Mistress Arrangements. Helen Bianchin

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Mistress Arrangements - Helen Bianchin Mills & Boon M&B

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Stefano said in a deadly soft voice, and she looked at him carefully, aware of the aura of strength, the indomitable power apparent, and experienced a stirring of alarm.


      ‘I intend to see her.’

      The words threw her off balance, and she went suddenly still. ‘No,’ she denied, stricken by the image of father and daughter meeting for the first time, the effect it would have on Ann-Marie. ‘I don’t want the disruption your presence will have on her life,’ she offered shakily.

      ‘Or yours,’ he declared with uncanny perception. His eyes were hard, his expression inexorable. ‘Yet you must have known that once I was aware of the facts there could be no way I’d allow you to escape unscathed?’

      A shiver shook her slim frame; she was all too aware that she was dealing with a man whose power was both extensive and far-reaching. Only a fool would underestimate him, and right now he looked as if he’d like to shake her until she begged for mercy.

      ‘There is nothing you can do to prevent me from walking out of here,’ she said stiltedly.

      ‘I want my daughter, Carly,’ he declared in a voice that was implacable, emotionless, and totally without pity. ‘Either we effect a reconciliation and resume our marriage, or I’ll seek legal custody through court action. The decision is yours.’

      A well of anger rose to the surface at his temerity. ‘You have no right,’ Carly retaliated fiercely. ‘No—’

      ‘You have until tomorrow to make up your mind.’ He stroked a series of digits on to paper, tore it from its block, and handed it to her. ‘You can reach me on this number.’

      ‘Blackmail is a criminal offence!’

      ‘I have stated my intention and given you a choice,’ he said hardly, and her eyes glittered with rage.

      ‘I refuse to consider a mockery of a marriage, with a husband who divides his time between a wife and a mistress!’

      His eyes narrowed, and Carly met his gaze with fearless disregard. ‘Don’t bother attempting to deny it,’ she advised with deep-seated bitterness. ‘There was a succession of so-called friends and social acquaintances who took delight in ensuring I heard the latest gossip. One, in particular, had access to a Pressclipping service, and never failed to ensure that I received conclusive proof of your infidelity.’

      ‘Your obsession with innuendo and supposition hasn’t diminished,’ Stefano dismissed with deadly softness.

      ‘Nor has my hatred of you! ‘

      His smile was a mere facsimile, and she was held immobile by the dangerous glitter in his eyes, the peculiar stillness of his stance. ‘It says something for your maternal devotion that you managed to overcome it sufficiently to confront me.’

      Angry, futile tears diminished her vision, and she blinked furiously to dispel them. ‘Only because there was no other option!’

      Without a word she turned and walked to the door, uncaring whether he attempted to stop her or not.

      He didn’t move, and she walked down the carpeted hallway to Reception, her head held high, pride forcing a faint smile as she inclined a slight nod to the girl manning the switchboard before sweeping out to the foyer.

      A lift arrived within seconds of being summoned, and it wasn’t until she reached ground level that reaction began to set in.

      IT TOOK AN hour for Carly to reach Manly, and she uttered a silent prayer of thanks to whoever watched over her as she traversed the car-choked arterial roads leading north from the city. Concentration was essential, and her own was in such a state of serious disarray that it was a minor miracle her sedan survived the drive intact.

      Sarah answered the door at once, and Carly cast her a grateful glance as she entered her friend’s apartment.

      ‘Thanks for collecting Ann-Marie. I got held up, and the traffic slowed to a complete halt in places.’

      ‘Sarah read me a story, and we watched television. I’ve already had my bath,’ Ann-Marie informed her as she ran into her mother’s outstretched arms.

      Carly hugged the small body close, and felt the onset of emotion-packed tears. For more than six years she’d fought tooth and nail to support them both without any outside financial assistance. Soon that would change, and she wasn’t sure she’d ever be ready for the upheaval Stefano Alessi would cause in their lives.

      ‘Would you like some coffee?’ Sarah queried. ‘I’ll put the kettle on.’

      Carly shot her friend a distracted smile. ‘Why not come over and share our meal?’ It was the least she could do, and besides, it would be lovely to have company. Then she would have less time alone in which to think.

      Sarah looked suitably regretful. ‘I’d love to, but I’m going out tonight.’

      Carly glimpsed the indecision apparent, the pensive brooding evident in Sarah’s lovely blue eyes.

      ‘I take it this isn’t the usual casual meal shared with a female friend?’ she queried slowly. ‘Who’s the lucky man?’

      ‘A doctor who performed emergency surgery several months ago while I was on night duty. He’s recently moved south from Cairns. We ran into each other a few days later, in the supermarket of all places, and we chatted. Then I saw him again at the hospital.’ She paused, and effected a faint shrugging gesture. ‘He’s…’ She paused, searching for the right words. ‘Easy to talk to, I guess. Last week he asked me out to dinner.’ Her eyes clouded, then deepened to cerulean blue. ‘I said yes at the time, but now I’m not so sure.’

      Aware that Sarah’s disastrous first marriage and subsequent messy divorce had left her with a strong dislike and distrust of men, almost to the point where she refused to have anything to do with them other than in a professional capacity, Carly could only wonder at the man who had managed to break through her friend’s defences.

      ‘I’m delighted for you,’ she declared with genuine sincerity.

      ‘I’m terrified for me,’ Sarah acknowledged wryly as she filled both mugs with boiling water.

      The aroma of instant coffee was no substitute for the real thing, but the hot, sweet brew had a necessary reviving effect and Carly sipped the contents of her mug with appreciative satisfaction.

      ‘What time is he picking you up?’

      ‘Seven.’ An entire gamut of emotions chased fleetingly across Sarah’s attractive features. ‘I’m going to ring him and cancel.’

      If he was at all intuitive, he would have deliberately left his answering machine off with just this possibility in mind, Carly reflected as Sarah crossed to the telephone and punched out the requisite digits, only to listen and replace the receiver.

      ‘Damn. Now what am I going to do?’

      Carly viewed her with twinkling solemnity. ‘Go out with him.’

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