Wicked Pleasure. Taryn Leigh Taylor

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Wicked Pleasure - Taryn Leigh Taylor The Business of Pleasure

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her pick, and the sleeve of his jacket brushed her upper arm, unleashing a wave of goose bumps across her skin. “Phillip Henderson and his much younger wife, Tara Billings-Henderson.”

      Her eyes narrowed with suspicion. “You could be saying any names. How would I know if you’re full of shit or not?”

      He leaned forward on the railing and raised his voice a little. “Phillip. Tara. So glad you could make it tonight.”

      The mismatched twosome lifted their heads like a couple of well-trained Labradors at the sound of their names, eager for their host’s attention.

      “Wouldn’t miss it!” boomed the bald guy, yelling much louder than necessary and affording AJ a full view of all his teeth and his mouthful of masticated shrimp. “You always throw the best parties!”

      The blonde dropped her husband’s arm like she’d been burned, executed a shampoo-commercial-worthy hair shake and waggled her fingers. “There you are! I’ve been looking for you all night. Save me a dance?”

      In a nonanswer, he raised his glass to them, took a sip of bourbon and turned his whole body to face AJ.

      “Super classy guest list,” she complimented, hoping the irony didn’t make her sound petty. At least they were on the guest list.

      A ghost of a smile tugged at his lips.

      The sexy pulse of the base-heavy track the pool-deck DJ was spinning spilled through the night, making her want to dance like she did in the club. She wanted to wrap her arms around his neck and sway with him while his hands rode the small of her back, the curve of her ass, pulling her close so she could grind her hips against his while he kissed her neck...


      She was in big trouble, and the look on his face did nothing but confirm it.

      “I’m Liam.”

      AJ almost laughed. “Oh, I know.”

      “Then it appears you have me at a disadvantage.”

      Her hand tightened on her glass at the accuracy of his statement. But it wouldn’t be true for much longer if she didn’t get her shit together. She wasn’t here for his animal magnetism, she was here for his tech.

      The reminder gave her the strength to shoot him a cool smile. “Not a position you’re used to, I’m sure.”

      He stepped closer. It was disconcerting, the way his broad shoulders blocked out the view of anything but him.

      “On the contrary, I pride myself on being familiar with a wide array of positions.”

      AJ swallowed, ignoring the urge to mess him up a bit, rake her hands through his hair, tug his tie askew, get him a little bit naked. “You’re handsomer than I expected.” The thought slipped past her lips and raised his eyebrows.

      “That didn’t sound like a compliment.”

      She gave him a once-over and shrugged. “Kind of cliché is all. I mean, hella smart, stupid rich and disgustingly handsome? It’s a little much. Most people settle for two out of three.”

      His gaze roamed her face. “I don’t believe in settling.” His voice was low and intimate and vibrated at the perfect frequency to tighten her nipples. “Tell me your name.”

      “A—Robin.” She remembered her alias at the last second. Damn. Maybe that bourbon had affected her a little. She’d been this close to saying AJ. That would have been a rookie mistake, giving him her real name. Well, real enough, anyway.

      “Robin,” he repeated, leaning forward. Or was she leaning forward?

      Either way, their breaths mingled, and her breasts ached for his touch, and being horizontal sounded like a way better idea than being vertical because being vertical was highly overrated as a state of being anyway.

      It would just figure that the only man to light her up, to really light her up, in the last four years would be the one man who was completely off-limits to her. A mark. Nothing more.

      GD sex hormones. This was no time to be all hopped up on dopamine and serotonin and Liam Kearney’s mouth.

      “Liam! Hey! Awesome party!”

      The intrusion was perfectly timed, and AJ took a step back from temptation and sent a cursory glance at the bikini-clad girls beckoning from the lawn below them.

      “Why are you hiding up there? Meet us in the pool!”

      “Yeah. Come get wet with us!”

      When AJ looked back at Liam, his gaze was still locked on her, and she ignored the zing of heat in her belly.

      “It seems I’ve monopolized you for far too long. Your fan club is getting restless.” The rueful note in her voice wasn’t fully for show. “But it was nice to meet the man behind the legend. Thanks for giving me a reason to dress up and drink your bourbon.” She swallowed the final mouthful and pressed her empty glass into his left hand, ignoring the spike in her pulse when her fingers brushed his. “If you’ll excuse me, I’m going to go freshen up.”

      “It was nice meeting you, too.” A noticeable beat slipped by before he added, “Robin.”

      Something about that pause made the hair on the back of her neck stand up.

      Liam raised his hand, gesturing toward the house with her glass. “You’re looking for the first door on the left at the top of the stairs.”

      The directions startled her. “What?”

      “The bathroom,” he clarified, his voice easy though his gaze remained sharp. “You wanted to freshen up. That’s what you said, right?”

      AJ’s smile was deliberately casual. “Yes. That’s exactly where I’m headed. Thank you.” She knew that, of course. She knew every inch of his sprawling estate, thanks to the blueprints she’d nicked from the city’s website.

      Not that she couldn’t have gotten them through regular channels...but why wait for the mind-numbingly slow wheels of bureaucracy to turn when you could just make the internet your bitch? Instead of filling out forms and weeks of waiting, she already knew where the bathroom was, and where his bedroom was, and where the panic room in the back of his bedroom closet that he’d reconfigured into a server room was.

      “It’s been entirely my pleasure, I assure you.”

      Thanks to emphasis, what might have been a bland pleasantry from anyone else held some heat. Enough to make AJ wish their night could have ended differently.

      Ignoring all her good sense, she tightened her grip on her purse and stepped close enough that her breasts pressed against his chest. “Well, if this is your idea of pleasure, it’s probably good we stopped now.” AJ leaned in, then leaned in a little more, until her lips brushed his ear. “My definition might have killed you.”

      She pulled back in time to see Liam’s mouth tip up at the corner. “It sounds like it would have been a hell of a way to go.”


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