The Pregnant Colton Witness. Geri Krotow
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“I heard a gunshot when he was still outside. I think he must have broken through the security gate and then smashed a window to unlock the back door.”
As she replied Patience realized how slim the chances were that the thug was able to not only expertly break through the eight-foot security fence, but also enter the clinic so quickly. “He had to be trained to do this. Or knew the codes.” But then that would mean someone they trusted was a criminal. Or maybe one of her staff had unwittingly given information to the wrong person.
Maria watched her with a gravity reserved for their toughest cases, reflecting Patience’s concerns. “That he knew the codes seems unlikely—we’ll check to see if he actually shot the outer gate, and determine exactly how he got in. At the very least he has a good understanding of the clinic’s layout, judging by how quickly this escalated. The fact that he came right to your door...” She assessed Patience with a compassionate gaze. “Do you want to come out back with me?”
“Sure.” There was nothing she’d like more than to see the assailant caught, or better, the woman he’d dumped into the lake still alive and okay. And staying in her office alone right now wasn’t high on her list of fun things. Patience needed to be with people, and Maria’s grounding presence fitted the bill.
They walked past the kennel and Patience noted that most of the patients were amazingly calm, even with the wide-paned windows shattered. “We’ll be back, everyone.”
“Do you think they understand they’re okay now?” Maria spoke as they reached the back door, which had clearly been broken through, its window also smashed.
“Absolutely. Gabby, the parrot, is being quiet—that’s telling. When she gets riled up, she can incite a puppy and kitty riot in there, let me tell you.”
Maria laughed. “At least your sense of humor hasn’t left the building. That’s a good sign.”
“Probably.” She wasn’t feeling particularly jovial, but more like punch-drunk. The adrenaline comedown affected everyone differently. The baby’s welfare gnawed at her. Adrenaline flooding her system was bad enough; it couldn’t be great for the baby. She had to make an appointment with her doctor soon, and get a referral to an ob-gyn if necessary.
Thoughts of the baby’s needs took a back seat as they approached the open gate. Patience saw bullet holes in the area surrounding the keypad.
“I’ve got to take photos and gather evidence.” Maria pulled out a plastic evidence bag.
“Of course. I’m going to see if I can watch the dive ops from the deck.” Patience jerked her thumb over her shoulder, indicating the clinic’s small pier. There were a half-dozen launches used for K9 and police diving exercises and ops. Three were out in the center of the lake. “Thank you, Maria. I wouldn’t have left my office if you hadn’t shown up.”
“No problem.”
Once she was on the deck, looking across the icy water, it hit Patience how close the killer had come to reaching her. The fact she’d made it back to the clinic and managed to lock the door was incredible, seeing how easily he’d broken through the fence. It had felt as if she’d run miles with the recuperating labradoodle in her arms, but it had been less than a hundred yards. Too close.
Her heartbeat raced and she closed her eyes. The baby needed her to be calm. Patience reminded herself what Nash had emphasized: she was safe. But the woman the man had dumped in the water—probably not. Patience quickly refocused on the dive operation.
With the binoculars still around her neck, she used them to watch the divers from the shore, ignoring the cold as she shivered in her jacket. It was clear that Greta wasn’t having the luck she was expected to, as Nash and the other K9 officers repeatedly encouraged her to go back under, to find what they knew was there. The woman with the long pale hair. Finally, Greta’s large head surfaced and Nash’s arm signaled for the other officers to help. Patience made out something in Greta’s mouth as several shouts from the assembled RRPD officers echoed across the water.
“We have something!”
“Positive contact!”
“Pull her up!”
The rescuers got the body on board a slightly larger RRPD vessel normally used in the warmer months when boaters and swimmers got into trouble. EMTs who’d joined the op worked over the woman, valiantly attempting to ascertain if she’d survived, or had a chance of life once at the hospital and warmed back up. But the pit in Patience’s stomach confirmed what she already knew—there was no way the victim had survived her chilling plunge.
“Good dog.” Nash gave the hand command for Greta to shake herself off, and she did so, her huge bulk moving with unexpected grace aboard the small launch. The woman Greta had found was unresponsive and already being transported to the Red Ridge Medical Center, on the off chance she could be miraculously brought back to life. Nash wasn’t expecting good news, though, as she’d been in the water for too long. There was a gash on her forehead that appeared lethal. He suspected she’d been dead already when the killer dumped her.
Frustration that the killer had gone free chased away the relief he felt over Patience’s survival. Someone cold-blooded enough to kill and dump a woman in the chilly lake waters wouldn’t have hesitated to kill a possible witness. Thank God Nash and Greta had made it there in time.
“You’re a good girl, Greta.” He petted her, wet fur and all.
“They both are good dogs.” Officer Mike Georges stood next to him, his Belgian Malinois, Rocky, under a space blanket. Mike had been first on the scene and Rocky had dived for the woman with no luck. It was common knowledge that Greta was their best water dog, but Rocky was well trained, too, as were the several Belgian Malinois on the K9 team. Still, Nash couldn’t help the surge of pride at Greta’s job well-done.
“I’m sorry I didn’t get out here sooner.” Nash knew that it didn’t matter—they’d all been too late to save the woman. Still, he’d had an option and he’d chosen to rescue Patience from the intruder over heading for the lake. He’d do it again, even if dispatch hadn’t agreed.
“We both know it wouldn’t have made a difference, unfortunately. And we were here at least five minutes ahead of you, with no luck.” Mike’s face was grim, softening only when he looked at his K9. “Is Dr. Colton okay?”
“Yeah. She was armed for bear and ready to take out the jerk.”
Mike nodded. “She was a great study when we did our training last time. And her shot is perfect—as good as any officer’s.”
“I know.” And he did. Nash knew a lot about Patience Colton that would cause Mike to raise his bushy eyebrows. More than he should, in fact, for a woman he’d known only one night, no matter how incredible. He couldn’t help noticing her whenever she was in the vicinity, or listening extra carefully when one of the other police officers mentioned her name in passing.
“I’m going back to check on her. She can give Greta a quick look over, too.” He knew Greta was okay; the dog was bred for cold water activity. Newfoundlands