Modern Romance February Books 1-4. Maisey Yates
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Two classic cars bedecked with flowers awaited them at the harbour and a sizeable crowd provided an audience. Winnie accompanied her grandfather into the first, her sisters and her son entered the second. Her chest tight as a drum with tension, she struggled to smile like a bride when her grandfather urged her. Every floral tribute she saw, every well-wisher reminded her that she was taking part in an unsavoury plan. The cars ferried them only a couple of hundred yards to a picturesque little stone church overlooking the sea with a little village full of white-painted houses climbing the hill behind it.
‘There won’t be many witnesses to the ceremony in a place this small,’ Stam Fotakis lamented at her side, but his granddaughter was relieved by the same fact.
John and Liz took their foster kids to church but pressured no one who preferred not to go. Winnie discovered a new fear bubbling up in her chest, the fear that she was enacting a heavenly punishable offence in undergoing a wedding ceremony without the intent of following through. A civil ceremony would have been preferable, she brooded uncomfortably. A squad of people waited outside the church to witness the bride’s arrival, calling out greetings and good wishes. With her sisters beside her, however, she felt stronger and less oversensitive.
Inside the dim old church with its candles, painted murals of the saints and beautiful white floral displays, her focus leapt straight to the man at the foot of the aisle. Eros turned round, his classic bronzed profile alert to her arrival. Beneath her gown, she could feel her entire body heat and flush with awareness. His brilliant green eyes were gilded in the candlelit interior and her mouth ran dry. Even the morning suit that made her grandad look a little rotund and small could only embellish Eros’s all-male beauty, showcasing every lithe athletic inch of his broad-shouldered, lean-hipped, long-legged length.
‘Gorgeous dress,’ he muttered half under his breath as they both turned to face the Greek Orthodox priest.
Finding her breath in the ritual that followed, bearing up to the crushing solemnity of the occasion in which she understood only sporadic words were a challenge for her. Eros slid the ring, an elaborate engraved platinum circle, onto her finger and she breathed again because it was done. She was the wife of the man she had once loved to the edge of insanity and her eyes stung with a sudden rush of moisture because the wounding memories seemed very close to the surface at that moment and she welcomed those thoughts, needing the armour of her hatred for him to defend her from other feelings and sensations.
‘Papa!’ Teddy shook free of Zoe’s hand and pounced on Eros as they moved down the aisle again.
That word, that very designation, being openly awarded to Eros shook Winnie up. When had that started? Why had nobody warned her? Of course, it was reality, she reminded herself soothingly, and not all the wishing in the world could change it. Even before the wedding she had been tied for life by her son to a man she despised. An unscrupulous guy without principles, who took what he wanted when he wanted without regard for the consequences to anyone else. For all she knew, she brooded, his wife had divorced him for his infidelity and if he hadn’t been faithful to Tasha, he wouldn’t be planning to be any more faithful to his second wife, for cheaters were known to repeat their habits.
Those grim ruminations rebuilt her defences and bolstered her strength to face the walkout she had to stage. Eros might be Teddy’s papa but he was not a nice guy, not a man in need of her sympathy or guilty conscience, she told herself urgently.
While unaware of his bride’s dark thoughts, Eros, nonetheless, read her tension and assumed it was caused by her shy dislike of being the centre of attention. That was so very different from his first wedding that there was no comparison to be made and he was relieved by that acknowledgement. He had never seen the point of bestowing blame on either himself or Tasha for a marriage breakdown that had seemed inevitable to him from the very first day of their convenient arrangement.
He had done his best to uphold their paper marriage. He had done his duty for years, struggling not to be selfish, struggling to be fair and honourable even when it had become an almighty challenge and their marriage had been in name only. That he had finally failed was something he no longer held against himself as he had once done. Nobody was perfect, neither him nor anyone else. All that troubled him in the present was that Winnie had somehow ended up paying the ultimate cost for his failure. For that same reason he could tolerate Stam Fotakis’s loathing with calm control because, in the old man’s shoes, he knew that he might well have felt the same.
Winnie settled back into the classic car while Teddy, who complained hugely, was strapped into a car seat. ‘You thought of everything,’ she remarked in surprise at the presence of the seat.
‘Obviously we would want Teddy with us,’ Eros parried.
As the car climbed the steep driveway that wound up past the little village, Winnie craned her neck, curious to see the Nevrakis home. ‘For how long have your family lived here?’
Eros saw no reason to tell Winnie that he had only reclaimed the island by marrying her. What would be the point? It would only make her more suspicious than ever about his motives, he reasoned impatiently. In time she would learn that fact and he would deal with it then.
‘The first house was a farmhouse owned by my great-grandfather, the olive farmer, who turned it into a small hotel. My grandfather razed that building to the ground and rebuilt and in due course, when he died, my father did the same even though he had no intention of ever making this his permanent home.’
Winnie’s brows lifted in bewilderment. ‘No intention? Then why on earth would he—’
‘I think a weird mixture of family pride and his innate streak of extravagance persuaded him into wasting his inheritance here even though he found island life boring. Although Trilis is quite a reasonable size, it couldn’t possibly offer him the social life he enjoyed in Athens.’
‘So, you didn’t grow up here on the island?’ Winnie asked, determined to satisfy her curiosity now that Eros was finally answering her questions.
‘No, I grew up in an Athens apartment, almost exclusively with my mother. She’s gone now too,’ Eros confided flatly. ‘So are my grandparents on both sides. There is only me and Teddy and now you in the Nevrakis family. There are a few distant cousins attending the reception but no close relations. I’m surprised you didn’t invite your foster parents.’
Winnie went pink and trotted out her excuses about how difficult it was for either John or Liz to leave home even for a short time. ‘As foster carers they have constant meetings with social workers, schools, birth parents.’
An ebony brow slanted up. ‘Still, you were very fond of them as I recall and I’m sure they would’ve made a special effort.’
‘I didn’t want to put them under that pressure,’ Winnie muttered in desperation. ‘John’s health can be dicey.’
It was a relief to step out into the sunlight again and see her sisters emerging from the car behind. They all stared at the house, which she thought was stupendously large for a property in which Eros’s father had apparently not planned to live. Extravagant, Eros had labelled his father, and Winnie was inclined to agree as they entered a grand marble-floored hall to be greeted by staff offering drinks on silver trays.
Her grandfather strolled to her side. ‘It is done,’ he pronounced with satisfaction. ‘The ring you deserve is on your finger now.’
Winnie looked down at her finger uncomfortably just as Eros stretched out a hand to her, obviously keen to introduce her to some of the guests arriving.