The Sheikh's Collection. Оливия Гейтс

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The Sheikh's Collection - Оливия Гейтс Mills & Boon e-Book Collections

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there was nothing other than the sound of them struggling to control their breathing and Suleiman felt the cold coil of anger twisting at his gut as he looked at her.

      He swallowed but the action did little to ease the burning sensation which scorched his throat. The acrid taste of guilt couldn’t be washed away so easily, he thought bitterly.

      He had just seduced the woman who was to marry the Sultan.

      He had just committed the ultimate betrayal against his sovereign—and wasn’t treason punishable by death?

      Had she used him to facilitate her escape? Had she? Had this been a trap into which he had all-too-willingly fallen?

      ‘How many men have you had?’ he demanded suddenly.

      She stared at him in disbelief. ‘Have you heard a word I’ve just been saying? How many women have you had?’

      ‘That’s irrelevant!’ he snapped. ‘So I shall ask you again, Sara—and this time I want an answer. How many?’

      ‘Oh, hundreds,’ she retorted, but the expression on his face made her backtrack and even though she despised herself for wanting to salvage her reputation—it didn’t stop her from doing it. ‘If you must know—I’ve had one experience before you. One—and it was awful. An ill-judged foray into the sexual arena with a man I’d convinced myself could mean something to me, but I was wrong.’ Just as she’d been wrong about so many things at the time.

      ‘Who was he?’

      ‘You think I’m crazy enough to tell you his name?’ She shook her head, not wanting to reveal any more than she had to. She didn’t want Suleiman to know that at the time she’d been on a mission—trying to convince herself that there were men other than him. That she’d wanted another man to make her feel the way he did. But she had been hoping in vain because no man had even come close. He affected her in a way she had no control over. Even now, with this terrible atmosphere which had descended upon them, he was still making her feel stuff, wasn’t he? He still made her feel totally alive whenever she was near him.

      ‘I was experimenting,’ she said. ‘Trying to experience the same things as other women my age, but it didn’t work.’

      ‘So you conveniently forgot about your planned marriage?’

      ‘You didn’t seem to have much difficulty forgetting it, did you? And surely that’s the most glaring hypocrisy of all. It wasn’t just me who broke the rules. It took two of us to make love just now, and you were one very willing partner. I’m wondering how that registers on your particular scale of loyalty?’

      Something in the atmosphere shifted and changed and his face tightened as he nodded.

      ‘You are right, of course. Thank you for reminding me that my own behaviour certainly doesn’t give me the right to censure yours. But before we go, just answer me one thing. Did you set out to seduce me, knowing that having sex with me would put an end to your betrothal?’

      She hesitated, but only for a moment. ‘No,’ she said and then, because it felt like a heavy burden, she told him the truth. ‘I planned to do something like that, but in the end I couldn’t go through with it.’

      ‘Why not?’

      She shrugged and suddenly the threat of tears seemed very real as she thought of the boy who had been sold by his mother. ‘Because of what you told me about how you and Murat met. How he’d saved your life and how close you’d been when you were growing up. I realised what a big deal your friendship was and how much it meant to you. That’s why I ran away.’

      ‘Only I came after you,’ he said slowly. ‘And seduced you anyway.’

      ‘Yes.’ She kept swallowing—the way they told you to do in aircraft, to stop your ears from popping. But this was to stop the welling tears from falling down over her face. Because tears wouldn’t help anyone, would they? They made a woman look weak and a man take control. And she wasn’t going to be that woman. ‘Yes, you did.’

      ‘I appreciate your honesty,’ he said. ‘And at least you’ve concentrated my mind on what needs to happen next.’

      She heard the finality in his tone and guessed what was coming next. ‘You mean you’ll take me to the airfield?’

      ‘So that you can run away again? I don’t think so. Isn’t it time that you stopped running and faced up to the consequences of your actions? Maybe it’s time we both did.’ He gave a grim smile and stood up, magnificent and unashamed in his nakedness. ‘My brief was to deliver you to the Sultan and that’s exactly what I’m going to do.’

      She stared at him in bewilderment and then in fear as his body blocked out the fierce light of the sun. All she could see was the powerful shape of his silhouette and suddenly he seemed more than a little intimidating. ‘You’re still planning to take me to the Sultan?’

      ‘I am.’

      ‘You can’t do that.’

      ‘Just watch me.’

      She licked her lips. ‘He’ll kill me.’

      ‘He’ll have to kill me first. Don’t be absurd, Sara.’ He flicked her a glance. ‘And don’t move. At least, not yet.’

      She didn’t know what he meant until he walked over to his horse and took a bottle from his saddle-bag, dousing his headdress with a generous slug of water before coming back to her. His face was grave as he crouched down to wipe her belly clean and Sara felt her cheeks flame, because the peculiar intimacy of having Suleiman removing his dried seed from her skin was curiously poignant.

      ‘Removing all traces of yourself?’ she questioned.

      ‘You think it’s that easy? I wish.’ His bitter tone matched hers and she could see the angry gleam of his eyes. ‘Now get dressed, Sara—and we will ride together to the palace.’


      THE SUN WAS low in the sky when Sara and Suleiman brought their horses to a dusty halt outside the gates of the Sultan’s summer residence. Before them, the vast palace towered majestically—its golden hues reflecting the endless desert sands which surrounded it. It was the first time Sara had ever seen the fabled building, and on any other occasion she might have taken time to admire the magnificent architecture with all its soaring turrets and domes. But today her heart was full of dread as she thought of what lay ahead.

      What on earth was she going to say to the man she had now spurned in the most dramatic way possible? She had never loved the Sultan, nor wanted him—but never in a million years had she wanted it to turn out this way. She didn’t want to hurt him, or—which was much more likely—hurt his pride.

      Would he want to punish her? Punish her brother and his kingdom?

      The reality began to soak into her skin, which was still glowing after her passionate encounter with the man who had ridden by her side. No matter what happened next—she wasn’t going to regret what had just taken place. It might have been wrong, but the words she had whispered to Suleiman just before he had thrust into her had been true. It had felt so right.

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