ‘My job might seem shallow and pointless to you, Silas, and I know that other people envy me because they think I spend all my time mixing with celebrities and partying, but the reality is that neither you nor they appreciate what a tough job this actually is. Lucy’s worked very hard to build up this business, and I owe it to her to do my job as professionally as I can.’

      ‘By schmoozing rich old men and their plastic-fantastic Stepford Wife women?’ Silas taunted her.

      ‘That’s unfair. Corporate and event entertainment is big business—and don’t tell me that you haven’t hired event organisers yourself, because I won’t believe you.’

      Some of the billions of dollars Silas’s grandmother’s family had earned from oil had been used in his grandfather’s time to set up a charitable arts foundation, which Silas now headed.

      Silas gave a small dismissive gesture, his accent suddenly very American as he drawled, ‘Sure. We’ve done stuff—fundraisers at the Met, and in conjunction with the Getty. My mother generally organises them, since she’s the head of our fund-raising committee.’

      She saw the gleam in his eyes as he looked at her. ‘She would have been happy to give you a job—you know that.’

      Julia made no comment. Like everyone, apart from Silas himself, Julia was slightly in awe of Silas’s charming but formidably organised and successful mother.

      ‘Lucy asked me first, and I couldn’t let her down.’

      ‘But you could allow her husband to proposition you?’

      Julia’s mouth compressed.

      ‘Nick and Lucy are going through a bad patch.’

      ‘And having sex with you was going to be a Band-Aid to hold their marriage together?’

      Julia didn’t bother to make any response, simply walking away from him instead, but his words were very much in her thoughts as she checked that all the candles were being doused properly.

      She had felt so envious of Lucy when she and Nick had married, and so determined to make sure that no one guessed how she felt, but just lately she had begun to see Nick in a different light, and to feel sorry for Lucy instead of envying her.

      In fact, refusing Nick’s blandishments and often openly sexual hints that he wasn’t happy in his marriage had proved to be surprisingly easy. Nick made no secret of the fact that he considered himself to be an accomplished lover, openly boasting to her of the pleasure he could give her, but some instinct told her that in bed he would not be in the same class as Silas.

      Her face burned hotly with guilt as she recognised the path along which her thoughts were trespassing. Silas’s sexual expertise or lack of it was not something she should be thinking about or interested in. After all, he had never shown any kind of sexual interest in her.

      Until tonight.

      Tonight? That passionless brush of his mouth against her own?

      Passionless for him, maybe, but she had certainly felt a distinct kick of sexual curiosity galvanising her body.

      Don’t even think about going there, Julia muttered warningly to herself, and then jumped as Nick materialised at her side and demanded huskily, ‘Missed me?’

      ‘Have you been somewhere?’ Julia riposted sweetly. ‘I’ve been too busy to notice—although I expect Lucy will be wondering where you are.’

      ‘Well, in the morning you can tell her that I spent the night in your bed, if you want to.’

      He was standing in front of her, blocking her in, having placed one hand on the column behind her.

      ‘I’ve already told you, Nick, I’m not interested.’

      ‘Of course you are. You’ve been acting like a bitch on heat ever since I dropped you for Lucy.’ He was smiling at her as though the words had been a compliment and not an insult, Julia saw, and a surge of angry contempt for him mixed with compassionate pity for Lucy gathered force inside her.

      ‘Really?’ She kept her voice deliberately light. ‘I must tell Silas that. He’ll be delighted to learn that other men are aware of how much I want him.’

      Immediately Nick removed his hand from the column behind her.

      ‘Silas?’ he demanded. ‘You mean Silas is shagging you?’

      ‘We are lovers, yes,’ Julia lied firmly. How could she ever have found anything attractive in Nick? Even the way he spoke revealed his contempt

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