Pleasure Payback. Zara Cox

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Pleasure Payback - Zara Cox Mills & Boon Dare

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in your eyes. Correct?’

      He drew closer, wedged one thickly muscled thigh between my legs. My burning centre rubbed against his leg and at the moan I let loose, his cock thickened against my hip. ‘Beautiful, irresistible and intuitive. Where did you come from, Neve Nolan?’

      I blinked up at him and smiled when his cock jerked against my leg. ‘Connecticut. I’m here in your lovely city for one night only.’

      He laughed under his breath. ‘This isn’t my city. I’m visiting too.’

      ‘Then let’s make the most of it,’ I replied.

      He pondered that for a few seconds, and a little of the chaos in his eyes abated. ‘Ships passing in the night, and all that?’

      ‘Hmm. But it would also help if you told me your first name.’

      One eyebrow spiked. ‘Help with what, exactly?’

      ‘With whose name I scream when you’re balls-deep inside me. Or would you like me to scream some random name?’

      His fingers tightened a fraction, enough to shower me with fresh waves of decadent tingles. ‘No, darling, I most certainly would not. The name you’ll want when you hit that special place is Damian.’

      I reached for my belt and tugged the ends free. The robe parted enough for him to see I was completely naked underneath.

      Enough to draw a rough sound from his throat.

      ‘Nice to meet you, Damian. Now take off your clothes.’

      He didn’t comply. Not immediately. His gaze dropped to my mouth for the longest time, his eyelids half masts of sinful need he couldn’t hide as he released my hair and stepped back. Impatient fingers tugged his tie free and made short work of his shirt. Belt, shoes and socks followed. In less than a minute, Damian Mortimer was down to his boxers.

      He was exceptionally built. Ripped in all the right places with a happy trail that drew my gaze down to the thick erection pressed against soft cotton.

      Need flooded my system. Hard and fast and merciless. Enough to make me groan and slide my fingers over my belly to the furnace raging between my legs. He gave a thick curse as his gaze latched onto the brazen movement of my fingers.

      I was wet. Soaking. And I was more than enjoying the rabid look in his eyes as he watched me caress myself.

      He groaned, almost as if against his will.

      ‘You like that?’

      One large hand curled around his cock and stroked. ‘Fuck, yes.’

      With my free hand, I shucked off my robe. My shoulders met the cool glass and I gasped as my nipples peaked to painful points. ‘Come here, Damian.’

      Lust propelled him forward, even as a hard look lanced through his eyes. It was that same look I’d seen at the bar after I bought him the drink. But I didn’t care. Not enough to stop and examine it. We were both adults and this was a one-night-only thing.

      Hands braced on either side of my shoulders, his breathing harsh and frantic, he stared down at the busy fingers between my legs. I raised my chin, aligned my face to his in silent command.

      With a grunt, he fused his lips to mine, kissed me with brutal urgency, his tongue tangling with mine as if he couldn’t help himself, and, God, it was just what I needed after long fallow months where work dominated my life. To be kissed, desired, as if I were the harvest after a terrible famine. My hungry lips clung to his, my moans filling the room as my reawakened body blazed.

      Damian plastered his glorious body against mine. When his hands left the glass wall to curl around my nape, I slid my free hand beneath his waistband and grasped his hot, velvety length. He jerked within my closed fist, a tortured grunt leaving his throat at my eager caress.

      ‘Jesus, that feels good.’

      The guttural confession made my pussy clench tight, need making my fingers work faster. God, I was close and he hadn’t even touched my erogenous zones yet. The wet sounds of our lips and my fingers grew louder and he wrenched away.

      ‘Need a taste.’

      Still brazen, I shook my head. ‘Not yet. I get to go first.’

      His eyes darkened until they were almost black save for the tiny gold flecks within the burning depths. ‘You want to wrap that gorgeous mouth around my cock?’ he croaked.

      ‘I want nothing to occupy your mind except how good your cock feels sliding down my throat,’ I replied, gliding sinuously down the glass until my knees hit the soft carpet.

      A wild tremor shook his frame as he stared slack-jawed down at me. At my parted lips. Past my hard-tipped breasts to the fingers working my pussy.

      ‘Tell me you don’t need that.’

      A spasm of bleakness darted over his face and he shut his eyes for a split second. ‘I need it. More than you could possibly know.’

      I offered him another smile. One that slowly disappeared as he pushed his boxers down his muscular thighs and kicked them away.

      Sweet heaven.

      He was thick and long enough to elicit a momentary pang of alarm. But need eroded alarm, leaving behind savage hunger.

      The back of his hand traced my cheek in a jerky caress before he recaptured my nape. With one hand braced on the wall, he slid his length between my lips.

      Eagerly I welcomed him, wrapping my lips around his bell-shaped head before gliding my tongue over his slit. His salty, heady essence exploded on my tongue, dragged a whimper from deep inside. One taste and I wanted more. When his hips drew back I chased after him, greedily meeting his thrust.

      We both groaned when he hit the back of my throat.

      I glanced up his spectacular body, our gazes clashing as I sucked him deep. His nostrils flared wide, then, unable to resist giving me what I wanted, Damian began to fuck my face. With every penetration I took him deeper, wanting as much as he was willing to give.

      ‘God. You’re bloody spectacular,’ he growled.

      The sexy, guttural voice made me wetter. I sank my middle finger deep, feverishly imagining him filling me up until I was stretched tight, until there was nothing but him.

      His fingers tightened on my nape and with a harsh groan, Damian exploded in my mouth. The force of his climax spiked my lust and I rode the wild, frenzied wave.

      Lost in mindless pleasure, I barely noticed him move away, grasp my arms and lower me to the carpet. But I felt the heat of his body when he covered mine with his, when he brushed his fingers over my mouth and caught my gaze.

      ‘Christ, did you just come sucking me off?’ he demanded hoarsely.

      ‘Hmm,’ I murmured, my hips still riding the tail end of my climax.

      He leaned closer, brushed his lips over mine before

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