Greek Mavericks: Seduced Into The Greek's World. Julia James
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Maisey Yates
To Megan Crane/Caitlin Crews. For all the times
we’ve sat around talking about how wonderful
it is to write these stories, and everything else.
You make my writing and my life more sparkly.
ANOTHER BORING PARTY in a long succession of boring parties. That was Leon’s predominant thought as he pulled away from the ostentatious hotel and out onto the narrow Italian streets.
The highlight of his evening had been the most disappointing portion, as well. Being rebuffed by Rocco Amari’s fiancée. She had been beautiful. Exotic. With her long dark hair and honey-colored skin. Yes, she would have made a wonderful companion for his bed tonight. Sadly, she seemed to be very committed to Rocco. And he to her.
To each his own, he supposed. Frankly, Leon did not see the appeal in monogamy.
Life was a glorious buffet of debauchery. Why on earth would he seek to limit that?
Though he had walked away empty-handed, he had thoroughly enjoyed enraging his business rival. He could not deny that.
The other man was possessive in a way that Leon could see no point in being. But then, he had never had feelings so intense for a woman.
He turned onto a road that began to lead out of the city, heading toward the villa