Six Sexy Doctors Part 2. Joanna Neil
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‘You’ve examined him. What do you think?’
‘I think the risk of waiting until we get him to Glasgow is far greater than operating here. The surgery is fairly routine. I can handle it, Cameron. I would tell you if I had any doubts. I told you before, emergency surgery is where I have a lot of practice. You have to believe me when I say I have more surgical experience than general practice.’
‘But what if there are complications? No disrespect to you but anything could happen. If the appendix ruptures before we remove it, he could die.’
‘And the longer we wait, the greater chance there is of that happening.’
Cameron stared at his son for one long moment. He seemed to make up his mind.
‘Let’s call in the air ambulance. They’ll be able to give us a rough time of arrival. In the meantime, let’s get the theatre in Benbecula organised. That way, if it looks as if his condition is deteriorating rapidly, we can go ahead with surgery.’
‘That sounds like a plan. Let’s get going.’ Meagan turned to Ian, crouching by his side.
‘Ian, you need an operation on your tummy,’ Meagan said. ‘It won’t hurt because you will be fast asleep. But we need to get you to a hospital so we can do the operation. Do you understand?’
‘Are you going to do it, Daddy?’ the little boy asked his father.
‘No, mo ghaol,’ his father said. ‘It’s not a good idea for fathers to operate on their little boys. But, I’ll be right next to you all the time. And I’ll be there when you wake up.
‘Will Mummy be there too?’
Cameron shook his head. Meagan could see from the way he clenched his jaw that he was trying hard not to let his child see his pain. Tears filled Ian’s eyes.
‘I wish Mummy never had to go away, Daddy. If you were still married, she’d always be here when I need her, wouldn’t she?’
‘I’m going to phone her and I know she’ll want to be with you as soon as she can. She loves you very much—you know that, don’t you?’
Cameron squatted next to Ian and pulled him into his arms. He whispered something in his ear. Whatever it was, it seemed to have the right effect. Ian smiled and relaxed into his father’s embrace.
‘Could you phone the hospital, Meagan, and the air ambulance?’ Cameron said, lifting his son in his arms. ‘I’ll take him to the hospital in my car. Luckily the hospital is near the airport. We need someone standing by ready to anaethetise. I’ll get them on my mobile.’
‘OK. I’ll be right behind you,’ Meagan said. She touched his shoulder. ‘It’s going to be all right,’ she said gently.
Cameron looked right through her.
‘Jessie, could you keep trying to get hold of Rachel? Tell her I’ll let her know what’s happening as soon as I can.’
Meagan let her hand drop. He was distraught and who could blame him? In the meantime, she had a job to do.
By the time Meagan arrived at the hospital, Ian’s condition had deteriorated.
‘The air ambulance is on its way,’ she told Cameron, ‘but it will be a couple of hours before they get here. Then it will be another while before they get him to hospital.’ She looked at Cameron. ‘I don’t think we should wait.’
‘I don’t know,’ said Cameron.
‘Look, ‘Meagan said, ‘the longer we wait the more likely it is that he’ll have complications. It’s a pretty straightforward op. If we do it now.’
Cameron sighed. He looked shaken. ‘OK. Let’s do it.’ He turned to Meagan and grasped her by the shoulders. She could feel his fingers biting into her through the thin fabric of her blouse.
‘I’ve got to trust you. You can’t let me down. If anything happens to Ian, I…’ He tailed off, unable to complete the sentence.
‘I won’t let anything happen. I promise. I wouldn’t do this if I didn’t know I could. Now, you stay with Ian while I get changed and scrub up.’
‘I’m coming in too,’ he said.
‘Do you think that’s wise? You’d be better waiting. I’ll let you know when I’m finished.’
Cameron looked at her, his mouth set in a grim line. ‘I am going to be in theatre with my son. Please, don’t argue with me about this.’
‘OK, then. But you have to promise to stay out of the way.’
* * *
In the end the operation was straightforward. While she was operating she could feel Cameron’s eyes on her every move. She knew he was prepared to take over should she show the slightest hesitation or uncertainty. She pushed away the thought that she was operating on the son of the man she loved to the back of her mind. Once she started operating, everything else around her disappeared as she concentrated.
Finally the inflamed appendix was out. Looking at it, Meagan knew they had made the right decision not to delay. Even an hour more and the appendix could have ruptured. As it was, Ian should make a good recovery.
Cameron held Ian’s hand throughout the procedure. Over his mask she could see the relief in his eyes as she began to close.
When she had finished, Ian was wheeled into the recovery area. He was beginning to come round, although Meagan knew it would be a little while before he was fully conscious. Once he had come round he would need a couple of days in hospital.
One of the nurses came through. ‘Dr Stuart, we have your wife on the phone. I’ve brought her up to speed, but she still wants to speak to you.’
Reluctantly Cameron stood up, releasing his son’s hand. ‘Tell her I’ll be there in a minute.’
He turned to Meagan. The lines of worry were still there, but she could see that he knew the worst was over.
‘Thank you,’ he said, his voice gruff with emotion. ‘I should never have doubted you. You did a fine job.’
‘All in a day’s work.’ Meagan smiled at him, although now that the operation was over she felt her knees shake.
Cameron leaned over Ian and kissed him. ‘I’ll be back in a minute,’ he promised the sleeping child. He was back in minutes. Ian was beginning to open his eyes.
‘Daddy?’ he said as he saw his father. ‘Am I fixed?’
‘You are going to be fine,’ Cameron said. ‘A few days in bed and then you’ll be up and about.’
‘Mummy?’ Ian asked, his eyes searching the room.
‘She’s on her way. She’ll be here before you know it. And she won’t leave you again. I promise.’
‘Will you and Dr Galbraith stay with me until Mummy comes?’