A Baby To Bind His Bride. Caitlin Crews

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A Baby To Bind His Bride - Caitlin Crews Mills & Boon Modern

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style="font-size:15px;">      Because the sad truth was, she might be the only one who cared.

      And she told herself that the only reason why she cared was because finding him would set her free.

      Susannah strode toward the gates, her skin crawling with every step she took. She knew the video cameras were trained on her, but she was worried about something worse than surveillance. Like snipers. She rather doubted anyone built a great fortress in the woods like the one she saw before her, sprawling this way and that, if they didn’t intend to defend it.

      “Stop right there!”

      She couldn’t see where the voice came from, exactly. But Susannah stopped anyway. And raised her hands up, though not entirely over her head. There was no point coming over completely submissive.

      “I’m here to see the Count,” she called into the silent, chilly forest all around her.

      Nothing happened.

      For a moment Susannah thought nothing would. But then, slowly, a door at the side of one of the great gates before her swung open.

      She held her breath. Would this be Leonidas after all this time?

      A man came out through the door, but it wasn’t Leonidas. This man was much shorter than the husband she’d lost, with an alarming semiautomatic rifle slung over his shoulder and a distinctly unfriendly expression on his round face.

      “You need to get off our mountain,” he told her, waving the rifle as punctuation.

      But he was frowning at her as he spoke. At her clothes, Susannah realized after a moment. Because she certainly wasn’t dressed for an assault on a compound. Or even a walk in the woods, for that matter.

      “I have no particular desire to be on this mountain,” she replied crisply. “I only want to see the Count.”

      “The Count sees who he wants to see, and never on demand.” The man’s voice throbbed with fervor. And more than that, fury. As if he couldn’t believe Susannah’s temerity in suggesting she should have access to a being of such greatness.

      It was possible she was imagining that part. What did she know about cult members?

      She inclined her head at the man. “He’ll want to see me.”

      “The count is a busy man,” the man scoffed. “He doesn’t have time for strange women who appear out of nowhere like they’re begging to get shot.”

      That would be a direct threat where she came from, Susannah reflected, while her heart beat out a desperate tattoo in her chest. She reminded herself that here, in the middle of this vast and dangerous wilderness, the people who held these places had a different relationship to their weapons. And to threats, for that matter.

      The man before her was perhaps being nothing but matter-of-fact.

      “I’m not looking to get shot,” she told him as calmly as possible. “But the Count will want to see me, I’m sure of it.” She wasn’t sure of any such thing. The fact that Leonidas had locked himself away in this place and started calling himself something so ridiculous suggested that he had no desire to be located. Ever. But she wasn’t going to get into that with one of his wild-eyed true believers. She aimed a cool smile the guard’s way instead. “Why don’t you take me to him and he can tell you so himself?”

      “Lady, I’m not going to tell you again. You should turn around. You need to get off this hill and never come back here again.”

      “I’m not going to do that,” Susannah said, with that iron matter-of-factness she’d developed over the past few years. As if she expected her orders to be obeyed simply because she’d issued them. As if she was Leonidas himself instead of the young widow everyone knew he’d never meant to leave in charge of anything, much less the whole of his fortune. But Susannah had done exactly what her mother had told her to do. She’d taken Leonidas’s name and gained his authority at the same time. She’d been confounding people in the corporate world he’d left behind with this exact same attitude for years now. “I have to see the Count. That’s nonnegotiable. Whatever needs to happen so that I can do that is up to you. I don’t care.”

      “Listen, lady—”

      “Or you can shoot me,” Susannah suggested coolly. “But those are the only two possible outcomes here.”

      The man blinked at her as if he didn’t know what to do. Susannah didn’t entirely blame him. She didn’t cower. She didn’t shift her weight from side to side or give any indication that she was anything but perfectly calm. She simply stood there as if it was completely natural that she should be thousands of feet high on the side of a mountain in the Idaho wilderness. She gazed back at the strange man before her as if she marched up to the doors of cults and demanded entry every day of the week.

      She stared at him until it became clear that he was the one who was ill at ease, not her.

      “Who the hell are you?” he finally demanded.

      “I’m so glad you asked,” Susannah said then, and this time, her smile was something less than cool. Something more like a weapon and she’d had four years to learn how to shoot it. “I’m the Count’s wife.”


      THE COUNT DIDN’T have a wife.

      Or he hadn’t had one in as long as he could remember—but that was the trouble with everything, wasn’t it? It was eating at him more and more these days that there were so many things he couldn’t remember.

      There were more things he couldn’t remember than things he could. And all of them had happened in the last four years.

      His followers told the stories of how they’d found this place. How they’d come here, each finding his or her own way up the mountain and proving themselves worthy of entry. They spoke of what they’d left behind. The people, the places. The things. The dreams and expectations.

      But the Count knew only the compound.

      His first memory was of waking up in the expansive set of rooms he still occupied. He been battered, broken. It had taken him a long time to return to anything approaching health. To sit, then stand. Then slowly, painfully, walk. And even when he’d been walking around of his own volition at last, he hadn’t felt that his body was back to his standard.

      Though he couldn’t have said what his standard was.

      It had taken him almost eighteen months to feel something like normal.

      And another eighteen months to realize that no matter what he pretended because it seemed to make his people so nervous when he did not, he didn’t really know what normal was.

      Because he still couldn’t remember anything but this. Here. Now.

      His people assured him it was preordained. They told him that it was all a part of the same glorious plan. They had gathered, they had prayed, and so to them a leader had appeared in this same forest where they lived. The end.

      The Count had agreed because there was

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