Sweet Southern Nights. Rochelle Alers

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Sweet Southern Nights - Rochelle Alers Mills & Boon Kimani

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think it would be?”

       “I would’ve thought cardiology, or maybe obstetrics.”

       “One ob-gyn in the family is plenty.”

       “I take it you come from a family of doctors,” Angela said.

       Levi nodded. “There are quite a few doctors, lawyers and teachers. What else do you want to know about me?” he asked.

       “How long have you lived in Kentucky?”

       He paused before saying, “I’m only here for six months.”

       Angela sat up straight. “Why just six months?” she asked.

       “When I was in med school I agreed to do community service and provide medical care to places like Maywood.”

       “So, when your commitment is up you plan to return to Florida?”

       “No. I live and work in a suburb just north of New York City.”

       Angela digested this information. She usually spoke to Duncan several times a month, but he hadn’t said anything about Levi. The fact that Levi worked with her brother provided the perfect reason for why they were attending the wedding together.

       “Perhaps you should tell me about yourself, Angela, and why it’s so important that your brother recruited me to be your date for tomorrow’s wedding,” Levi said, breaking into her thoughts.

       “It’s not that I couldn’t get a date, but—”

       “That’s obvious,” he interrupted, “because you’re beautiful, and I assume you’re quite intelligent.”

       Her cheeks grew warmer. “Should I take that as a compliment, Levi?”

       He shook his head. “No, Angela. It’s the truth.”

       Angela knew she had to be careful with Levi Eaton. Very, very careful or she would find herself succumbing to his charisma and obvious sex appeal.

       A slow smile ruffled the corners of her mouth. “Thank you.”

       Levi shook his head. “There’s no need to thank me.”

       “My cousin is marrying the cousin of my ex-fiancé.”

       Levi crossed his arms over his chest. “Is there bad blood between you and your ex?”

       “No. The truth is I haven’t seen him in five years.”

       “Is he married?”

       Angela nodded. “Yes,” she confirmed after a pregnant pause.

       “You need a date because you don’t want him to believe you’ve been pining away for him.”

       She wanted to tell Levi that she hadn’t been pining away for Robert, since right after their canceled wedding she plunged back into the dating scene with a vengeance. It was only when she began writing in earnest that she’d slowed down so much that she hadn’t been on a date in months.

       “I need you to dispel any idea he might have that I’m pining away for him since I’m still single.”

       Levi’s expression remained impassive. “Are you single by choice?” he asked. His voice was barely above a whisper.

       Angela angled her head, offering him a smile that didn’t quite reach her eyes. “Are you single by choice?” she asked, answering his question with one of her own.

       “What makes you believe I’m single?” said Levi, asking her another question.

       This time Angela’s smile spread over her face like bright rays of morning sun. “If you weren’t, or should I say if I were married to you, I doubt that I’d let you go away for six months without me. And I’d hope if you are married, you wouldn’t accept an invitation to escort other women.”

       Levi leaned closer and gave her a prolonged stare. “Perhaps I’m more like your cheating ex than you think.”

       She went completely still, as if she’d been hit by a bolt of lightning. A slow, uneasy panic seized Angela, making it virtually impossible for her to speak. Had Duncan told Levi the circumstances of her breakup with Robert even though he, along with everyone else in her family had sworn never to talk about it?

       “What makes you think he cheated on me?”

       “Did he, Angela?”

       “Yes!” she spat out, annoyed that she’d allowed herself to dredge up the past. “Do you cheat on women?”

       “No. And even if I were seeing someone, I still wouldn’t cheat. I didn’t mean to put you on the spot, but I need to know what I’ll be dealing with if we encounter your ex,” Levi said apologetically.

       “His name is Robert Gaskin.”

       He gave Angela a smile he usually reserved for his patients. “We’ll be ready for Mr. Gaskin,” he said confidently.

       Angela noticed he’d said we. It was the first time a man, other than her father and brothers, had offered to protect her. It was too bad she wasn’t looking for a man in her life, because Dr. Levi Eaton would’ve been the perfect candidate.

       The grandfather clock in a corner of the living room chimed the hour. It was seven o’clock. She stood up as Levi rose to his feet with her. “Please excuse me, but I have to check on dinner.”

       “Do you need help?”

       She glanced at him over her shoulder. “Do you cook?”

       Levi winked at Angela. “I’ve been known to burn a few pots. Maybe next time we get together I’ll return the favor and cook for you.”

       Angela stopped short, forcing Levi to bump into her. His hands went to her shoulders to steady her. He was close—close enough for her to feel his body heat, close enough to feel the whisper of his breath over her ear, and close enough to inhale the subtle masculine scent of his cologne.

       “You want to go on another date?” Her query was a low husky whisper.

       Levi’s gaze moved slowly over her face. “Why wouldn’t I? After all, you owe me one.”

       She tilted her chin. “When will I have to pay up?”

       “At my family reunion. We always get together over the Memorial Day weekend. This year it will be in Philadelphia.”

       Angela shook her head. “You can’t just spring something like that on me at the last minute. I have a business to run.”

       Levi dropped his hands. “What kind of business?”

       “I operate a gift shop with my cousin in downtown Louisville.”

       “Do you ever take a vacation?” he asked.

       “Of course I do.”


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