The Men In Uniform Collection. Barbara McMahon

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The Men In Uniform Collection - Barbara McMahon Mills & Boon e-Book Collections

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It was something else.”


      He looked at the wall, then back at her, the internal debate written all over his face. Tell her? Lie? “There are groups in the government that have specialized interests. I’m sure you’ve heard of covert ops.”

      “Spy stuff.”

      “Right. One of these groups recruited us to do some jobs. It was all politically dicey, and dangerous as hell. It didn’t go as planned.”

      “You’re telling me Nate screwed up?”

      “No. None of us screwed up. We were sent to do something that turned out to be very wrong. When we refused to do it, this group wasn’t…happy.”

      “This group. They’re who killed Nate? Who are after you?”

      He nodded. “I really don’t want to tell you any more than that.”

      She leaned over so her shoulder was pressed against his. “Thank you. It helps.”

      “Yeah. I wish I could do more.”

      “You are. You’re saving my life.”

      “You’re Nate’s sister. There was never any question.”

      She smiled, wanting so badly to kiss him. To drag him back to that awful bed and make long, slow love with him. Instead, she picked up her fork. The cheesecake was perfect.

      BOONE CHECKED THE REARVIEW mirror yet again as he turned another corner. He’d studied his Culver City map before they’d left the firing range. He didn’t take the freeway or any logical approach back to her house. No one was behind them. Christie hadn’t said much, and the closer they got to her house, the more tense she became. She didn’t want to go back, and he didn’t blame her. Unfortunately, if she wanted her life back, there wasn’t a good alternative. “You okay?” he asked.

      “Milo’s still sleeping,” she said.

      “The vet said he might do that, remember?”

      She nodded. “Still…”

      “I know. But he got a clean bill of health, so no worries.”

      “Right. No worries.”

      “Hey, you were great at the range. And you’re going to be great once we get back to the house.”

      She turned to him, pale, tight. “I wasn’t great at the range.”

      “You hit the target.”

      “The outside. Nowhere near his head or his heart.”

      He touched the hand on her thigh, and while she didn’t pull away, she didn’t return the gesture. “I trust you.”

      She sighed and looked out the passenger window.

      “Talk to me,” Boone said, pulling the car over to the side of the street. They were still a few blocks away from her place, but it wasn’t far enough.

      “I can’t do this. I can’t go back in there. He wins. He can have it, all of it. I just want to—”

      “Who, hold on.” He put the car in Park and turned to her. Behind them, Milo stirred and whined. “What happened? An hour ago you were ready to kick his slimy ass.”

      Christie wrapped her arms around her stomach. “I’m sorry. I keep thinking about that red dot on your chest.”

      “He won’t kill me. He won’t kill anyone.”

      “You don’t know that. He keeps winning, Boone. I know you’re trying. You’re all trying, but—”

      “The one thing that’s true is that he can’t stay away from you. And that’s what we have to use.”

      “Me. As bait.”

      Boone hated this. Almost as much as she did. “That’s about it.”

      “I could disappear. The world’s a big place. I’m young and healthy. I could get work, start again.”

      “You’re right. You could. You could leave everything you’ve ever known behind. I can even get you a whole new identity. Social security card, driver’s license, all of it.”


      “You could never speak to your parents again. None of your friends. Not even once, not even on their birthdays or if they have a baby. You couldn’t go to a funeral. Or use your experience on a résumé. In fact, you shouldn’t even go back into interior design, because he knows. He’d look. He’d keep looking. You’d never know when or if it was over. Never, because you don’t know who he is. All you do know is that he’s figured out every way to control your life. He’s taken everything that matters to you. The last thing you have is your right to live your life. But you can give that to him, too, if you want.”

      She faced him, finally, and her eyes were so sad. “That’s what it’s like for you, isn’t it?”

      He nodded.

      “How do you stand it?”

      “I don’t give up.”

      She gave him a little smile. “Okay. I won’t, either.”

      “I won’t let him have you. You know that, right?”

      Her eyes closed for just a minute as she inhaled deeply. When she breathed again, she nodded, too. “I know.”

      Boone put the car in Drive and they went those last few blocks and pulled into her garage.

      Seth and Kate met them as soon as they walked into the house. This time, Christie remembered the gun, and she wielded it with a lot more confidence. It didn’t go back into her purse, but into her waistband. Just like a real soldier.

      She fed Milo, who seemed his old self, then met with the others at the kitchen table. Christie found herself searching for red laser dots, on the dog, on the wall, on Boone’s chest.

      “It’s okay to talk here,” Seth said, “but keep it down.”

      “You mean there are still bugs?”

      “Yes. In the living room, the bedroom and the garage. They cover everything but the corners, so be careful in there. Don’t say anything you don’t want him to hear.”

      “I don’t want him to hear anything. Get rid of them.”

      Boone looked as if he were going to pat her hand, but she backed away.

      “I’m not kidding, Boone.”

      “I know. It sucks. It’s impossible. But it’s just for a little while. Until we get him in this house.”

      She put her head in her hands. “Fine. Do whatever.”


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