Operation Hero's Watch. Justine Davis

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Operation Hero's Watch - Justine  Davis Mills & Boon Heroes

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“You’ve dealt with this kind of thing before, then.”

      “Yes. Foxworth has dealt with several stalking cases.”

      “I mean you, personally.”

      Again the shrug. “Three.”

      “And how did they end up?” Jace asked.

      “One misunderstanding. One in jail.” He stopped.

      “And the third?” Cassie prompted.

      Jace watched Rafe meet her gaze. “Dead.”

      If the Foxworth man had thought she would crumple, he’d misjudged her. Jace hadn’t. He knew Cassidy Grant was made of sterner stuff than that. Still, he stayed silent, curious to see how she responded.

      “Since I doubt you’re the type to indiscriminately kill, I presume it was necessary.”

      Rafe’s voice was barely above a whisper. “There are some who would say I’m exactly that type.”

      Jace had the sudden feeling this was about something else entirely. And that if this man had killed, as he’d said, it was not something he did lightly. And he would carry the responsibility of it forever. Jace was certain of it in the same way he was certain that his father was the most irresponsible man on the planet, if indeed he still was on it.

      For the first time since he’d taken a position at Cassie’s side, the dog moved. He padded silently over to the man with the haunted eyes and nudged his hand. And again without a look, with the appearance of a habit long ingrained, Rafe put his hand on the dog’s head.

      “Thanks, buddy,” he murmured. “I’m okay.”

      Jace glanced at Cassie, who was watching the pair intently.

      “All right,” she said suddenly. “What else do you need me to do?”

      “Go about your business. Jace, stay close.”

      “And you?” Jace asked.

      “I’ll be around. Never far.”

      “I only have one guest room, but there’s a foldout couch in—”

      She stopped as Rafe shook his head. “I need to be outside. Able to move.”

      “But at night—” Cassie began to protest.

      “At night most of all.”

      Jace was hit with a sudden certainty that under cover of night, this man could be one of the deadliest predators that walked.

      “It’s November. It’s cold at night,” Cassie protested.

      Rafe smiled at her. “I’ll survive.”

      “And it won’t be the first time, will it?” Jace asked, already knowing the answer.

      “Nor likely the last,” Rafe said, meeting his gaze. Then, in the tone of someone used to thinking in such ways, he said, “He’ll be checking you out, assessing.”

      Jace nodded. “How should I play it? Tough or wimp?”

      Rafe grinned, and Jace felt oddly as if he’d won some sort of award. “In between, I think. Let him wonder. Who you are, and how capable you are.” He gave Cassie a glance that looked apologetic. “We can’t be absolutely certain he doesn’t at least know your brother, so I don’t think that pretense would work.”

      “Bodyguard?” Jace asked.

      “That implies training and will make him more cautious,” Rafe said. He glanced from him to Cassie. “Boyfriend, I think, if you can pull it off.”

      Jace groaned inwardly. Then he nearly frowned, because he didn’t understand why he’d reacted on such a gut level to what was a logical solution.

      “But if he’s been watching me, won’t he know I don’t have one?” Cassie asked, apparently unruffled by the idea.

      “You’re sure it’s only been three weeks?” Rafe asked.

      “I think so. But like I said, I might not have realized it right away.”

      “I’m guessing you picked up on it pretty quickly. Say, maybe three days of seeing him repeatedly at the most. So we’ll go with three weeks.”

      “Which means?” Jace asked.

      “He wasn’t around when we got here today. He could be watching from a distance, but if he is, he won’t be sure what’s going on. For all he knows, I just picked your boyfriend up at the airport after a trip somewhere that started just about when he started watching you.”

      “So we’re having a joyous reunion,” Jace said. He kept his voice carefully even, but he heard a tiny sound from Cassie, as if she’d only just realized what this was going to involve. “Together every minute because I’ve been gone.”

      “Something like that, yes,” Rafe agreed.

      “I don’t know...” Cassie began before Jace turned to her.

      “You can do it, Cassie.” He managed a wry grin. “Just look at me like you did when you were sixteen.”

      He saw her stiffen, draw herself up. Ah, there was the Cassie he remembered, quiet but strong.

      “Oh, I wasn’t worried about that.” Her tone was as light as her posture was determined. “I can make cow eyes at you just like I used to. I was more worried about you, pretending to look at me like that.”

      “I’ll manage.”

      And he would. All too easily.

      He was just going to have to be careful it didn’t become real.

      * * *

      Cassidy was feeling a little like a spoiled child. She’d been scared, had wanted help, had called for help and now that it was here, she was unhappy about it.

       I just never expected he would move in, and we’d have to pretend to be...lovers.

      The very thought made her shiver and reminded her too sharply of the days and nights when she had pined after Jace with all the longing of an infatuated teenage heart. And that moment when he’d said he bought flowers for his mom, and she’d felt a jab of cheer that he hadn’t mentioned a girlfriend.

      She distracted herself by studying the cell phone Rafe had given her, a twin to the one he’d given Jace, after she’d explained why she’d been afraid to use hers.

      “He may not be savvy enough to hack your phone, but it can’t hurt. But we need communications,” he’d said and gone out to his car and opened the trunk. When he came back, he’d had the two phones. “They’re Foxworth,” he’d explained as he showed them how they worked. “And as unhackable as a phone can be. They also function as a direct connection, so if anything happens I need to know, or if you’re in trouble, you’ve got one-button

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