The Barrington Brothers. Jules Bennett

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The Barrington Brothers - Jules Bennett Mills & Boon By Request

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relishing the moment. As much as she wanted to move faster, she didn’t want him to stop whatever his talented hands were doing.

      * * *

      Grant wanted to slide into her, but he couldn’t stop pleasuring her with his hand. He wanted this to be solely about her. Her head thrown back, her eyes closed and her panting all brought pleasure to him.

      And that right there told him just how special she was. He’d never been a selfish lover, but he’d also never taken the time to pleasure a woman and just watch her, ignoring his own wants, needs.

      “Grant, please...”

      Yeah, he couldn’t deny her, not when she was already begging.

      Grant eased back farther as realization dawned on him. “I don’t have protection, Tess.”

      A sweet smile spread across her face. “You’re lucky I was coming to seduce you. I have a condom in my jeans.”

      He shot off her and went in search of her wet jeans.

      “Front pocket,” she said, laughing.

      Grant searched there, pulled it out and ripped it open. Once he was covered, he settled back over her.

      When he leaned down to take her lips, Tessa wrapped her legs around his waist. Thunder rumbled so hard, so loud, the windows in the cabin rattled.

      As she opened her body, her mouth to him, Grant tried to ignore that tug on his heart. He couldn’t get too immersed in this, couldn’t invest his emotions. Tessa had come to him, so he wasn’t taking anything she wasn’t willing to give. They both knew where the other stood. But right now, he didn’t care about tomorrow, the film or what was going to happen after the project wrapped up.

      All he cared about was Tessa.

      With as much ease as he could manage, Grant slid into her, pausing when she gasped for breath.

      He tore his mouth from hers. “You okay?”

      She nodded, tilting her hips. “Don’t stop.”

      Gritting his teeth, Grant complied. Never before had he been in this position, and he wasn’t sure what to do, how to make this perfect for her.

      But when Tessa ran her hands over his shoulders, threaded her fingers through his damp hair and started moving those hips, he knew she was needing more than him fumbling his way through this. Who was the virgin here? He was so damn nervous, but Tessa’s sweet sighs and pants told him she was more than aroused.

      Resting on his forearms, Grant leaned down, capturing her lips as their pace picked up a rhythm that was going to have him out of control in no time.

      When her body quickened, he tore his mouth from hers, needing to watch her face. He wasn’t disappointed as her muscles clenched, her mouth dropped open, her eyes squeezed shut and she let out the sweetest moan he’d ever heard.

      All that wild, red hair spread out around her as she came undone, bowing her back. And that’s all it took for Grant to follow her over the edge.

      * * *

      Tessa was...well...speechless.

      How had she missed this experience all these years? She’d put her career, her horses and organized lifestyle all before her own needs. And now that those needs had been met, she would never let them go neglected again.

      “I can practically hear you thinking,” Grant told her, stroking his hand over her bare arm.

      He lay on the chaise, Tessa atop him, their arms and legs tangled, and she had zero desire for this storm to pass. This moment in time was one of the few she wanted to freeze. She wanted to lock this moment in her heart, to hold it tight, because right now, in Grant’s strong arms, she felt everything in the entire world was absolutely perfect.

      “You’re not having regrets, are you?”

      Tessa smiled against his chest. “Never. Just enjoying us.”

      Those stroking fingertips sent shivers over her body. Every touch from this man reached something so deep within her, she feared she’d be ruined for anyone else.

      “I’ve never appreciated being stranded in a thunderstorm,” he told her. “But I have to say, this definitely has its perks.”

      Tessa laughed, making a fist on his chest and propping her chin on top. “I never thought of storms as romantic before, but now I won’t see them as any other way.”

      “I’ve worked on scenes set in thunderstorms. They’re not near as fun as this.”

      The sun had set, so only occasional flashes of lightning illuminated the cabin, allowing her to get brief glimpses of Grant’s killer smile amid dark stubble.

      “We can try to make it back,” she offered. “I mean, I don’t want you to feel like you’re stuck.”

      “I have a beautiful naked woman on top of me. I assure you, even if the weather was sunny and perfect, I’d be in no hurry to leave.” He gripped her hips, turning them to align with his. “I don’t feel stuck. Lucky, satisfied and relaxed, but not stuck.”

      Tessa flattened her palm against his strong chest. “I’m glad I waited. I’m glad we met, even if I wasn’t a fan of this film.”

      Grant chuckled. “And how do you feel about the film now?”

      “I believe you’ll do the best job portraying my family in a positive light. That’s what I was most worried about.”

      When she rested her head against his chest again, Grant’s hands slid through her hair, moving it off her back so he could stroke those fingertips up and down again.

      “What else worries you?” he asked.

      She laughed. “About the film or life in general?”

      “You have that many worries, huh?” He kissed her forehead and nudged her legs apart until she straddled him again. “Maybe I should just take your mind off all of them for a while.”

      She jerked up. “Again? I mean, already? Aren’t know, done?”

      Grant’s rich laughter made her feel like an idiot.

      “Hey, cut me some slack, Slick. I’m new here.”

      His hands encircled her waist. “Oh, you’re not new anymore. You’re experienced, and now I want you to take complete control. Do what you want.”

      Her mind raced. Other than what she’d read in books, she really had no idea what to do, because she’d never experienced anything firsthand.

      “I only brought one condom,” she told him as another bolt of lightning lit up the sky, slashing through the windows. “I wasn’t expecting...”

      “I’ve never had sex without protection,” he told her. “My last physical was only a couple months ago and I was clean. But it’s your call. I’ll only do what you’re comfortable with.”

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