Six Sexy Doctors Part 2. Joanna Neil
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‘Everything will work out, you’ll see,’ she said softly
Before Meagan had a chance to reply, a tall, slim man with blond hair appeared at the table.
‘Ah, Jessie,’ he said. Although his accent was cultivated, his voice had the gentle island burr. ‘I’ve been looking for you everywhere. Then it hit me. You’d be over worrying about the catering. Can’t you take one night off at least, woman?’
Jessie blushed. Even before she introduced them, Meagan had a good idea who the young man was. Not least because of his striking resemblance to Cameron.
‘Simon, can I introduce Dr Galbraith—Meagan? Meagan—Simon Stuart.’
‘Nice to meet you, Meagan,’ he said, grinning at Meagan, before turning back to Jessie just as the band was striking up another tune. ‘May I have the pleasure of both you ladies for the next dance? The Dashing White Sergeant, I believe, so I need both of you.’
Now that I’m here, Meagan thought, I may as well enjoy myself. Moments later she was being whirled around the dance floor. Out of the corner of her eye she could see Cameron’s eyes on her, but he was too far away for her to read his expression.
The set came to an end just in front of Cameron. Before she could catch her breath, he was leading her back onto the dance floor for a waltz. She let herself relax into his arms as he moved with effortless grace around the floor. She, on the other hand, had never been much of a dancer and was soon finding herself treading on Cameron’s toes.
‘Just relax,’ he said, ‘and follow me. Don’t think too much about your feet.’ He was right. As soon as she stopped thinking about the steps, they were dancing as if they had always partnered one another.
Meagan closed her eyes, breathing in the faint scent of aftershave. She could feel the pressure of his hand on the small of her back. This could be the last time he ever held her, she thought miserably.
‘You look lost in thought.’ Cameron bent his head and whispered in her ear. ‘Penny for them?’
The heat was making Meagan’s head spin.
‘I was just wondering when you’re going to announce your engagement.’
She felt rather than heard his intake of breath.
‘My engagement,’ he said slowly. He glanced around before manoeuvring Meagan towards an open door.
‘Let’s gets some air,’ he said.
Out on the verandah it was cool. Winter wasn’t far away, Meagan thought. What would it be like here in the winter? And where would she be?
She shivered. Wherever she was, she would be alone. But, please, God, if her pregnancy was to continue, she would have her child—their child.
Cameron slipped off his jacket and wrapped it around her shoulders. She could feel the heat of him in its warmth.
‘What are you going to do?’ he asked.
For a moment she thought he was referring to the baby. But then realised he couldn’t be. There was no way he could know.
‘About what?’ she asked, more sharply than she had intended.
‘About the permanent position here,’ he said. ‘I’ve no doubt Colin will want you to stay on. In fact, he’s hinted that he wants to offer you the position tomorrow at dinner. I’ve told him I think you’d be an excellent choice. And you would be, Meagan,’ he added softly. ‘Any practice would be lucky to get you.’
‘Does he know you are leaving?’ Meagan asked.
‘No. Only you and Jessie know so far. I haven’t had a chance to tell him.’
‘It puts me in a difficult position, then, doesn’t it? He couldn’t cope here alone if we both left. And as you pointed out before, it’s not that easy to find someone who will want to live here. Who will really love this place and want to make a difference here.’
Cameron pulled a hand through his hair. Meagan had to fight to resist the temptation to smooth it away from his eyes. He looked…almost broken, she thought. She hadn’t seen him look like that before. Vulnerable, not in control.
‘I wish there was another way,’ he said. He touched her hair and in the light of the moon Meagan could see the pain in his eyes. ‘I wish…’ He left the sentence unfinished.
‘You wish what?’ she said, her heart pounding.
Cameron let his hand follow the planes of her face. He tipped her chin and looked straight into her eyes.
‘I wish I had met you first,’ he said hoarsely. He lowered his head and covered her mouth with his. Meagan froze, but then almost as if her body was separate to her will, she felt it melt into his. Just once more, she thought, then I can leave him.
They kissed hungrily, oblivious to the fact that there was someone in the shadows behind them watching. Eventually they broke apart, both breathing heavily. ‘My God, Meagan,’ Cameron said. ‘I want you so much.’
‘But you can’t have me. And I can’t have you.’ Meagan said wearily. ‘We both know that.’
Cameron pulled her back into his arms. She rested there for a moment, her head against his chest. She could hear the rhythmic pounding of his heart.
‘There has to be a way,’ he said grimly. ‘I have to find a way.’
Rachel watched as the two figures clung to each other. She had suspected that Meagan was in love with Cameron, but until now had had no idea that he felt the same way. When she had asked him if there was anyone else, it had been a stab in the dark, but the way he had looked at Meagan, the way he kissed her, she knew instinctively that he loved Meagan in a way that he had never loved her. She stepped forward as the two drew apart.
‘Is there something you want to tell me, Cameron?’ she said quietly.
MEAGAN was horrified. How long had Rachel been watching from the shadows? What had she seen and heard?
‘Rachel,’ Cameron said heavily. ‘You are right. We do need to talk.’
Meagan was deeply embarrassed. ‘I’m sorry, Rachel,’ she blurted. ‘I should go. Leave you two alone.’ And before anyone could stop her she slipped back inside.
She found her bag and coat where she had left them. She thought about saying goodnight to Jessie but, seeing her dancing with Simon, her face lifted to his and her eyes glowing with pleasure, she decided against it. Besides, she couldn’t face Jessie right now.
Unseen, she went back outside. The darkness was complete. For a moment the moon peeped out from behind clouds, illuminating the road home, but Meagan was barely aware of it. All she wanted to do was get away as quickly as possible from Grimsay House, from Cameron and from Rachel. Despite the cool night air, her cheeks still burned with shame. How could she have let Cameron kiss her and—worse—kiss him back? It didn’t matter what their