Protecting The Colton Bride. Elle James
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“On a cattle ranch, you would have put your knee in a cow patty.”
“Anything for the woman I was about to ask to marry me.” Daniel held her hands, his gaze intense, the smile sliding away. “I’d have asked you properly, saying something flowery and sincere, like this. ‘Megan, you outshine the stars in the sky and make my heart beat faster whenever you’re around.’”
Megan laughed, the sound catching in her throat. “That would be a good start.”
“‘Would you marry me and make me the happiest man alive?’” He nodded to her. “And you would fall into my arms, crying happy tears, shouting yes at the top of your lungs.”
A real tear slipped from the corner of her eye and trailed down her cheek.
Daniel caught it on the tip of his finger. “You’ve got the idea.”
“A proposal like that would make it hard for a girl to refuse.”
“That’s where the liquor comes in to seal the deal.” He curled his fingers around hers. “So, Megan Talbot, will you marry me for however long it takes to sort out our troubles?”
Her heart breaking just a little, Megan wanted to say no. Daniel still had a long way to go before he fell in love with her, if he ever did. Then again, if she wanted to save her horses, this option seemed to be her only recourse on her father’s short deadline. If she married, she’d have the money she needed, and her father couldn’t expect her to come home to California to live.
He let go of her hands and stepped back. “Want time to think about it? I know it sounds crazy. You might feel better if we put the agreement in writing. I don’t want your inheritance, if that’s what you’re afraid of.”
“No, I trust you, and no, I don’t want time to think about it. My answer is yes.” If she thought about it too long, she’d talk herself out of it, and she couldn’t afford to pass up the offer. “For the horses.”
“Right. For the horses.”
Daniel circled the single-engine Mooney as he went through his preflight checklist of the airplane. Flaps. Check. Horizontal stabilizer. Check. Ring?
Panic struck. He stopped in the middle of his inspection and dug into his pocket for his grandmother’s wedding ring. He wished he’d had time to take it to a jeweler to have it sized properly and fitted into a pretty box for safekeeping. But after they’d made their decision, they’d agreed they had little time to dawdle.
In the past hour, he’d taken care of the animals and informed Jack he’d be leaving. Then he’d arranged for someone to take care of the breeder barn in his absence and check on Halo through her recovery.
He’d barely had time to pack a bag and file a flight plan with the Tulsa airport. In less than thirty minutes, he and Megan would be on their way to Vegas to get married.
Holy smokes! He was getting married.
Granted, it was a marriage of convenience, but it was no less nerve-racking. Megan came from a family far above Daniel’s social class. Hell, for the first ten years of his life, he’d lived on the reservation in a trailer. Megan grew up in the lap of luxury, surrounded by people who took care of her every need. How could he compete with that?
He’d never truly been one of the elite Coltons, either. He’d never felt like he quite fit in.
Now he was marrying into a family known nationwide for their wealth and prestige. Megan’s parents were often in the news attending various events.
Then he reminded himself that she’d given up that lifestyle to come to work for him. She was willing to muck stalls and get her hands into the dirty and not so pleasant tasks of raising horses. Her fancy upbringing hadn’t slowed her down one bit. She was tough and fearless when it came to working with the large animals.
Megan had driven back to her apartment in Tulsa to throw some clothes into a suitcase and get back to the ranch. She’d be here any minute, ready to climb aboard the small plane the Coltons owned.
Damn. Where was that ring? When he couldn’t find the pretty emerald-and-diamond ring, he nearly had a heart attack.
“Daniel!” Ryan Colton, Daniel’s half brother, emerged from the darkness of the hangar into the bright Oklahoma sunlight. “Heard you were heading to Vegas.”
“I am,” he said, digging deeper into both front pockets.
Ryan’s eyes narrowed. “Forget your key to the plane?” His lips twitched.
Daniel’s fingers connected with metal, and the tension in his shoulders released. The ring was safe in his pocket. “No, thank goodness, I have it.”
“Dude, the plane doesn’t take a key.”
His mind on the trip ahead, Daniel ignored Ryan’s comment. “What brings you out to the hangar?”
“Jack informed me Halo was poisoned. What’s going on?”
The tension returning for an entirely different reason, Daniel’s chest tightened. “The lab reported they found poison in Halo’s blood. We have no idea how it happened.”
“Maybe she got hold of something in the barn or in the field.”
“Megan and I went over the entire barn, thoroughly cleaned Halo’s stall and couldn’t find anything that would have poisoned her. We don’t use rat poison in the barn.”
Ryan smiled. “That’s why we have Sleek.”
“Right, and we have too much invested in the horses we keep in the breeder barn to risk storing anything poisonous there.”
“Do you think someone might have given it to her?”
Daniel had considered that option. “Who would want to hurt Halo? She’s one of the best mares in my breeding program, and she’s got the best temperament.”
“I don’t know.” Ryan scratched his chin. “Do you know of any competing breeders who’d go to the trouble of sabotaging your horses?”
Daniel shook his head. “It’s not like she’s a race horse with the potential to win a derby.” He shrugged. “It makes no sense.”
“I’ll nose around and see if I can learn anything that’ll shed some light.”
“Hey, on another topic, is Greta back from Oklahoma City?” Ryan asked.
His half sister, Greta, had been in Oklahoma City busily planning her wedding to Mark Stanton, the son of one of the wealthiest families in the state. He missed her expertise with the horses. She was one of the best trainers he’d known.
“Not that I know of.” Daniel checked beneath the plane for any leaks. “Why do you ask?”