Bound To A Billionaire. Michelle Smart

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Bound To A Billionaire - Michelle Smart Mills & Boon M&B

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smiled. ‘That is for me. The land itself is another two hundred thousand. All in cash.’

      Felipe stared hard at Francesca as he made the translation, sending another warning to her with his eyes. He would have spoken his warnings but was damn sure the Governor spoke perfect English.

      To his incredulity she agreed without a second’s thought or consideration.


      ‘The hospital is to have my name.’

      Here she hesitated. Felipe knew why—she wanted to name it after her brother.

      The Governor saw the hesitation. ‘Either it has my name or permission is denied.’

      Felipe translated again, adopting a harder edge to his voice in the vain hope she would pick up on it, slow down and negotiate properly.

      But she was too keen to get the agreement made to see the danger she was walking into.

      ‘Tell the Governor we will be honoured to name it after him,’ she said in a tone so grateful Felipe braced himself for the Governor to pick up on it and demand even more from her.

      A full mouth of pristine white teeth beamed. ‘Then it is a deal. I am having a party here next Saturday.’ That was a full week away. ‘Bring her to it. I’ll have the documents ready for you. Tell her to bring the cash.’ He snapped his fingers and the tall woman stepped forward. ‘Escort my guests back to their car. They’re leaving.’

      As they stood, Francesca, full of smiles, said, ‘Please give my thanks to the Governor for his co-operation.’

      She virtually skipped with joy out of the villa.

      Only when they were safely in the back of the car and out of the compound did Felipe turn on her.

      ‘What are you playing at?’ he demanded. ‘Where was the negotiation? And what were you thinking agreeing to pay a bribe?’

      The smile on her face fell. ‘What’s it to you?’

      ‘You’ve agreed to pay a cash bribe. You’ve agreed to bring in four hundred thousand dollars into the Caribbean’s poorest country. Can’t you see what’s wrong with that? Can’t you see the danger?’

      ‘I’ve done what needed to be done,’ she said defiantly. ‘Thank you for making the translations, but you’re being paid to protect me and advise on my security. If I want your input with anything else, I’ll let you know.’

      This was exactly what Daniele and Matteo had warned him about. Francesca was so determined to get the hospital built in Pieta’s memory that she was a danger to herself.

      Francesca didn’t understand why Felipe was being so negative. The meeting had gone a hundred times better than she’d expected. She’d expected to be drilled for hours about the hospital itself, its capabilities and the number of people they hoped to be able to treat. She’d made sure to have all the relevant figures and documents ready for him but in the end it had boiled down to one simple thing: money. And Pieta’s philanthropic foundation had plenty of it.

      Felipe was taking his job as protector too far.

      ‘What about your career?’ he ground out. ‘Did you think about that? Do you want it ruined before it’s even started?’

      Excited that they were heading straight to the site the hospital would be built on, his words took a moment to sink in. ‘What are you talking about?’

      ‘If word gets out that you paid a bribe to the Governor of San Pedro your career will be over. Lawyers are supposed to be on the side of the law.’

      Dear God, that hadn’t even occurred to her.

      She swayed in her seat as hot dizziness poured into her head. For one dreadful moment she really thought she was going to faint.

      In her eagerness to get the site signed over to the foundation, it hadn’t crossed her mind that she could be jeopardising her career by paying the Governor’s bribe.

      ‘Pieta paid bribes,’ she said, more to herself and for her own mitigation.

      ‘No, your brother was always smart enough not to pay them and not as openly as you’re doing and not verbally with secret cameras recording every word said. He would never have put himself or his foundation in such jeopardy. He acted with discretion and had other people pay any bribe through intermediaries. You should know that.’

      ‘I would if anyone had ever told me. It wasn’t in any of the files.’ But it wouldn’t have been, she realised, her blood running colder still. Alberto had told her to prepare to ‘grease the wheels’ with the Governor but Alberto had been half crazed with grief and there had been nothing written down and for good reason; who would be stupid enough to leave a paper trail advertising law-breaking, even if for good reasons and intentions? ‘Why didn’t you tell me seeing as you know so much?’

      She’d been so proud and relieved to have got the Governor’s agreement that she’d been oblivious to anything else.

      ‘I assumed you did know. I could hardly tell you in the middle of the meeting—’

      ‘We’re being followed.’ It was Seb’s voice that cut through their angry exchange.

      Felipe turned to look out of the back window.

      ‘Black Mondeo.’

      ‘I see it.’

      Felipe’s left hand gripped Francesca’s shoulder, preventing her from turning to look too.

      ‘Keep down,’ he said tautly.


      A silver gun appeared in his right hand.

      ‘What do you need that for?’ she virtually screeched.

      ‘Someone’s following us.’

      ‘How do you know that?’ she asked, her eyes on his gun. ‘They might just be travelling the same route as us.’

      His eyes were hard. ‘It’s my job to know and if I don’t know then I don’t take risks. Now hold on.’

      The hand that had been holding her shoulder moved so his arm covered her chest like an additional seat belt. A second later she learned why when Seb put his foot down.

      She only just held back a scream when she found them suddenly hurtling along the bumpy roads. Caballeros passed by in a blur, the roads narrowing and deteriorating the further south they travelled.

      When they missed hitting an oncoming truck by inches, she squeezed her eyes shut and clung to Felipe’s arm and didn’t let go until with a squeal of brakes the car came to a stop.

      ‘You can look now, we’re at the airport,’ Felipe said, his voice tight. ‘We’ve lost them.’

      She let go and was pleased to see him wince as he shook the arm she’d been holding with the grip of a boa constrictor. The gun was still nestled comfortably in his right hand.


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