The Surgeon's Love-Child. Lilian Darcy

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The Surgeon's Love-Child - Lilian Darcy Mills & Boon Medical

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a gold reflective film ran all along one side of the building.

      Most of the windows were open, providing a volume of fresh, mild air that was unheard of in Candace’s experience. In Boston, winters were arctic, summers were steamy and hospitals had air-conditioning.

      With its pink walls and mottled linoleum floors, the place was too clean and cheerful to be called shabby, and there was an atmosphere of peace, underlaid by a low buzz of unhurried activity which suggested that hospitals didn’t have to be nearly as dramatic and hectic as they always seemed on prime-time television.

      Terry doggedly tramped the building from one end to the other on their tour. He showed Candace the eight-bed maternity unit, which opened onto a shaded veranda. He took her through the four-bed high-dependency unit, the agedcare rehab beds, day surgery, the pharmacy, Emergency and Physio. He even took her past the tiny chapel and even tinier kiosk, which was open for just one hour each day. Finally, he pointed out the electrical plant room.

      It was a relief to both of them when he finally announced, ‘And now I must pick up Myrna. She’ll be packed and waiting. Steve should be back before too long. Find someone to make you a coffee, and—’

      ‘I can do coffee on my own, Terry,’ Candace said gently. Several strands of his grey hair had fallen onto the wrong side of his parting, and he was rubbing his stomach as if he had heartburn. ‘Just give Myrna my very best and have a safe trip.’ She almost pushed Terry out through the administration entrance.

      She had no trouble over the coffee. Found the nursing staffroom and was at once invited in. She hadn’t finished her mug of unremarkable instant by the time Steve appeared in the doorway ten minutes later, but it didn’t matter.

      ‘Now, what do you need to get done?’ he asked. ‘Because I’m not seeing patients today, and you know Terry will have my guts for garters when he gets back if I haven’t been looking after you.’

      ‘He’ll have your…what?’

      ‘Guts for garters.’ He grinned.

      ‘That sounds violent.’

      ‘So you’d better let me look after you, then, hadn’t you?’


      ‘Good decision.’

      ‘Right, well, I need to get groceries, open a bank account and buy a car,’ she announced.

      Steve raised his eyebrows and grinned, appreciating the way she’d ticked off each item on her finger with such assurance. Perhaps he shouldn’t have teased her with that piece of colourful Australian idiom just now. She didn’t need him to entertain her so deliberately.

      ‘Need to learn how to drive on the wrong side of the road, too?’ he suggested.

      ‘Well, yes.’ Now she looked less confident, but the effect was just as attractive.

      His expectations for the day notched themselves a little higher, and he was aware that they’d been high enough to begin with.

      ‘I’ll give you a driving lesson,’ he offered.

      OK, now she looked quite panicky. She gave a shriek, but she was smiling as widely as he was. ‘This is going to be a treat for my fellow road-users!’

      ‘Is that where we should start?’ he asked. ‘With the driving lesson? I can take you somewhere quiet first off then, when you’ve got some confidence, you can do the shuttling round to the bank and the supermarket. I’ll just sit in the passenger seat and give a terrified hiss every now and then…’

      ‘And slam your foot onto an imaginary brake pedal on the floor. I get the picture. Is it an automatic?’

      ‘Yes, it is.’

      ‘And is it insured?’


      ‘OK, let’s do it before I start thinking of excuses. How’s the public transport around here?’

      ‘Not good enough for commuting between three hospitals more than fifty kilometres apart, every week.’

      ‘Thought not.’

      So he gave her a driving lesson, and it wasn’t nearly as hair-raising as either of them had feared.

      I’m not flirting with her, Steve realised. Why is that? I’d planned to.

      He had acquired some skill in this area over the years. He was nearly thirty-three, now. His brother Matt, three years his senior and married since the age of twenty-five, kept telling him, ‘Get serious. Don’t miss the boat. Stop going after women who have a use-by date.’

      ‘Use-by date?’

      ‘Like Agnetha. Women that you know are going to leave and let you off the hook. There was that other girl from Perth, too. Agnetha wasn’t the first. Settle down!’

      And he always found himself thinking, Yeah, obviously. Of course I will…I’m not a hardened bachelor. But not yet. Don’t think I’ve quite come to grips with the married man’s job description yet. When he took on a responsibility—and he was in no doubt that marriage was that—he liked to be sure it was one he was fully equipped to handle.

      To prove to himself, and perhaps to Matt as well, that he hadn’t missed the boat, be it kayak or cruise ship or ferry, he flirted with a variety of women. Mutually enjoyable. Nothing heavy-handed. Not threatening to anyone.

      He kept it very light, never trespassed into the sorts of overtly sexual references and double meanings that he, along with most women, would have considered sleazy. He conceded that there was probably some truth to Matt’s observation about women with a use-by date as well, although he didn’t like the way his brother had worded it.

      Candace Fletcher was only here for a year, and he was fully aware of the fact.

      So perhaps this is flirting, he decided. We’re laughing. Teasing each other a little. Only it’s even lighter than usual, so I’m calling it something else.


      Because I don’t want to scare her off.

      There was something in her eyes, something in the way she held that full, sensitive mouth. Coupled with the fact of her divorce, he was pretty certain that she would want a man to take things carefully, no matter how sudden and strong the spark was between them, no matter that she was leaving after a year.

      Perhaps the spark was a little deceptive, too. They might both feel it, but that didn’t mean acting on it would be a good idea. Some instinct told him to tread carefully, and to think before he acted in this case.

      I didn’t think twice with Agnetha, and neither did she…

      The thought flashed through his mind and disappeared again.

      They spent an hour on the quiet roads of Narralee’s newest housing development before Candace announced that she was ready for downtown.

      ‘Yes, I know you don’t call it that,’ she added.


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