Seduced By The Bachelor. Pamela Yaye
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An idea came to him, the answer to his problem. He’d ask Tatiyana to be his dinner date. The executive secretary had “It,” the wow factor, and arriving at the steak house with the leggy beauty on his arm was sure to not only turn heads, but also impress his family.
Markos tried to catch her eye, but Tatiyana was too busy chatting to notice him. Holding center court, surrounded by men in golf attire, it was obvious she was in her element. Which guy was her traveling buddy? Were they really just friends and nothing more?
In a stroke of good luck, Tatiyana waved at her admirers and sashayed off, switching her hips, her ponytail swishing back and forth. As she stepped past him, Markos reached out and caught her arm. Surprise, then anger darkened her features. Tatiyana gave him a blank stare, as if he was a stranger, and Markos released her hand. Four hours ago she was talking his ear off, and now she didn’t know him? What gives? Markos didn’t know what game Tatiyana was playing, but he didn’t like it. Still, he didn’t leave. He wanted the pleasure of her company tonight, and he wasn’t returning to the restaurant without her. Markos wore a disarming smile, but Tatiyana seemed immune to his charms, regarding him with a narrowed gaze. “We meet again.”
Tatiyana fluttered her eyelashes, her expression coy. “Markos, right?”
“It’s wonderful to see you again. Great dress.”
“Thanks,” she said, doing a twirl.
“Where are you rushing off to?”
“To see you, of course.”
Her innocent, wide-eyed expression made Markos laugh. She smelled of roses and tropical fruit, and her sweet, heady fragrance tickled his nostrils. The blood drained from his head, shot to his groin, and his erection stabbed the zipper of his white slacks. Sex was his favorite pastime, the only activity ever worth skipping dinner for, and Markos craved Tatiyana, had to have her. She oozed sexuality, reeked of confidence, and Markos suspected she’d be a passionate lover.
“What are you up to tonight?” she asked, cocking her head to the right.
“I’m about to have dinner with my family. Care to join me?”
“Only if you agree to be my date for the R&B Summer Jam. My friends canceled on me at the last minute, so I’m on my own this weekend, and I don’t want to go to Applause Nightclub alone.”
“I have paperwork to do, and besides I’m too old for rap concerts.”
Her eyes dimmed, but she spoke in a cheery tone. “No worries. I’ll find someone else to take me. Have fun with your family, Markos.”
Tatiyana stepped past him, and Markos captured her forearm, drawing her to his side. “Deal,” he said. “Have dinner with me, and I’ll take you to the concert tonight.”
“I thought you’d come around.”
“You drive a hard bargain, Ms. Washington.”
All smiles, her eyes beguiling and bright, she coiled an arm through his. “Sono contento che ci siamo incontrati, e sarei onorato di avere la cena con la famiglia.”
I’m glad we met, and I’d be honored to have dinner with your family. Pleased by her words, he stared into her eyes, gauging whether or not she was telling the truth. Enraptured by the sound of her voice, he moved closer to her, brushing his lips against the curve of her ear. “You speak Italian. I’m impressed. What other secrets are you hiding?”
“There are a lot of things I can do. I’m a woman of extraordinaire talents—”
“I look forward to discovering them all.”
“Patience,” she replied with a wink. “Dinner first, then dessert.”
* * *
“How long have you two been dating?”
Markos choked on the cocktail shrimp in his mouth. It hurt to breathe, and a burning sensation flowed through his chest. Glancing up from his plate, he shot Emilio a questioning look, hoping his expression conveyed his annoyance. Arriving at the table ten minutes earlier, he’d introduced Tatiyana to his family as a “friend” and jokingly asked them not to scare her off, so why were Emilio and Immanuel giving her the third degree? Why couldn’t they be kind and welcoming like his cousins and their wives? Before Markos could respond, Tatiyana spoke up, shocking him and everyone else at their corner table.
“Not long, but the first time I saw Markos I knew he was the one...”
Tatiyana covered his hands with her own, sending heat surging through his body.
“I love sensitive, romantic men, and your brother’s quite the charmer. And hot, too, right ladies?”
The women cheered, the men chuckled and Markos smiled so wide his jaw ached. He couldn’t have asked for a better dinner companion. None of the women he knew could hold a candle to Tatiyana, and he was glad to have her at his side.
“Where’s Dante?” Rafael asked, popping an oyster into his mouth. “I spoke to him on Sunday, and he said you guys were traveling together, so I expected to see him tonight.”
Finishing his appetizer, Markos took a swig of his soda and set aside his empty plate. “He changed his mind. Jordana’s parents are in town, and he wants to spend time with them.”
“I’m confused. I thought Dante was single.” Sharleen Nicholas, Emilio’s wife, wore a puzzled expression on her face. “Who’s Jordana?”
“His temporary wife,” Emilio explained. “He married her in a courthouse ceremony back in June, in the hopes of winning full custody of Matteo, and it worked.”
Markos shook his head. “Jordana’s not his temporary wife. She’s his soul mate.”
A hush fell over the table as Markos spoke. He assured his family members the aspiring actress was a thoughtful, compassionate woman, not a gold digger with dollar signs in her eyes. “I had dinner with them last week, and it’s obvious they’re in love. They couldn’t keep their hands off each other, finished each other’s sentences and Jordana laughed at all of Dante’s jokes, even the corny ones.” Markos chuckled, recalling how much fun he’d had with the couple. “Dante quit his job at the Brokerage Group so he could be a better father and husband, and I think that’s commendable.”
Nicco whistled. “You’re right. It is.”
“I’m happy for him,” Immanuel said, reaching for his water glass. “He’s been interested in Jordana for months, and Matteo adores her, too.”
Markos agreed. “You’re right, he does, and Matteo’s not the only one. Lourdes likes her a lot, and credits Jordana with helping her finally get clean. If Jordana gets her way, and I’m confident she will, they’ll be one, big, happy family in no time.”
“That’s great,” Rafael replied. “I’ll call Dante later to congratulate him.”
The waitstaff arrived, carrying silver trays topped with entrées, drinks