Her Every Fantasy. Zara Cox

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Her Every Fantasy - Zara Cox Mills & Boon Dare

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to upset you. You’re more important to me.’

      The unexpected response disarmed me for all of two seconds before I rallied. ‘Am I? If I’m so important why have you done such a bang-up job of avoiding me for the last three years? Tell me, if it hadn’t been for that prime piece of real estate you currently covet, would I have heard from you at all?’ I asked with every scrap of bitterness broiling in my gut.

      And watched all the warmth leave her face. ‘You think I reconnected with you because of the lease?’ she asked through stiff lips.

      ‘Didn’t you? Perhaps you should go back and read your email. See how many lines referred to me and how many stated what you need from me.’

      Her fingers tightened around the stem of her glass. ‘I was wrong. You haven’t just become cold, Bryce. You’ve also turned nasty.’

      The barbs bounced off me. ‘I state things as they are. Sugar-coating is for little boys and girls. If that’s too much for you to handle, we can end this right now.’

      Eyes one shade darker with an emotion I didn’t feel like examining stared back at me for several taut seconds. Then she picked up her fork. ‘You’re not getting rid of me that easily. I’m going to eat this starter, Bryce, because you’re right, I don’t want to upset your chef. And because for whatever reason he’s known to prepare one of my favourite dishes even without having met me before. After I do it justice, we’re going to settle whatever it is that’s bugging you—’

      ‘Are you really going to sit there and plead ignorance, Savannah?’

      She flinched. ‘I’m not going to accept blame for anything until the charges are spelt out. But if you think I don’t have a few bones to pick with you too, think again, Bryce James Mortimer.’

      For some absurd reason, hearing her say my full name made my stomach flip. Followed swiftly by a twitch in my trousers.

      I took another sip of wine, watched as she tackled a bite of succulent lobster before washing it down with a mouthful of wine. Watched her swallow with a little hum of pleasure, a habit she seemingly hadn’t curbed.

      ‘Is that so?’

      ‘Hmm, very much so. Now, shut up for a minute and let me enjoy my food.’

      She forked another bite of juicy lobster, brought it to her mouth and wrapped her plump lips around it.

      Then closed her eyes and moaned with zero shame.

      I cursed that thick heft of lust that dropped into my groin and wrapped itself sinuously around my cock. With a disgruntled shift in my seat, I set my glass down and picked up my own cutlery. In silence we polished off the starter, and I watched her charm the chef with effusive thanks as he cleared away and hurried off to fetch the main course.

      The main course of creamy chicken risotto with shaved truffles went down a treat with her too, while my appetite dwindled in contrast, and I was staring at Savvie’s lips when she opened them after the last bite and said the one word that knocked dread into my stomach. ‘Truth.’



      THE MAN I’D called my best friend until a dizzying series of events dissolved the title like sugar in hot water stared at me dispassionately. It was a good thing I’d finished my meal or I’d have lost my appetite. The look wasn’t just in his eyes. It seeped through every shrug, every curl of lips I’d once thought were the most perfectly created set of lips on earth. Every indifferent sip of excellent wine.

      I looked deeper, pathetically desperate to find something else. Something more. A reminder of those semi-carefree years when we’d talk on the phone for hours, sleep for an hour and resume conversations the moment we saw one another in person.

      But the man I knew had been replaced by a harder, edgier version of a Bryce Mortimer who’d been hard and edgy and cynical to start off with. I’d only fooled myself into thinking our friendship had softened those hard edges, that being around me and my eclectic family he’d believed was perfect had smoothed a few jagged spikes embedded by his family and his emotionally stunted upbringing.

      More fool me.

      For the longest time, I’d hoped and prayed, hinted and whispered, while silently screaming, See me. Me. Choose me.

      Bryce had seen. And concluded I wasn’t enough.

      Nothing and no one would ever be enough. It’d taken me far too long to accept that. Even longer to get over it. All he’d ever wanted was low-maintenance friendship, something to take the edge off his hectic social and dysfunctional family life. And stupidly, I’d forced myself to fit the mould, to be whatever I needed to be to stay in his life. Unfortunately by doing that, I’d almost lost myself. And yes, a part of me hated Bryce for it.

      Well, he’d made it clear he was all about settling scores.

      I had a few of my own to put to bed.

      ‘Truth,’ I repeated after I refused dessert and the chef had departed.

      He sipped his drink, then gave a wry smile as he lowered it. ‘You’ve always been terrible at this game. You’re supposed to give me two options, remember?’

      I remembered. Truth or Dare had always been our game. I’d loved it a little too much because it’d skated close to secret desires I’d tried to suppress for a long time. ‘What’s the point when you always choose dare?’

      He shrugged. ‘Dares are way more exciting.’

      ‘Why? What’s so wrong with choosing truth every now and then?’

      He tensed ever so slightly. ‘Sadly, the truth means different things to different people.’

      ‘Not to me, and you know that.’ He didn’t answer. Now it was my turn to tense. ‘Don’t you?’

      ‘Leave it.’

      ‘Leave what? I haven’t even asked you anything yet.’

      ‘Exactly,’ he replied tightly. ‘And already you’re getting bent out of shape. So let’s drop whatever it is you think you want to know before things get more fucked, shall we?’

      ‘More fucked? So you know things are fucked?’

      He grimaced and for some reason stared at my mouth for an eternity before his gaze swept away. ‘You know the one thing I haven’t missed about you? This dog-with-a-bone inability to let things be.’

      Maybe he was right and I needed to let things go. But I’d let too many things go for far too long. First by being too afraid to ever dig beneath the surface with Bryce to what I’d really wanted. Then with Dan and all the signs I should’ve heeded when things had started to go bad and he’d turned from sarcastically cruel to deliberately verbally abusive. Then the one thing I’d never thought would slip through my fingers—my friendship with Bryce.

      I watched my best friend now. Correction, my ex-best friend. Outwardly, he appeared unaffected but years-long experience

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