A Song For Rory. Cerella Sechrist

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A Song For Rory - Cerella Sechrist A Findlay Roads Story

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know Rory?”

      He pushed back his chair. “Yeah, I’m her—” He stopped. “An old friend,” he said after a beat and stood.

      “Sir, please. I don’t know what came over her, but I’m sure the manager will treat you to a meal on the house—”

      “Not bloody likely.”

      Sawyer turned as Connor, Rory’s older brother, approached the table. The other man’s expression was tight with anger. Sawyer held up his hands in surrender.

      “Hey there, Connor. Good to see you.”

      “What are you doing here?”

      “The place looks great. Your dad would have loved it.”

      Connor made an angry noise in the back of his throat and took another step toward the table. Sawyer shifted his eyes to the hostess, in hope of reminding Connor they had an audience. But she wasn’t the only one watching them. From his peripheral vision, Sawyer noticed that most of the customers in the immediate vicinity had paused to witness the confrontation.

      “I just wanted to see Rory,” Sawyer admitted. “I thought I’d surprise her. In retrospect, maybe showing up here wasn’t exactly the smartest way to go about it.”

      Connor’s jaw clenched in reply.

      “Listen, I know it’s more than I deserve, but I’d really like the chance to talk to her.”

      “I’m not sure she wants to talk to you,” Connor growled.

      “Fair enough. But would you mind asking her for me?”

      “She’s working right now.”

      Sawyer nodded. “Okay.” He sat back down in his chair. “In that case, I’ll just wait right here.”

      Connor crossed his arms. “You’re not welcome here. I’m going to have to ask you to leave.”

      Sawyer released a breath, trying to keep his cool. He and Connor had always gotten along in years past. Sawyer had a tremendous amount of respect for the other man, especially his devotion to his family and his dream of becoming a successful restaurateur. He’d always known Connor possessed the same Irish bullheadedness as Rory; he’d just rarely come up against its full force like this.

      Still, the man was protecting his sister. And for that, Sawyer couldn’t blame him.

      “What if I order something? I’d love to see what you—”

      “No.” Connor’s voice was flat, brooking no argument.

      Sawyer opened his mouth to respond but never got the chance.

      “Oh, my gosh! You’re Sawyer Landry!”

      Recognition suddenly bloomed on the hostess’s face. Sawyer grimaced. Connor blinked.

      “You’re him! You’re Sawyer Landry!”

      Her excitement spread through the restaurant dining room, first hushed and then louder, like the click of falling dominoes gaining speed.

      Sawyer knew it wouldn’t be long before he was assailed by autograph-seekers and picture-takers. Normally, he didn’t mind—it went with the territory, after all. But he’d come here to see Rory, and he didn’t imagine a rush of groupies in the restaurant dining area would endear him to Connor.

      “Please, Connor, just tell her I want to talk.”

      Connor’s arms remained crossed, his nostrils flared.

      One of the servers timidly approached and thrust her order pad in Sawyer’s direction. “Would you mind giving me your autograph?”

      “Dani, go see to your tables.”



      Sawyer heard the snap of photos and looked past Connor to see several restaurant patrons brandishing their phones and clicking away in his direction. He smiled at them and gave a little wave.

      Dani began to slink away with an air of disappointment surrounding her.

      “How about I drop by later and bring you a signed copy of one of my CDs?” Sawyer offered to her retreating back.

      Dani turned, her face lighting happily. She nodded and then caught Connor’s eye before scurrying away again. Vanessa took her cue from her coworker and followed.

      Before the two men could continue their argument, a customer approached and held out her napkin, along with a pen.

      “Excuse me? Mr. Landry? My daughter is a big fan, and she’d just love it if I could get her your autograph.” She held out her napkin and a pen, and he took the items in hand.

      “Sure, what’s her name?”

      The woman beamed. “Allison. Allie, that is. Or whichever you prefer.”

      He scribbled a quick note, wishing Allie all the best, and then signed his name with a flourish.

      He sensed Connor’s mounting irritation.

      “Oh, thank you, thank you so much.” The woman paused. “And...would you mind taking a picture with me? Just so I can prove to her it was really you?”

      “No problem.” Sawyer stepped to the side so the woman could move in beside him.

      She turned to Connor and handed him her cell phone.

      “Would you mind terribly?”

      Connor did mind, Sawyer could see it, but he wasn’t about to deny a customer. He wordlessly took the phone, framed the shot and clicked as Sawyer grinned broadly for the camera.

      “Oh, that’s just wonderful. Thank you!” The woman was speaking to him, barely sparing Connor a glance as she reclaimed her cell phone. “Thank you so much! Allie will be so excited.”

      Sawyer looked at Connor, eyebrows raised as though daring him to allow this to continue. A few chairs scraped, and Sawyer had the sense a receiving line was about to form. Connor must have realized it, too, because he grabbed Sawyer by the arm and hauled him away from the table.

      “In the back. Now.”

      Sawyer shot one last look over his shoulder and saw several crestfallen faces as he was dragged away. Once the dining room disappeared from view, Connor warned him, “I’ll take you to her, but if she doesn’t want to talk to you, you leave through the back. You got it?”

      “Got it.”

      Connor hesitated, his green eyes cold. “You don’t deserve her forgiveness, you know.”

      Sawyer grew serious. “I know. But I’m hoping she’ll grant it anyway.”

      Connor gestured for him to follow and didn’t comment further one

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