Little Black Book. Otegha Uwagba

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Little Black Book - Otegha Uwagba

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style="font-size:15px;">       GET SOCIAL

      If you work in the creative industries and you’re not up on your social media, you’re seriously missing a trick. Social media is a fast, easy way to self-promote (something women unfortunately tend to shy away from) and a great way of keeping up with new developments and job opportunities in your industry. It’s not necessarily just about having a huge number of followers either – ignore the popularity contest and focus on how social media platforms allow you to give people a taste of your personality and communicate that directly, #nofilter. Be consistent – even little things like using the same profile picture across different platforms make a difference.


      For freelancers in particular, letting people know about the work you’ve done for other clients is part of the game – people always want to work with creatives who seem like they’re in demand, so don’t shy away from plugging your work at events and on social media, or sending it into industry publications for consideration. If you work in an office, make sure your manager and your peers are aware of your wins – get comfortable with tooting your own horn!


      If you have a portfolio-based job, make sure you have a personal website filled with examples of your best work, and the type of work you’d like to do more of. Squarespace’s well-designed, easy-to-use templates are a great option if you’re not a coding whizz. Be selective about the work you showcase too – quality wins over quantity every time.


      Make sure your CV and any online profiles you have are always bang up to date, and don’t just wait until you’re in the market for a new job. You should update them regularly while your accomplishments are still fresh in your mind, and so any potential employers checking you out online have a clear picture of what you’re currently up to. It doesn’t hurt to always have a ready-to-go CV either.


      Whether that’s writing articles for relevant industry publications, starting a blog, or joining a community of like-minded creatives such as Women Who – it pays to be engaged and to have opinions. If you’ve got an impressive side hustle, include it on your personal website or CV. Doing something that goes above and beyond your day-to-day work is a great way of boosting your profile, and makes you much more appealing to work with.


      Above all, be authentic. Your personality is the most important part of your brand, so stay true to yourself. Your online persona should be genuinely representative of what you’re actually like in person. If your sassy Twitter alter ego turns out to be a timid wallflower IRL, the disparity between the ‘real’ you and the ‘curated’ you is only going to be a let-down, which won’t work in your favour. Don’t let a preoccupation with your ‘brand’ get in the way of the really important stuff either, or spend more time self-promoting than doing the hard work of actually honing your craft. The best personal brand is being really good at what you do.

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