The Dare Collection 2018. Taryn Leigh Taylor

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The Dare Collection 2018 - Taryn Leigh Taylor Mills & Boon Series Collections

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if this was out of character for her. But Charlie didn’t care. “But I wouldn’t want to get you in trouble on the job.”

      She didn’t know who he was. No one had pointed him out to her yet, calling him the American boss or whatever more colorful terms they used in Italian. Capo americano, whatever.

      It had taken him and the hotel’s longtime manager, Benicio, a solid three months to figure each other out. These days, Charlie left the running of the hotel to Benicio and amused himself with the kinds of things he was good at. He’d always worked with his hands. And there was a deep, unexpected satisfaction in working on something that was his. Something no one could take from him. It felt like an indulgence to spend an afternoon thinking about nothing more than repairing a fence.

      Instead of federal wiretaps on the people he’d always considered his family, for example. Or which friends might turn state’s evidence and throw him into the middle of it because of things his stepfather had done or boasts his drunken mother had made to the wrong people. It was a relief to be able to simply do a thing without running it through the proper channels so as not to offend anyone, making sure to use a shitty burner phone instead of the technology everyone else enjoyed these days or any of the other things he’d done over the years while he’d danced up and down that gray moral and legal line that all the lawyers he’d known had called, at best, arguable.

      There was nothing gray or arguable about a fence. Either it was fixed or it wasn’t.

      And this woman didn’t know he was the owner of this hotel. Charlie could tell from the way she held herself and the clothes she wore that she was high-class. Much higher class than a dirtbag from the Texas dust. She had diamonds in her ears, another one on a delicate chain around her neck, and everything on her curvy body was sleek and quietly expensive. She wasn’t dripping with over-the-top, conspicuous wealth the way so many people were around these world-renowned cliffside beach towns—film stars and European royalty and all the rest who flocked to the Amalfi coast because some Kennedy had done the same way back when.

      This woman was fancy.

      And she thought he was a handyman.

      That delighted Charlie all the way through.

      “What the owner doesn’t know won’t hurt him,” he drawled. Then he held out his hand, daring her. “Want me to give you a tour?”

      He watched her swallow, hard. He watched the way her smile froze, and then the way she forced it wide again.

      But what he really cared about was the way she held out her hand after a moment, sliding it into his and holding his gaze while she did.

      “I would love a tour,” she said, low and a little rough.

      Charlie laced his fingers with hers, enjoying the kick of heat that hummed through him at the contact. The way she sucked in a breath. Then he tugged her along behind him, skirting the bottom of the tiered gardens and terraces to duck into the little shed tucked away at the corner of the property.

      “This is the best part of the hotel,” he told her as he pulled her inside. There was no light, but the ancient windows let the afternoon in through the brightly painted shutters, and it took only a moment or two for his eyes to adjust. And he liked the way the sunshine poured over her pretty face, tipped up to his. “It’s nice and private, for one thing.”

      “Private is my favorite.”

      And again, there was that hesitation. But it was like she heard it, too, and didn’t like it. Because she threw herself forward.

      She braced herself on his chest, exhaling in a rush when her palms met his pectoral muscles. Her gaze met his, bright and intense. Then she surged up on her toes and pressed her mouth to his.

      Charlie liked that.

      And he liked it a lot more when he angled his mouth and took it deeper.

      Hotter. Wetter.

      And maybe a little bit insane.

      One thing he’d learned in Italy was never to deny himself a treat, and this was no different. He found her face with his palms and then guided her head where he wanted. He took the kiss harder. Wilder.

      She tasted almost too good. Sweet like honey, with a kick of something that went straight to his head like too much Jack on a long, rough night.

      He growled a little bit at that. She made a humming noise in response, and then she was pushing even closer to him, pressing those lush breasts of hers into his chest.

      Charlie swung her around, getting her back up against the old stone wall and levering himself against her. He ate at her mouth, demanding and dirty, loving the way she shuddered against him as she met every stroke.

      But it wasn’t enough.

      He picked her up, liking that she was a good, tight handful when he wrapped his arms around her ass and pulled her thighs wide. He pinned her to the wall. She wrapped her legs around his waist like they’d done this dance a thousand times, and he wedged himself there where she was softest and hottest.

      And the way he kissed her went savage.

      Then she made it worse, because she started to move. She rocked those hips of hers in a sweet circle, dragging her soft heat all over him, and he thought that he might actually lose it.

      He reached back and pulled a condom from his back pocket, and broke the kiss.

      She was panting, her mouth faintly swollen and her eyes wild, and he wasn’t sure he’d ever seen anything hotter. He fumbled between them to unbutton his jeans, pulling himself free. He dealt with the condom, then shoved her skirt out of his way, reaching between them to get a few fingers in all that melting heat.

      “Oh my God,” she whispered, and he laughed at that, because it was hot. And she was hot. “You just...walk around prepared?”

      He thought he might lose it at any second, that was how slick her pussy was, splayed open between him and the wall. Charlie shoved her panties to one side, then put his cock where his fingers had been, moving the tip through her folds, just to play with her.

      “I’m always prepared,” he told her. “You’re welcome.”

      Sure enough, she rocked her head back and arched against him, like that could make him do what she wanted.

      “I should have mentioned this,” he said in a low voice, gazing down at the picture she made for him, her legs wide-open and wrapped around him. And his cock rubbing this way and that over her proud little clit. “But I like to be in charge. Does that work for you?”

      She was panting. Her eyes were unfocused, but still, she laughed at that.

      “Go right ahead,” she told him. “I can handle it.”

      “If you say so.”

      Charlie slammed himself into her, deep.

      And felt her come, hot and wet and greedy, like a dream.

      Maya couldn’t believe any of this was happening.

      She couldn’t believe the things that had come out of her mouth. She couldn’t believe that she’d

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