The Summer Villa. Melissa Hill

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The Summer Villa - Melissa Hill

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you outdid yourself,’ she exclaimed.

      Oh, she couldn’t wait. While she was a competent enough cook, her efforts weren’t a patch on Miriam’s, and she’d so missed her mother’s cooking. Especially stew – her favourite. Her heart softened, knowing that her mother was going all out on purpose.

      ‘It’s long overdue, love,’ Miriam replied gently, taking a seat at the table across from her. ‘Besides, you deserve it. You’ve done so much for me over the last few years. This is just a small thing to start making it up to you.’

      ‘Oh, Mum, of course there’s nothing to make up,’ she answered. ‘I just did what any daughter would do.’

      ‘And I’m so grateful, Colette,’ her mother responded. ‘I truly am. I don’t know how I would have made it through this if it weren’t for you.’

      She could feel her cheeks growing hot. She wasn’t used to being the centre of attention, and even a compliment from her mother made her feel bashful. Miriam must’ve sensed this as she then changed the subject.

      As expected, the food was delicious and Colette enjoyed every last morsel as she and her mother chatted about everything and nothing. It was incredible to see her so strong and bright, and she was hopeful that it would continue. She’d really missed being the daughter and her mother being her mum. It was nice to see the order put right again.

      ‘Movie time, then?’ she asked as she went to clear the table, but again Miriam shushed her away, insisting she’d do it.

      ‘Movie time.’

      That weekend, Noelle came home from uni to join in the celebrations, and there was a jovial feel in the house for the first time in years.

      Again, Miriam fussed around the kitchen, this time insisting on baking fresh scones for her girls. And once more Colette floundered a little with this sudden reversal of roles, but since it made her mother happy, she was too. She sat at the kitchen table with Noelle as the three caught up.

      ‘Here you go.’ Her mum dropped a plate of warm currant scones on the table with a flourish. ‘Who’s for a fresh cuppa?’

      ‘Mum, there’s really no need to run around after us like this.’ Noelle caught Colette’s eye and smiled.

      ‘Only the best for my girls.’ She grinned, looking at them both. ‘And it’s about time.’

      ‘Mum, stop,’ Colette answered. ‘You’re the one who deserves the best.’

      ‘And I got it,’ her mother replied fondly.

      ‘The very best,’ Noelle agreed, nodding at Colette. ‘We’d all be lost without you, big sis.’

      She really didn’t expect or want all this gratitude. And she wasn’t sure how to react to it.

      Then her sister and mother exchanged a conspiratorial glance. ‘But now we think the same effort should be spent on you.’

      Colette was confused. She eyed her family members suspiciously. ‘What do you mean?’

      ‘Should we tell her now?’ Noelle asked with a grin and Colette’s brow furrowed, feeling left out all of a sudden. What was going on?

      ‘What have you two been keeping from me?’

      ‘What I faced was no more than others have faced before me. It was nothing special,’ her mother continued. ‘You, though, love, you were special. You stepped up when there was no one else.’

      ‘Don’t …’ Colette stopped her, unwilling to bring the mood down with a discussion about her father. ‘Anyway, I’ve told you loads of times, I don’t want any thanks. I don’t need any.’

      Miriam got to her feet and went to her eldest daughter. She crouched down and took Colette’s hand in her own, rubbing the back of her knuckles with the pad of her thumb. ‘Love, the past four years have been difficult for us all, of course, but for you most of all.’

      ‘That’s not true,’ Colette corrected. ‘You had to deal with chemo and radiation and all the worry that came with that …’ She could never bring herself to say the horrible ‘C’ word out loud.

      Miriam looked at her tenderly. ‘I wish you’d stop interrupting me. I’m trying to tell you something but you refuse to let me.’

      ‘Sorry,’ she apologised as she resettled herself in her seat and gave her mother her full attention.

      ‘Thank you,’ she said with a smile. ‘Now, where was I?’

      ‘Difficult for everyone,’ Noelle insisted, her eyes watering.

      ‘That’s it. Colette, love, don’t think for a second I don’t appreciate the sacrifices you had to make. Like it or not, you had to move out of your comfort zone and take up the mantle in my place. You did what you had to in order for this family to be all right, and you never complained, never faltered in your determination to be there for me and do the best you could. Not once. In all the time I was going through treatment, or when I had to give the reins of the business over to you, you never failed me. You always did all you could. I’m more grateful for that than you’ll ever know.’

      Her mother touched her cheek and Colette felt a rush of emotion. She didn’t need the praise, or at least she didn’t think so, but receiving it was nice all the same.

      ‘Thanks.’ Her smile faltered a little when she realised Noelle in the meantime had left the room. She hoped all this hadn’t made her sister uncomfortable, or worse, feel guilty for not being around for the worst of it.

      But then she returned with an easy grin.

      ‘Do you have it?’ her mother asked, turning back to Noelle.

      ‘Sorry, it was in my bag,’ her sister said, producing an A4 envelope. She was smiling when she handed it to their mother.

      ‘Here you go.’ Miriam took the envelope and in turn handed it to Colette.

      ‘What’s this?’ she asked, confused.

      ‘Open it and see, silly,’ Noelle insisted.

      Colette turned the envelope over in her hand, then proceeded to glide her finger under the seal to pry it open. Then she pulled the contents out and stared.

      The brochures were a magnificent blaze of colour and light, and the scenery they presented was simply stunning. Azure oceans and groups of pastel houses tumbling down mountainside forests filled the pages, interspersed with images of sailboats on the water and delicious-looking cuisine.

      ‘Italy?’ Colette questioned, turning to the front of the brochure.

      ‘Yes, Italy,’ Noelle cheered. ‘You’ve always wanted to go there, haven’t you? You studied the language, after all.’

      ‘Well, yes,’ she replied hesitantly. ‘But I don’t understand …’


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