Plain Danger. Debby Giusti
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Giving voice to what troubled her the most about her father brought even more unease to her already-troubled heart. Why hadn’t her father wanted a relationship with his only child?
She glanced at the fireplace with its wide hearth and sturdy oak mantel and shook her head to ward off the hot tears that burned her eyes. She usually could control her emotions. Tonight was different. More than anything, she didn’t want to seem needy in front of the agent with the penetrating eyes and questioning gaze. “I feel like I’m drowning, as you might imagine. No buoy or life preserver in sight.”
“Ms. York...uh, Carrie, I’m sure things will sort themselves out over the next few days. How long do you plan to stay in Freemont?”
“I’m not sure. Mr. Gates mentioned that someone is interested in buying the property. He encouraged me to sell, and initially, I had planned to put the house on the market as soon as possible.”
“And now?” the CID agent asked.
“Now I’m not sure.”
“Then you plan to stay?”
“No.” She didn’t know what she planned to do. “I have a job in DC, but I can work here for a period of time. I’m sure the police won’t want me to leave the area.”
“Not until the investigation is over,” he confirmed.
“Then that settles the problem. I’m forced to stay, although I’m concerned about safety issues with a man dead in the backyard. Still, I’ll remain here, at least until the ceremony downtown.”
“I’m unaware of any ceremony.”
“Honoring veterans from the local area. Mr. Gates said a plaque with my father’s name and years in service will be added to the War Memorial and unveiled at the end of the month. I’ll stay until then.”
“And if the investigation is still ongoing?”
Her shoulders slumped ever so slightly. “Eventually I’ll have to return to my job.”
“You work for Drake Kingsley?”
“That’s right. I’m his speechwriter.”
“Do you believe everything you write in his speeches?”
The personal nature of the question surprised her as much as the sudden hard edge to his voice.
Any residual tears instantly dried. “What does that mean?”
“He’s not a friend of the military.”
“Senator Kingsley is a good man.” With a big heart, she almost added.
“If that’s what you believe, then he’s got you fooled.”
The door opened, and Inman stepped into the foyer. “Officer Phillips needs to see you, sir.”
The special agent pushed out of the chair and stood. “Excuse me, ma’am. I have work to do.”
He turned on his heel and followed Inman outside, leaving her alone, except for Bailey and the young cop who stood guard at the door.
Recalling the special agent’s curt tone and abrasive comment, she felt her heart pounding. The senator had been like a father to her over the past eighteen months that she’d worked for him. Demanding at times, but he was also generous with his praise, and her writing had improved under his tutelage.
Why would Special Agent Zimmerman be so antagonistic toward a noted public servant who played such an important role in her life? The senator had changed a few of her speeches over the months to tone down her exuberant support for the military. She had never purposefully maligned anyone in uniform, nor would she ever do so. The special agent didn’t understand that she was a paid employee on Kingsley’s staff and had to comply with his requests in regard to his talks.
Evidently Mr. Zimmerman was unaware of the number of people Carrie admired, all dedicated men and women who were serving in the military. She—and indeed, the entire nation—was indebted to their sacrifice.
Admittedly Senator Kingsley had been somewhat vocal in his disregard of those in uniform in private settings, and she had heard him say that the military wasn’t to be trusted, but that was the senator’s belief and not hers.
Unlike Kingsley, she was wholeheartedly pro-military.
Except she did wonder about the special agent neighbor. Not because he was in the army, but because he lived next to a murder scene and had so quickly appeared on site. Was it purely coincidental?
Carrie needed to be careful until she knew if the CID agent was trustworthy or someone to watch.
* * *
Tyler left the house and descended the porch steps to where Officer Phillips stood on the sidewalk, cell phone at his ear. Disconnecting, the cop acknowledged Tyler with a nod.
“The victim’s wallet confirmed Fellows’s name and provided an address.” Phillips pointed into the wooded area behind the Harris home. “A dirt road winds along the rear of the property. The sergeant major kept a trailer in the woods and rented it out. Fellows was his latest tenant. Some of my guys are there now looking for anything that can shed light on his murder.”
Tyler glanced back at the house. “I wonder if Ms. York was aware of the trailer. She plans to talk to her father’s lawyer in the morning.”
“George Gates?” Phillips asked.
“You know him?”
“I know of him,” the cop acknowledged. “His office is just off the square. He’s well thought of in town. Has a pretty wife, a couple kids. The wife is some kind of designer. Works with Realtors by staging the homes that are on the market. All high-end properties.”
“Thanks for the information,” Tyler said. “I’ll pay him a visit in the morning.”
“Doubt he’ll provide anything new.” Phillips smirked. “You know lawyers and client privilege.”
“You’re saying Harris had something to hide?”
“I’m saying you never know about neighbors.” Phillips made a clucking sound as he stared into the wooded area before turning back to Tyler. “Did you ever see Fellows hovering around Harris’s property?”
“Never. But then I’ve haven’t been in Georgia long.”
“Where were you stationed before Rickman?”
“Germany for three years. A little town called Vilseck.”
“Near the Grafenwohr training area.”
Surprised that Phillips