The Men In Uniform Collection. Barbara McMahon
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Boone smiled at Christie’s chatter. She held her beloved Milo’s head in her lap while Seth worked his voodoo. It took a tenth of a second and it was done. The EMP had destroyed the chip inside the RFID. The end, except for removing the chip itself.
It was also the end of the night for Seth and Kate. They’d disappear, go back to the worlds they’d created for themselves, but he knew if he needed them, they’d come back. No matter what. No matter where. They were a team.
Christie hugged them both. She invited them back under happier circumstances. No one asked what she meant. Then they were alone.
Finally and truly alone. Every bug and camera the geek had planted was gone. He’d lost his eyes and his ears. And now he’d lost his tracking system. There wasn’t much left for him to do. Come back and plant more bugs? Maybe, but Boone doubted it. He’d come to claim what was his. Christie.
“I’ll wash, you dry?”
She led him into the kitchen where the table was cleared and all the dishes were piled in the sink. It seemed the most natural thing in the world to grab the dishtowel, to stand, leaning against the counter, as Christie soaped up her sponge.
“So you guys were all in the Balkans, right?”
“That’s right.”
“With Nate.”
She paused, her lips slightly pursed. “What did Kate do?”
“She was part of the UN peacekeeping force.”
“How’d she get mixed up with you guys?”
“We had mutual acquaintances,” Boone said, turning away from her.
“You mean she was a spy.”
He shouldn’t tell her anything. Especially when he wasn’t one hundred percent certain no one was listening. “No, she wasn’t. She helped the people in Kosovo.”
Christie washed dishes for a while in silence, while he watched her, wanting so much to tell her everything. When she spoke, it wasn’t about Kate.
“Seth, I assume, was the electronics expert, yes?”
“And you did communications, which is different.”
“That’s right.”
“What was it you were sent over to do?”
He got another dish to dry.
“I can’t tell you.”
“You’re not even in the army anymore.”
“Doesn’t matter. I took an oath.”
“Ah. I see. An oath.”
“It matters.”
“I’m sure Nate would say the same thing.”
“You know how he felt about the Force.”
“Yeah. He died for it.”
“I can’t, Christie. I’m sorry. It’s not an option.”
“Fine.” She went on washing. Not looking at him. Bruising the china.
He put down his cloth and took her by the shoulders. He turned her to face him and made sure she was looking him straight in the eyes. “I’m not telling you because it could be dangerous for you to know. Okay? You have enough to worry about in your life without me adding to it.”
She didn’t respond. Her lips, which had been pressed together when she turned, loosened. Her eyes softened and he felt her relax beneath his hands. “Okay. I’m sorry I pressed. I just keep wondering why anyone would want to kill my brother. You can understand that, can’t you?”
“What I can tell you is that your brother was the best of the best. What he did, he did for his country. He honored you. He honored us all. I was, I still am, proud to have served with him.”
Her eyes closed. She breathed in and out slowly. When she looked at him again, it was the vulnerable Christie he’d seen so often in the last twenty-four hours, but this time, there was no fear, just sadness. “Thank you,” she whispered.
Boone nodded.
She turned back, and they finished the dishes in silence. He put the towel away. Milo scratched at his locked doggy door, and Christie got quiet.
Boone took his weapon out from his jeans. “You have a leash?”
“Great. I’ll take him outside.”
“No. Please. Not here. I’d rather take him to a park. Somewhere not around here.”
“Sure, we can do that. Go get the leash. We’ll be back in no time.”
THEY WENT TO WESTWOOD, and walked by the university. Milo seemed no worse the wear for his implant ordeal, but Christie was silent and jumpy. It wasn’t a long trip, but the ride home felt as if it took forever. He went into the house first; they both had their weapons ready and he had the scanner. They went through each room, each closet. Then they checked the locks on every door and window. Christie was so keyed up, he suggested they go to the kitchen and have some tea.
She surprised him with hot chocolate, instead. “What the hell,” she said. “We already had evil cookies.”
He sat her down, and they drank the sweet drink. Even he had to admit, it was damned tasty. Still, they didn’t talk.
Tonight, he’d have to be vigilant. It could happen, although he doubted it would. The geek would be angry, yes. But not yet to the point of breaking. That would take a little more time. A few more trips parading for the last remaining camera—the one that focused on the path out front.
That would do it. It had to.
Christie finished her drink just as he finished his, took their mugs to the sink and rinsed them out. Then she put the dishes away from dinner, wiped her hands and went to the door where he was waiting for her. “I’m going to take a shower,” she said, turning out the kitchen light. She touched his arm. “You’re welcome to join me.”
Boone looked at her, into those dark brown eyes. He should say no. Offer to stand outside the bathroom until she was done. Instead, he kissed her.
CHRISTIE CLOSED HER EYES and sank into his kiss. Her pulse sped, but the rest of her relaxed. She felt small, protected. Amazingly turned on.
She’d thought