King's Price. Jackie Ashenden

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King's Price - Jackie Ashenden Mills & Boon Dare

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the couch and disappeared through the crowd, heading towards the bar.

      Good. I could use some time to myself to figure out what to do about Clara’s non-appearance.

      I sat back on the couch, reaching for the glass of very expensive single malt I preferred and, as I did so, I caught the gaze of a woman sitting at a table near the stairs to the VIP area.

      She was staring very hard at me.

      Stares weren’t unusual—I got them a lot, especially from women—but I never looked back unless the woman was worth a second glance. And this one wasn’t.

      Yet I found myself looking back now, unable to put my finger on why. She definitely wasn’t my type. At all. She wore a close-fitting black dress, more suited to a funeral dinner than a nightclub, that highlighted a body that was all angles and no curves. Her dark hair had been drawn back unflatteringly tight against her skull, making her plain, sharp face seem even more disapproving than it already was.

      She looked like an offended nun.

      Why the hell was I staring at her?

      Christ, I had no idea. Maybe it was the way she was staring at me: intense, direct. No blushing and looking away like some women did, or lowering her lashes and shooting me flirtatious glances from underneath them. No come-and-get-me smiles or looking past me, pretending she hadn’t been staring.

      No, she simply stared. Then she slid off her stool and headed towards the stairs to the VIP area.

      Shit. She was coming up here?

      Intrigued despite myself, I watched her make her way to the top of the stairs and talk to the bouncer who was guarding the area. She pointed at me as she did so, an earnest expression on her face and, sure enough, the bouncer glanced at me then headed in my direction.

      Interesting. What could this woman possibly want? Other than the usual. But then there hadn’t been anything flirtatious or sexual in her gaze. No, it wasn’t sex she wanted, I was sure.

      ‘Mr King?’ The bouncer came to a stop in front of my table. ‘There’s a woman here who wants to talk to you. She says it’s about Clara Hamilton.’

      I stilled. Looked like my evening was about to get even more interesting.

      ‘Send her over.’ I glanced past him to where she stood, looking in my direction. There was a crease between her brows that disappeared as the bouncer signalled to her, then she started forward without hesitation.

      Keen little thing, wasn’t she?

      Though, as she got closer, it soon became clear she wasn’t little. Tall. Taller even than I’d thought at first and her heels weren’t exactly high. She moved with purpose too, as if she knew exactly where she was going and why.

      ‘Mr King.’ She came to a stop in front of my table. ‘Thanks for seeing me.’ Without waiting for me to reply, she held out her hand. ‘I’m Vita Hamilton.’

      I made no move to get up or take her hand, settling for staring at her instead.

      She had dark eyes, almost as dark as Xander’s yet without the black hole effect his had. Hers were very bright, as if there were tiny stars dancing in the depths. And she didn’t smile, merely pinned me with those dark, bright eyes, her hand held out steadily.

      People didn’t hold my gaze for long. They didn’t like what they saw in it, especially when I smiled.

      I stared right back. And grinned.

      There was a tiny flicker of response, but that was it. She didn’t look away or drop her gaze. Or her hand.

      Hell, that was...intriguing.

      A woman of determination, obviously.

      I leaned back in my seat, raising my glass and sipping again, pointedly ignoring her hand just to be a prick.

      A flash of irritation crossed her face. Again, intriguing. People were too afraid to get irritated with me. Instead, they either got embarrassed or pretended whatever I’d said or done hadn’t happened.

      Vita Hamilton didn’t pretend.

      ‘Well.’ Her voice was clear and bright like her eyes. ‘I was only trying to be polite. You don’t have to be rude.’

      Was she reprimanding me?

      Holy shit, she was.

      Without waiting for a reply, she dropped her hand then sat down on the seat that Xander had vacated, opposite me, leaning forward and once again pinning me with that dark, starlit stare. ‘Now,’ she said seriously. ‘Like I said, my name is Vita Hamilton and I—’

      ‘I heard the first time, sweetheart,’ I interrupted. ‘You don’t have to say it again.’

      She bristled, her mouth thinning in annoyance. ‘I’m not your sweetheart.’

      That mouth... If the rest of her was sharp and angular, that mouth was not. It was full and very red and, like a particularly juicy apple, I wanted to take a bite out of it.

      Maybe I would. Later.

      I lifted my gaze to hers. ‘Since you’re only here with my permission, you’re whoever I want you to be.’

      She sniffed, annoyance glittering in her eyes. That was different. Fear was the usual response to me, either that or sexual hunger. But I wasn’t getting either of those from her.

      How fun. I hadn’t had a prim girl to play with in a long time.

      ‘Whatever,’ she said, clearly uninterested in flirting or any other kind of chit-chat. ‘I’m here to talk to you about Clara. I’m her sister.’

      Well, that got me.

      I gave her another once-over, trying to see the resemblance. Around the mouth maybe, but that was the only thing about her similar to Clara. The rest of her... She wasn’t at all like her pretty, curvy, sexy sister.

      I took another long sip of my Scotch. ‘Perhaps you could tell me where she is then? She’s supposed to be here. With me,’ I added, just in case things needed clarifying.

      Little Miss Vita didn’t blink or look away, which was strange when most people sensed what was beneath the mask I wore of the handsome, charming playboy. They could sense the predator, the shark beneath the surface of the beautiful blue sea. And, whether or not they knew what I truly was, they certainly feared it.

      But not this woman. She either couldn’t see or sense my true self or...she wasn’t afraid.

      A bolt of something electric, like lightning, went through me, making me go very, very still.

      ‘I don’t know where she is,’ Vita said, holding my gaze and not even flinching. ‘You’re supposed to be marrying her, though, aren’t you?’

      Was she afraid? Did she really not see me?

      I smiled wider, giving her a glimpse. ‘And?’


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