In Bed with Her Ex. Nina Harrington

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In Bed with Her Ex - Nina Harrington Mills & Boon By Request

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then the most wonderful thing of all had happened.

      The grocery van had drawn up and the delivery man stepped out. That was her first view of Marcel’s tall, vigorous body. Being only one floor up, she could appreciate every detail. When he’d glanced up she’d seen not only his good looks but the cheeky devil lurking in his eyes. That had been what really won her heart.

      It was the same with him. She knew that by the way he came to a sudden halt, as though something had seized him, smiling at her with pleasure and an air of discovery. The words, That’s it! This is the one! had sung in the air between them.

      A week later, lying in each other’s arms, he’d said, ‘I knew then that I was going to love you.’

      ‘I knew I’d love you too,’ she’d assured him joyfully.

      ‘Really? Me, the grocer’s delivery lad? With all the men you could have?’

      ‘If I can have them I can also reject them,’ she’d pointed out. ‘I choose the man I want. I choose.’ With mock sternness she’d added, ‘Don’t forget that.’

      ‘No, ma’am. Whatever you say, ma’am.’

      He’d given her a comical salute and they’d dissolved into laughter, snuggling down deeper into the bed, and then not laughing at all.

      How handsome he’d been that first day, getting out of the van and approaching her. How young, untouched by life!

      ‘Good morning!’

      She jumped, startled by the voice that came from below. A car had stopped and a man was calling up to her, pulling her back to the present, where she didn’t want to be.

      ‘I’m sorry … who …?’

      ‘I said good morning,’ Marcel repeated.

      ‘Oh—it’s you!’

      ‘Who were you expecting?’

      ‘Nobody. I thought you’d call me.’

      ‘May I come up?’

      ‘Of course.’ She tossed down the keys.

      She hadn’t dressed and was suddenly conscious of the thin nightie. By the time he arrived she’d pulled on a house coat. It was unflattering, but it zipped up to the neck and at least he wouldn’t think she was trying to be seductive. Anything but that.

      When she emerged from the bedroom he was already there. ‘I’m sorry to arrive so early, but I’m eager to get a close inspection of my new property.’

      ‘Meaning me?’ she asked, her head on one side and a satirical smile on her lips.

      ‘A shrewd businesswoman like you should appreciate the description. So I came to collect you, which was perhaps a little thoughtless of me. Finish your breakfast.’

      She fetched a cup and poured him a coffee. ‘Let’s talk. I can eat and work at the same time.’

      ‘I see I’ve hired the right person. The hotel needs development, the sooner the better.’

      ‘You spoke of making it like La Couronne, and there are several avenues that it would be profitable to explore. The success of your Paris hotel may be because of all the—’ She launched into a list gleaned from her investigation of the hotel’s website, adding, ‘You could probably do some of these things more easily without the problems that arose in—’ Here she made use of knowledge found on a business site that spilled the beans about some interesting battles.

      ‘That man who caused you all the trouble didn’t really give up, did he?’ she asked. ‘I gather he’s still complaining about—’

      Marcel listened to her with raised eyebrows. She could tell that he was impressed. Good. That was how she wanted him. She was taking charge.

      ‘People who come to the London hotel should sense the connection with Paris,’ she added. ‘It’ll be useful when you’re ready to expand further.’

      ‘That’s looking rather far ahead.’

      ‘But it’s what you need to do. Eventually your hotels will be all over Europe, with your trademark. This one could be The Crown Hotel, and the one you’ll open in Italy can be La Corona. Spain as well. Then it’ll be Die Krone in Germany, De Kroon in Holland. Czech and Slovak will probably have to wait a while—’

      ‘You don’t say!’ he exclaimed with a grin of wry appreciation.

      ‘But when their time comes it’ll be Koruna.’ ‘You’ve got this all worked out. And I thought I was organised.’

      ‘I like to be prepared. Aren’t I supposed to be?’

      ‘Yes, indeed.’ He added wryly, ‘But how often are people what they’re supposed to be?’

      ‘People, rarely. But places can be exactly as planned, if you tackle the problem properly’

      ‘Quite right.’ He raised his coffee cup in her direction. ‘And with your help that’s what will happen.’

      She clinked her cup against his. ‘Now I must dash and get ready.’

      When she’d gone Marcel looked around the apartment, surprised to find it so small and plain. Her fortunes might have dived over the years but a woman in her present position surely didn’t need to live among second-hand furniture and walls that looked as though they needed repapering.

      From the bathroom he could hear the sound of the shower, which made it awkward that the phone should ring at that moment. Since there was no way he could interrupt her now, he lifted the receiver.

      ‘Is Jane there?’ came a man’s voice.

      ‘She’s occupied right now. Can I say who called?’

      ‘Tell her it’s Dave, and I need to talk to her quickly.’

      The line went dead.

      He replaced the receiver, frowning.

      She emerged a few minutes later, fully dressed and with her hair swept back.

      ‘Dave wants you to call him,’ Marcel told her. ‘It sounded urgent.’

      She had seized the receiver before he even finished speaking, leaving him wondering even more curiously about Dave and the hold he evidently had over her.

      He tried not to eavesdrop, or so he told himself, but certain phrases couldn’t be shut out.

      ‘Dave, it’s all right, I’ll take care of it. I can’t talk now. I’ll call you back later.’ She hung up.

      Marcel didn’t speak. He wondered if he was being fanciful in imagining that she had ended the conversation quickly because he was there.

      His mind went back years, to their time together. When had she ever spoken to himself in that placating tone? Never.


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