The Cornish Cream Tea Bus: Part Two – The Éclair Affair. Cressida McLaughlin
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‘Oh God, I hadn’t thought of that. Do you really think he’d act out some kind of retribution? He said he was insured!’
Oliver shook his head. ‘I have no idea, but I’m glad that I’m going to be there.’
‘You are?’
He gave her a warm smile. ‘If you’re having a festival in this idyllic seaside village, The Marauding Mojito needs to be a part of it. And you need to watch your back around that Daniel guy. There was something about him I didn’t trust.’
‘Are you really coming to my festival?’ Charlie asked.
He nodded.
She had her first official booking. It might actually happen: instead of her and her bus and an empty marquee that she’d forced Lawrence to promise to put up to make it look busy, she might actually have other food stalls there. One down, only about twenty more to go. ‘Thank you, Oliver,’ she said. ‘You won’t regret it, I promise.’
She waved cheerily at Juliette as they approached the bus, and wondered what Oliver had seen in Daniel that made him wary. He was undoubtedly annoying, and he spoke his mind regardless of who it might offend. But untrustworthy? She didn’t know him well enough to determine that, so how could Oliver pass judgement? And she couldn’t ignore the skip of happiness she’d felt when Daniel had said he was looking forward to her festival. He was coming, so she needed to try even harder to make it a success. She couldn’t look like an idiot in front of Daniel Harper twice.
Charlie poured a generous measure of wine into her and Juliette’s glasses. ‘Here’s to a first successful fair for The Cornish Cream Tea Bus. Thank you so much for helping me today, you and Lawrence. I wouldn’t have managed a whole day by myself. Or, I would have, but—’
‘But you wouldn’t have been able to skive off with that delicious Oliver bloke.’ Juliette clinked her glass against Charlie’s.
‘Delicious?’ Charlie frowned. ‘He’s not unattractive, but …’
‘He seems too chirpy, somehow. As if he’s a cartoon character rather than a real person.’
‘Says Charlie Quilter, queen of Glass Half-Full. You don’t have the right to say that anyone’s too chirpy.’
‘Hey! I can be miserable. I was a mess after I found out about Stuart. And then, with Hal …’ She glanced out of the pub window, watching the waves, distorted by the warped glass.
‘But you make the best out of everything,’ Juliette said. ‘You’ve had some horrible stuff happen recently, but you’re not in your pyjamas watching Friends reruns, you’ve started up your own business. If you and Oliver got together you’d be a positive force to be reckoned with. If he asks you out for a drink, will you say yes?’
Charlie nodded, absent-mindedly stroking Marmite, who was snuffling happily on the seat next to her. Oliver was good-looking, and kind – he’d sought her out twice, first to help and then to say hello. But maybe that was his nature, being friendly with other traders; one of those people who managed to build a community despite doing something transient. But she would like to see him again. He was good company – and now they had travelling food businesses in common.
‘I saw Daniel today,’ she said, deftly changing the subject, although her feelings about him were even less straightforward and, by the look on Juliette’s face, she wasn’t the only one. ‘He was promoting Crystal Waters, though I don’t think he was supposed to be there, he just popped in and … what is it about him, Jules? I get that he’s smug and overconfident, but that wouldn’t normally be enough for you to be so utterly opposed to someone.’
‘He’s selfish, and he’s shitty about everything.’
‘But is he really like that? What has he done, other than run a luxury hotel on the cliff and not spend a huge amount of time in the village? Marmite rushed in and destroyed a very expensive display, and he would have been well within his rights to be furious with me, or at the very least get me to pay for the damages, but he just teased me. That doesn’t fall under the banner of “shitty about everything”, so what has he done to you?’
‘It’s what he hasn’t done that’s the crime.’
‘What hasn’t he done, then? God, Jules, don’t be so exasperating!’
‘He didn’t use me for his marketing, OK?’ Juliette made a low growl in the back of her throat, shook her head and offered Charlie a weak smile. ‘Sorry, but it makes me so mad. Still. It was just after we’d moved here. I heard that he was going to rebrand everything, so I put myself forward. It was a huge contract, very well paid, and it was stuff I could really do well. I was excited about it. Coming up with a new logo, revamping their website. Daniel wanted a complete overhaul and we had this meeting, and I basically thought it was a done deal. And then, a week later, I got this terse, professional email saying that he’d gone with someone else, that he was very sorry but he wouldn’t be using me.’
‘Maybe I’m making more of it than I should be. But we had finalized everything, even the work schedule. I was waiting for him to sign the contract. It was mine, and then suddenly it wasn’t. I’d turned down a couple of other clients in order to take it on, and then I got this email. His apology was so formal, so cold, especially considering how friendly he’d been at our meeting.’
‘He never gave you a proper explanation?’
Juliette shook her head. ‘And he’s been so … distant since then. He knows what he did was awful, but he won’t try and bridge the gap. And he lives here, but Myrtle never sees him in the shop and he doesn’t drink in here. Everything for his hotel comes from elsewhere. He could promote SeaKing Safaris, do some kind of deal with them for his guests, but he doesn’t. If Porthgolow isn’t good enough for him, then why is he running his hotel here? A place isn’t just its scenery, it’s all the people that make it.’
‘It is,’ Charlie murmured. Now that she’d heard Juliette’s explanation, she was puzzled. Daniel hadn’t given her an easy ride, but other than saying some hurtful things about Gertie before her transformation, he hadn’t been hostile. She wondered why he’d blown so hot and cold towards Juliette, especially when it was clear he valued his hotel and his reputation. It wasn’t her business, but Juliette was her friend, and she hated the thought of someone upsetting her. She would have to try and find out what was going on.
The Newquay Surf Festival at the beginning of June turned out to be a hotbed of cream-tea lovers. At half past three, once the competition had ended for the day, Charlie’s bus was full of athletic men in wetsuits or tight-fitting T-shirts, a few in only swimming shorts and flip-flops. She would have to spend that evening vacuuming the sand out of the bus, but on this occasion it was worth it.
‘Top coffee,’ said a man with mirrored sunglasses perched over his dark hair. ‘Your bus going to be in Newquay often?’
She resisted the urge to say ‘as often as you want’, and instead told him about Porthgolow. ‘I’m organizing a festival on the beach. There will be other food trucks, hopefully a party atmosphere.’
‘Awesome. What’s your Insta? You anything to do with