Best Friend To Royal Bride / Surprise Baby For The Billionaire. Annie Claydon

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Best Friend To Royal Bride / Surprise Baby For The Billionaire - Annie Claydon Mills & Boon Medical

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now will help us in the future.’

      Even the scale of Alex’s wealth wasn’t going to finance his dreams of creating and running a chain of clinics all over the country. This was about the future—one that Alex was going to build for himself.

      ‘That sounds great. Does Sonya know someone at the Institute?’

      ‘No, but it turns out that a couple of the Institute’s board of directors went to my school and they vaguely remember me. Sonya’s managed to swing a couple of invitations.’

      ‘So Sonya’s going with you?’ That would be good. She’d keep Alex in line and on message.

      ‘No, she’s going with her husband. The second invitation is for you.’

      ‘What?’ All the quiet peace of the garden suddenly evaporated. ‘Tell me you’re joking, Alex.’

      ‘Why would I be? You have as much to say about the clinic as me.’

      He leaned forward, his eyes betraying the touch of mischief that Marie loved so much. At any other time than this.

      ‘And the whole point of a man’s dinner suit is to show off a woman’s dress.’

      Suddenly she felt sick. ‘I can’t hobnob with the rich and famous, Alex. I don’t know how to talk with these people, or how to act.’

      ‘How about just the same as you always do?’

      There was a trace of hurt in his voice. He was rich. And it was only a matter of time before he’d be famous. She knew Alex was under no illusions that he could keep his royal status under wraps indefinitely—he just wanted to put the moment off for as long as he could.

      ‘I can’t, Alex. I just…can’t.’

      He thought for a moment, his face grave. ‘Okay. If you can’t do it, then you can’t. I’m not going to tell you that the clinic needs you, or that I need you, because that wouldn’t give you any choice. You’re always there for the people who need you.’

      ‘What do you mean?’ The lump in Marie’s throat betrayed her. She knew exactly what he meant.

      ‘You’ve always been there for your mother and brothers. Don’t get me wrong—that’s a fine thing, and I envy you it. I’d have done anything for my mother to need me a bit more. But I know it’s not been easy for you; it never is for people who care for the people they love.’

      She’d been thinking the same about Terri, just moments ago. He was right, but Marie dismissed the thought. It was too awkward.

      ‘So you’re telling me I don’t have to go?’

      ‘Of course. You don’t have to do anything. I’d really like you to go, because I think you’re selling yourself short. And because a very wise person once told me that I needed to accept who I am and write my own script. I’d like you to accept who I am and come with me, as my friend.’

      Dammit. Saying he needed her would have been easy compared to this. Alex was reaching out, asking her to step out of her comfort zone and meet him halfway.

      ‘So when is this reception?’

      ‘Next month. I could go dress-shopping with you…?’

      He looked as if he’d enjoy that far too much.

      ‘No, that’s fine. I can handle that.’

      ‘Then you’re coming?’

      ‘Yes, all right. I’ll come.’

      At least it would serve as a reminder to her that she and Alex came from different worlds. That they could be friends, but anything more was unthinkable. It had always been unthinkable, but it was doubly so now that they were working together.

      He grinned. ‘Great. I’ll let Sonya know. Should I quit while I’m winning?’

      She could never resist his smile. ‘Yes. Please do that, Alex.’

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