Tracking Secrets. Heather Woodhaven

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Tracking Secrets - Heather Woodhaven Mills & Boon Love Inspired Suspense

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her, the physical barrier made her heart slow ever so slightly. “I’ll feel a lot safer once we’re inside that house. I hope someone’s home.”

      He pulled a phone out of his pocket and dialed. “We need to find a signal now. I don’t think those jammers can cover that large a distance.” He ran a few steps. “Weak,” he muttered. His eyebrows rose. “Dial tone.” He pressed a few numbers and held it up to his ear. “We need help.”

      Alexis put a hand on her racing heart and issued a silent prayer of thanks that he’d been able to reach the authorities. Their pace didn’t slow as Nick spoke feverishly about men with guns and rattled off an address Alexis didn’t recognize.

      “Please hurry.” Nick swiveled the cell phone so the microphone rested on his shoulder. “They want me to stay on the line until they get here.”

      He looked over her shoulder, and she followed his gaze. The property appeared to be roughly five acres until a line of trees obscured the rest. She imagined that just past it was the walking path and the river. “Is that them?”

      The sound of cracking branches in the distance made her flinch.

      “Follow me.” They sprinted until they reached the porch of the house. He lifted the phone to his ear. “It sounds like they’ve made it to the trail behind my property. I have to put the phone down now. Please hurry.”

      His property? He pulled a set of keys out of his pocket and opened the navy blue door. Past the darkened hallway, bright sunshine streamed through a wall of windows. A rifle suddenly blocked her view, taking her breath away.

      Nick held one in each hand. “I hope you know how to shoot a gun.”


      Nick reached back into the gun safe hidden within his front closet to grab ammunition. He had only a couple of guns just in case wolves attacked his horses. When he first acquired the property, the previous owner said it’d be a good precaution. So far, there hadn’t been any need. “Ideally we won’t have to use these.”

      “I’ve shot a handgun.” She held the rifle gingerly with both hands. “Once. A cop I knew was showing me how. I decided it wasn’t for me.” Her hair looked wild and mussed, and one side of her blouse was no longer tucked into the skirt. “I’d rather hide than try to use this.”

      He glanced out the window and squinted. The white metal through the trees slowed. If the men in the truck didn’t have binoculars, they wouldn’t be able to see Alexis and him. But if they did...

      “Step into the shadows.” He waved at Raven to lie down again, and the dog complied.

      The truck didn’t make another appearance, but men spilled from the trees onto his property. Maybe barbed wire fences weren’t overkill after all. He shoved the ammunition into the rifle and proceeded to load the second rifle for her. “Only as a precaution.”

      She nodded. “How many times have you shot a gun?”

      It probably wouldn’t help her anxiety to admit he was no sharpshooter. Sure, he practiced, but only enough to feel safe and competent. It wasn’t a hobby or something he considered fun. He’d rather ride a horse or hike in his free time.

      “Enough to know what I’m doing,” he replied. The thought of having to shoot at a human being made his stomach turn. “You stay here and holler if they reach the wooden fence. I’m going to my office to see if they’re approaching from the side.”

      For a second he thought she’d refuse, but she inhaled and took a knee at the corner of the hallway and the living room. Raven lay down and rested her head against Alexis, who flinched and stared at the dog warily but didn’t move away.

      He wondered what her story was, because there were few people in the world who could resist the charms of such a sweet Labrador. But then again, he couldn’t judge her true personality when they’d just had to run away from gunmen.

      He strode down the hall and lifted the window just enough that he could slip the barrel of the gun outside to aim. He closed his eyes a half second. “Please, Lord,” he whispered, “defend us.”

      The dog howled, a mournful song with vibrato.

      “Nick, how do I get her to stop?” Alexis cried out. “They’re going to know we’re here for sure if she keeps this up.”

      He ran back to them. Raven remained on the ground but pointed her nose in the air as she released another song. Odd unless... He strained his ears. “Listen.”

      Alexis dropped the rifle and stood up, a gorgeous smile on her face. “The police. Help is coming.” She looked over her shoulder to the window. Men were running back into the trees. “They hear it, too.” She placed a hand on his arm. “Thank you for getting us somewhere safe.”

      The rifle rested at his side. He was relieved, as well, but the danger had been too close, too real. His chest hurt from either breathing too hard or the fight to keep his heart from jumping out of his chest.

      His mom had already received one sorrowful call too many. It would’ve destroyed her to be told her remaining son was also killed by drug dealers.

      His brother, an undercover federal agent, had been killed by the drug runners he had tried to expose. Nick wouldn’t allow his brother’s death to be in vain, and while it didn’t make sense for him to abandon his veterinary training and take his brother’s place in the DEA, he could step up and lead. The memory of his brother had driven Nick to develop an interest in politics.

      In his opinion, the current elected officials weren’t doing all they could to diminish the impact of living in what the government had deemed a High Intensity Drug Trafficking Area. No one wanted to acknowledge the label, but living right alongside a major interstate meant they needed to face facts. Which was why he was running for mayor in the upcoming election.

      The sirens grew closer. Alexis glanced back and forth between the view of the backyard and the front window. Raven stopped her soulful song but looked at Nick with expectation. He opened the front door in time to see two police cars pull to a stop in his circular drive.

      He set the rifle against the doorway before he ran down the stairs to greet them. Four officers jumped out of the two vehicles. They all seemed to have eyes only for Alexis. Nick still hadn’t gotten used to feeling like the outsider in the town where he’d lived for over a year now.

      “They are driving on the hiking trail just past the trees,” Alexis shouted as she stepped beside him. “If you hurry you can get them.”

      While he’d never seen vehicles on the trail before, it was wide enough to accommodate horses, bikes and runners, and if the cops didn’t hurry, the men would be able to drive all the way to the parking lot at the trailhead. Once there, they could hit the road that went into town or take the interstate and disappear.

      The older policeman who seemed to be in charge pointed a finger at the men in front of him. Two officers jumped into the first cruiser and took off. The remaining officer looked significantly younger, as if he was fresh out of high school.

      “Chief Spencer,” Alexis said, “I didn’t get a chance to tell them it was a white pickup truck.”


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