The Barrington Brothers. Jules Bennett
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And that revelation was the equivalent of throwing cold water on her.
Tessa wriggled her hands between them and eased him back. Those heavy-lidded eyes landed on hers while his lips, moist and swollen from kissing, begged for more. But she had to stop. This kissing and groping was as far as she’d ever anything beyond this point would be a disappointment to him.
Tessa met his gaze, refusing to be embarrassed for who she was, the values and promise to her mother she desperately tried to cling to.
When she’d been with Aaron, she’d been tempted, but she’d assumed they would marry, and she’d wanted to wait.
But the level to which Aaron had tempted her didn’t come close to the fire of arousal she felt right now with Grant.
Her eyes held his, and as she opened her mouth, he held up a hand.
“Don’t say you’re sorry,” he told her.
Tessa shook her head. “No. I’m not sorry, but we can’t do this.”
“We can and we were,” he countered. “What happened? Something scared you.”
Yeah, the big city playboy and the country virgin. Could they be any more clichéd? Why couldn’t she be this attracted to someone in her league, or at least in her town?
Moving around him, because she needed distance from his touch, his gaze and his masculine aroma, Tessa walked over to the sliding glass doors and looked out into the darkness. Mostly all she could see was her own reflection, and that was worse than looking at Grant. What she saw was a coward.
“Talk to me,” he urged as he stepped closer, but didn’t touch. “I’m not going to push you into anything, Tessa. But I want to know what happened.”
He stood behind her, their eyes locked in the reflective glass. Tessa sighed and turned, crossing her arms over her chest.
“When I told you I wouldn’t be the one to help you pass the time on set, I meant it.” He opened his mouth, but she held up a hand. “And I didn’t say that initially, or now, to offend you. I said it because you need to know where I stand, where we stand. The differences between us, Grant...they’re huge.”
“Is this the age thing again?” he asked, stepping forward to brace his hands on her shoulders.
“That’s one reason,” she confirmed, hating how vulnerable and defensive she felt. “I’ve never been with a man before, Grant. Ever.”
She waited for the words to sink in, waited for him to drop his hands and take a giant step back, as if she’d just drawn a line in the sand and on her side was the plague.
“Tessa, you’re not a virgin.”
“Yes, I am.” She tilted her chin, refusing to be ashamed of what she was just because society felt she should be another way. “I promised my mother I’d wait for love. My body is something I value, Grant. I want my first time to be with someone I truly care about, who I know cares for me.
“I won’t lie,” she went on, when he remained silent. “I’ve never before been kissed in a way that made me forget everything and want to give in to all my desires.” She took a deep, steadying breath, bringing her hands up to grasp his wrists. “But with you, I want more.”
“I value your morals,” he answered. “I probably respect you more for them. But you know there’s something here. This is more than just lust, more than just sex. You need to let yourself live.”
Shifting his hands, causing hers to fall away, he slid the pads of his thumbs over her bottom lip. “A woman with as much passion as you have, as much desire lurking in those eyes, has never fully committed to another man?”
Tessa shook her head, not knowing what to say next. This was the part when a man turned totally weird or ran out the door...not that there had been many men to begin with. Her ex had certainly thought he could persuade her. Now she was even more thankful Aaron hadn’t convinced her.
Since Tessa was at Grant’s house, she figured this was her cue to go. Shoulders back and pride intact, she stepped around him and went toward the door. She’d barely pulled her jacket from the hook before a hand closed over hers, another at her waist.
“Don’t leave.”
With his strong body surrounding her, and those two simple words that held so much meaning, Grant engulfed her.
“I can’t stay, Grant. I’m not ready to give myself, and even if I did, you’d be disappointed.”
“Look at me.”
Forgoing the jacket, she dropped her arm and turned. But instead of seeing confusion or disappointment in his eyes, she saw tenderness, plus a heavy dose of desire. And determination.
“First of all, no matter what you did to or with me would ever be disappointing,” he told her, framing her face between his hands so she had no choice but to face him head-on. “Second, the fact that you’re a virgin doesn’t scare me away, if that’s what you were waiting on. And if it scared other guys before, then they’re jerks and don’t deserve you. Whether we sleep together or not is completely your call, Tessa. I enjoy you, I enjoy talking with you, learning from you and, yes, kissing you. But the ball is in your court. If you don’t want to take the next step with me, I totally respect your decision. But don’t expect me to stop kissing you at every chance I get.”
At his warm smile, Tessa found herself grinning. “I wouldn’t mind you kissing me whenever you want. I can’t promise I’ll ever be ready for more with you. Not that I don’t want it, I just can’t give myself, knowing it would only be a fling.”
Grant’s lips touched hers briefly before he pulled back and looked into her eyes. “You’re the strongest woman I know.”
“I’m not feeling strong,” she retorted with a laugh. “I’m feeling like I want to forget the fact you’re not staying, and throw aside all rationale.”
“Country, you know where to find me.” He stroked her lips once more. “But I’m not giving up. You’re so passionate and I want to be the one to uncover that hunger you’ve kept hidden.”
Well, that declaration certainly wasn’t helping matters. Besides the fact she’d be seeing him every single day, he’d been so understanding, so comfortable with the news that she was a virgin. Which would make him even harder to resist.
But on the flip side, he would try harder, be even more charming and irresistible. Her mother had always told her the right one would accept and understand her values, and try not to push her.
And without hesitation, Grant had accepted her. Which made him all the more tempting, and quite possibly...the one she’d been waiting for?
How the hell did he cope with this bombshell? He’d never been in this situation before and honestly had no idea how to react, let alone what to say.
Had he said the right thing?