Buying His Bride Of Convenience. Michelle Smart

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Buying His Bride Of Convenience - Michelle Smart Mills & Boon Modern

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clearly didn’t speak Spanish. ‘I speak little. You want Eva?’

      Eva held her hand out and fixed him with a stare.

      Glee alight on his face, Odney gave her the phone back. ‘Your game didn’t save,’ he said smugly to more cackles of laughter.

      Merriment in her voice—how she adored the camp’s children, toddlers and teenagers alike—Eva finally spoke to her caller. ‘Hello?’

      ‘Eva? Is that you?’

      All the jollity of the moment dived out of her.

      ‘Yes. Who is this?’

      She knew who it was. The deep, rich tones and heavy accent of Daniele Pellegrini were unmistakable.

      ‘It’s Daniele Pellegrini. I need to see you.’

      ‘Speak to my secretary and arrange an appointment.’ She didn’t have a secretary and he knew it.

      ‘It’s important.’

      ‘I don’t care. I don’t want to see you.’

      ‘You will when you know why I need to see you.’

      ‘No, I won’t. You’re a—’

      ‘A man with a proposal that will benefit your refugee camp,’ he cut in.

      ‘What do you mean?’ she asked suspiciously.

      ‘Meet me and find out for yourself. I promise it will be worth your and your camp’s while.’

      ‘My next weekend off is—’

      ‘I’m on my way to Aguadilla. I’ll have you brought to me.’


      ‘Tonight. I’ll have someone with you in two hours.’

      And then he hung up.


      EVA’S HEART SANK at the sight of the plush hotel at the end of the long driveway Daniele’s driver was taking her down. It was the same hotel Daniele had tricked her into dining with him in at on their ‘date’. She supposed anywhere else would be beneath him. The Eden Hotel was the most luxurious hotel in Aguadilla and catered to the filthy rich. She was wearing her only pair of clean jeans and a black shirt she’d been unable to iron thanks to a power cut at the camp. She couldn’t justify using the power that came from the emergency generators to iron clothing when it was needed to feed thousands of people.

      When Daniele had driven her—he’d actually deigned to get behind the wheel himself then—into the hotel’s grounds the first time her hackles had immediately risen. She’d turned sharply to him. ‘You said this was an informal discussion about the hospital.’ She’d thought they would dine in one of the numerous beachside restaurants Aguadilla was famed for that served cheap, excellent food, upbeat music and had an atmosphere where anyone and everyone was welcomed.

      ‘And so it is,’ he’d replied smoothly, which had only served to raise her hackles further. They’d walked past guests dressed to the nines in their finest, most expensive wear. She’d been as out of place as a lemming in a pigpen.

      Dining in the restaurant had been a humiliating experience the first time around but this time she at least had that experience to fall back on, and it served to steel her spine as she walked into the hotel’s atrium with her head held high. She wouldn’t allow herself to feel inferior even if she did look like a ragamuffin, despite her sixty-second shower.

      A hotel employee headed straight for her. At close sight she saw the title of ‘General Manager’ under his name on the gold pin worn on his lapel.

      ‘Ms Bergen?’ he enquired politely, too well trained to even wrinkle his nose at her.

      She nodded. She guessed she’d been easy to describe. Just look for the scarlet-haired woman who doesn’t fit in.

      ‘Come with me, please.’

      Like a docile sheep, she followed him past an enormous waterfall, past the restaurant she’d dined in a month ago, past boutiques and further restaurants and into an elevator that came complete with its own bellboy. It was only when the manager pressed the button for the top floor that warning bells sounded.

      ‘Where are you taking me?’

      ‘To Mr Pellegrini’s suite.’

      They’d arrived at the designated floor before he finished answering. The bellboy opened the door.

      Eva hesitated.

      Dining in a private hotel suite had very different connotations to dining in public. Under no sane marker could it be considered sensible to go into a rich man’s suite alone.

      The manager looked at her, waiting for her to leave the safety of the elevator and be led into the lion’s den.

      All she had to do was say no. That would be the sensible thing. Say no. If Daniele Pellegrini needed to see her so badly that he’d flown to the Caribbean for the sole purpose of talking to her, then he could dine with her in public. She could demand that and he would have no choice but to comply.

      But, for all his numerous faults, including being a sex-mad scoundrel with no scruples over who he bedded, her gut told her Daniele was not the sort of man to force a woman into anything she didn’t want. She wasn’t being led into the lion’s den to be served as dinner.

      She stepped out of the elevator and followed the manager up the wide corridor to a door on which he rapped sharply.

      It was opened immediately by a neat, dapper man dressed in the formal wear of a butler.

      ‘Good evening, Ms Bergen,’ he said in precise English. ‘Mr Pellegrini is waiting for you on the balcony. Can I get you a drink?’

      ‘A glass of water, please,’ she said, trying very hard not to be overawed by the splendour of the suite, which was the size of a large apartment.

      Having a butler there relieved her a little. It was good to know she would have a chaperone, although she couldn’t fathom why she felt she needed one.

      The manager bade her a good evening and left, and Eva was taken through a door into a light and airy room, then led out onto a huge balcony that had the most spectacular view of the Caribbean Sea, dark now, the stars twinkling down and illuminating it. To the left was a private oval swimming pool, to the right a table that could comfortably seat a dozen people but was currently set for two. One of those seats was taken by the tall, dynamic figure of Daniele Pellegrini.

      He got to his feet and strolled to her, his hand outstretched.

      ‘Eva, it is great to see you,’ he said, a wide grin on his face that was in complete contrast to the set fury that had been on it three days ago when he’d demanded she fix his nose.

      Not having much choice, she reached her own hand out to accept his. Rather than the brisk

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