Forbidden To Touch. JC Harroway

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Forbidden To Touch - JC Harroway Mills & Boon Dare

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hard-won deal. And the other part—the part desperate to prove herself after the Josh debacle—wants to wallow in ignorance and simply start the job for which I’ve been hired. I swallow past the lump in my throat, telling myself Reid’s personal family problems are not my concern.

      But I can’t ignore his look of uncertainty any more than I can ignore what this might mean for Graham.

      ‘She is.’ He clenches his jaw, his mouth a grim line.

      Is that it? Don’t I deserve a little more explanation after lying for him, albeit to save Graham from embarrassment?

      ‘Is he...? He seemed confused. Is it temporary?’

      Medication-related? A result of a blow to the head? The Graham I know was so supportive of my company and so enthusiastic for the renovations to the Faulkner.

      Reid’s lips press tighter together. I’m clearly not to be trusted with personal information. And that’s fine. It reminds me that, chemistry or not, we’re barely family friends, whatever Graham might have thought when he walked in.

      I search for Reid’s earlier vulnerability, but it’s nowhere to be seen. I’m about to speak, to offer some appropriate platitude—clearly something major has happened since I last saw Graham—to tear up my contract and bill him only for the hours I’ve already put in, when he speaks first.

      ‘I have another meeting now.’ He scrubs at his stubbled jaw with one large hand. ‘I suggest we reschedule for nine tomorrow in the boardroom. Let’s see if we can’t negotiate a middle ground—’ he pins me once more with that hard-to-read stare, ‘—one that, as you said, satisfies us both.’

      The way he utters the word ‘satisfies’ brings to mind all kinds of lewd scenarios featuring Reid—not the younger version, irresistible enough, but this older man who no longer intimidates me. I nod, my head still woolly and doubts over our working relationship lingering. But if a temporary illness has befallen Graham, do I really need to walk away from this deal? Won’t he expect the work to continue, regardless?

      My mind races through various practicalities—I’ve already employed contractors and secured supplies. I collect my bag and move towards the door, my steps in no way as certain as when I arrived.


      I turn, but his face is unreadable with the exception of a flare of heat in his eyes, which my erogenous zones latch onto.

      He swallows. ‘Thanks.’

      He turns away and I leave, every certainty I brought here in crumbs underneath the soles of my heavy feet.

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