Kiss Me At Christmas. Susan Mallery

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Kiss Me At Christmas - Susan Mallery Mills & Boon M&B

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the three sample invitations, then stood. “We’ll talk after the holiday?”

      “Absolutely. Happy Thanksgiving.”

      “Same to you.”


      MADELINE WAITED UNTIL Jonny left to go find Isabel. Her business partner was sorting through inventory. They’d been discussing putting a few items online to see if they could start selling across the country. Several tourists had expressed interest in having access to the clothes without having to fly back to town.

      “So, that was interesting,” she said as she walked into the storeroom.

      Isabel looked up and smiled. “If you’re trying to illustrate that keeping the information about the triplets to myself wasn’t my best idea, point taken.”

      Madeline walked to her and touched her arm. “That wasn’t it at all. Mayor Marsha came to see me and asked me to help Jonny plan his sister’s wedding. Dellina’s busy, and as it’s only going to be a small event at his house, it seemed as if I couldn’t mess it up.”

      Isabel winced. “Mayor Marsha asked you personally?”


      “Then you didn’t have a choice.” Her friend’s smile turned impish. “So, you’re working in close proximity to the gorgeous, muscled Jonny Blaze. Does he know about your mad crush on him?”

      “No, and he doesn’t need to.”

      “I’m not so sure about that. Is it fun? Are you having trouble breathing?”

      “A little,” Madeline admitted. “It’s getting easier. I can go a whole three minutes without hyperventilating. Give me another two weeks and I’ll last for an hour without remembering who he is.”

      “Is he nice?”

      Madeline thought about their brief meetings and how he obviously loved his sister. “He is, and way more normal than I would have thought. He’s just a regular guy.”


      Madeline grinned. “Okay, maybe that’s too strong, but he’s not that different. He doesn’t act like a movie star.”

      “Any tingles?”

      “Plenty and I’m not the least bit concerned. Look at who he is. Tingles come with the territory. They’re about star power, not the man.”

      “You’re sure? Because you’re great and he’d be lucky to have you, but I’m not sure he’d be happy with a small-town girl.”

      “Me, either.” As if, Madeline thought humorously. “Although if he wanted to tie himself in red ribbon and be waiting under my Christmas tree, I wouldn’t say no.”

      “I doubt there are many women who would. ‘Dear Santa, all I want for Christmas is Jonny Blaze.’”

      Madeline laughed. “You’ve been reading my email.” She glanced at the clock on the wall. It was nearly noon, which meant she needed to be going.

      “Are they here?” Isabel asked, following her gaze.

      “I’m guessing my mom already has the oven going,” Madeline said happily.

      “Tell everyone hi from me and we’ll see you tomorrow. About seven?”

      “Whatever works for you.”

      Madeline gave her business partner a hug, then returned to the wedding gown side of the store. Rosalind would work until three, then close things down for the holiday. Madeline was leaving early to go meet her family.

      As they did each Thanksgiving, her mother and father, brother and niece returned to Fool’s Gold. Like migrating birds, she thought with a grin as she grabbed her handbag and called out that she was leaving.

      Once she was outside, she breathed in the chilly air. It even smelled like a holiday. The streets were more crowded than usual, with people running last-minute errands. There were plenty of tourists, as well, in town for the festivities.

      The holiday season bonanza of activities started with the Thanksgiving parade tomorrow afternoon. That was followed by the official tree lighting on Saturday and so on, right up through New Year’s. Madeline enjoyed all of it. She was on the committee for the Live Nativity, which was exactly how it sounded, live animals and all.

      For the most part the committee work was easy enough. There were some unusual choices such as Priscilla the elephant and her pony, Reno. The only disagreement had been when someone had suggested a toy poodle stand in for the Baby Jesus. But what was life without controversy?

      Not that she had to worry about her committee today. Instead, she would be spending time with her family.

      She walked the ten blocks to her small house, then smiled when she saw the rental car in her driveway. Her parents had flown in from their place in Florida while her brother and niece would be arriving from O’Hare. Jasmine was a sophomore at Northwestern, while Robbie, Madeline’s brother, was a pediatrician in Saint Paul.

      She ran up the three steps to her porch, then opened the front door and stepped inside.

      “I’m home,” she called.

      Her parents stepped out of the kitchen and hurried toward her. “My darling Maddie,” her mother said, her arms open, her smile welcoming. “How are you?”

      Her dad grinned. “She looks good, Loretta. She looks good.”

      Madeline was captured in their embrace. She hugged them back, letting the love wash over her.

      She’d been lucky, she thought to herself. Lucky to be born into such a loving family. While she’d always known that her parents were older than her friends’, she’d been okay with that. Loretta and Joseph had nurtured her, encouraging her to believe in herself and follow her dreams. The only flaw in their plan had been how long it had taken Madeline to figure out what she wanted to do with her life.

      It hadn’t helped to have such a successful older brother. By the time she entered first grade, Robbie was already in medical school. But he’d always taken time to pay attention to her, and while they hadn’t grown up together, they’d been close.

      Now she smiled at her parents. “How was your flight?”

      “Excellent,” her father said. “Your mother fretted the whole way.”

      “I didn’t fret,” Loretta said with a laugh. “I thought they were flying too slow. I couldn’t wait to get here.”

      Her parents had arrived in Sacramento late the previous evening. With her dad pushing seventy-five, they preferred to wait until morning to make the drive to Fool’s Gold.

      “Did you check into the hotel?” Madeline asked. “If you didn’t, you can still change your minds and stay here.”


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