Red-Hot Affairs. Lucy King

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Red-Hot Affairs - Lucy King Mills & Boon M&B

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for an entirely different reason.

      Why would she be after him? How did she know who he was?

      Unless she’d been watching him.

      As suspicion slammed into him his pulse began to race. She couldn’t be …

      He ran his gaze over her again, this time skating over the curves and the clothing. This time his eyes clocked the camera slung over her shoulder. The corner of a notebook and the pen sticking out of the back pocket of her shorts. The hopeful, eager look on her face.

      The chill running through his body turned to ice. Oh, damn. It appeared she was.

      His gaze trailed back up and he scrutinised her features, comparing them against the bank of journalistic faces he’d filed away over the past few months. But he drew a blank. Whoever she worked for, he thought grimly, she was new.

      Stamping down hard on something that felt suspiciously like disappointment, Matt hardened his heart. Why was he surprised? Why was he disappointed? Once again life was simply proving that some people were only out for what they could get.

      ‘I’m glad we bumped into each other,’ she said.

      He just bet she was. ‘Why?’

      The smile faltered and her eyes widened a fraction at his tone. ‘I was on my way to see you.’

      ‘Were you?’ he drawled as a strange sort of numbness seeped through him.

      ‘You’ve come from the manor house.’

      ‘I have.’

      Matt shoved his hands in the pockets of his jeans and rocked back on his heels, deciding to wait and see to what lengths this one would go to wangle an interview. Her outfit was certainly designed to kill.

      ‘Nice place.’

      ‘Thank you,’ he said coolly.

      ‘Fabulous detail on the gabling.’


      ‘Absolutely. And beautiful—er—grounds.’


      ‘Are you the gardener?’

      Matt frowned. The gardener? Hah. ‘I’m the owner.’ As if she didn’t know.

      Her eyes widened. ‘Oh.’ And then she gave him a smile that had the ground beneath his feet tilting all over again before he could tell it not to. ‘Well, that’s even better.’

      ‘Of course it is.’

      She frowned and blinked. ‘What?’

      Oh, she did the innocent thing very well. ‘What do you want?’ he said.

      Laura’s smile faltered. ‘If it’s not too much trouble, I was wondering if I could come over and take some photos. Of your house,’ she added.

      Too much trouble? Matt’s jaw clenched. The complete and utter gall of the woman.

      ‘It would only be for a second,’ she added, as if sensing his reluctance. ‘You know, just a few shots. If you wouldn’t mind …’

      Matt’s tenuous grip on his patience snapped. ‘Yes, I do mind, and no, you can’t.’

      The smile slid from her face and she recoiled as if he’d slapped her. For a moment she just stood there, staring at him in shock, her face draining of colour so fast he thought she might be about to pass out.

      Matt steeled himself against the brief stab of guilt and the flash of distress in her eyes and told himself not to be so idiotically soft.

      What the hell had she expected? That he’d welcome her into his house with open arms? That he’d want to be photographed lounging on the sofa in his drawing room? That he’d roll over and offer her a double-page spread of the new ruler of Sassania ‘at home’?

      If she really thought that, she could think again.

      Laura blinked a couple of times and then pulled her shoulders back. ‘Oh. Right,’ she said blankly. ‘Well. Sorry to have bothered you. Enjoy your weekend.’

      Like that was a possibility now.

      As she gave him a vague nod and turned to walk back in the direction she had presumably come from, Matt’s hand shot out and clamped around her upper arm. ‘Not so fast.’


      WHAT the hell?

      Laura felt Matt’s fingers dig into her arm and went rigid as alarm flooded through her.

      Well, alarm and a whole lot of something else. But alarm was what she decided to channel at that particular moment. Because he might have eyes the colour of dark molten chocolate and thick brown hair that her fingers itched to thread through. He might have a voice that made her think of whisky and honey and warm nights in front of a fire. And he might have a body that she longed to get her hands on.

      But he was clearly a psychopath.

      All she’d wanted was a bit of a snoop and a few lousy shots of his house, for goodness’ sake. Anyone would think she’d been after his soul.

      ‘Ow,’ she muttered, wincing and trying to wriggle away from beneath his fingers.

      His grip loosened and she pulled back and rubbed her arm where her skin burned. If she had any sense whatsoever she’d be spinning on her heel and racing back to the safety of her cottage. For although she’d been drooling over his house for weeks, at no point had she considered the fact that its owner would be anything other than congenial and cooperative.

      Hah. How wrong could you get?

      Laura glanced up to find him glowering at her and nearly swooned at the fierceness of his glare. Whatever his problem was, and he clearly had many, she wanted nothing to do with it. She had enough problems of her own. The biggest one at the moment being the treacherous way her body appeared to respond to him.

      When he’d taken her hand she’d nearly leapt a foot in the air from the jolt of electricity that shot up her arm. And then when he’d looked her up and down, so thoroughly, as if he could see right through her clothes, every inch of her body had burned in the wake of his gaze. The heat that had whipped through her when she’d been ogling him through her binoculars had been nothing compared to the scorching heat that was thundering through her now.

      In the face of such blatant hostility her reaction to him was perverse.

      What exactly was it about that penetrating stare of his that pinned her to the spot? Why were her insides going all squirmy and quivery? And more importantly, why wasn’t she taking advantage of the fact that he’d released her, and running off just as fast as her size sevens would carry her?

      That was what the old Laura,

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