Puppy Love In Thunder Canyon. Christyne Butler

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Puppy Love In Thunder Canyon - Christyne Butler Mills & Boon Cherish

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the dog and grabbed his cane. Pushing to his feet, he held out his hand. “I’m betting on you to work your magic, doc.”

      Thomas rose and returned the man’s firm grasp, determined to bring all his skills and knowledge to the operating room, like always. “You can count on it, Forrest.”

      The man returned Thomas’s gaze for a long moment before he released his hand and turned away. “Annabel, I’ll walk you to your car if you and Smiley are heading out?”

      “That would be great, thanks.” Rising, she held out her hand. “Dr. North, it was a pleasure. I would appreciate the opportunity to discuss the possibility of us working together in the future.”

      Thomas took her hand, the warmth and softness of her skin against his again creating that same zing of awareness he’d felt earlier. “Thank you, but I don’t see that happening, Miss Cates.”

      “I’m sure we can come to a meeting of the minds, not quite as literally as we did this time, I hope.” Her full lips twitched and then rose into a playful grin. “Besides, I’m known to be very persuasive when I want something.”

      For some reason, Thomas believed her. “My schedule is pretty full.”

      “A half hour.” Her fingers tightened around his. “What harm can I do in thirty minutes?”

      Thomas cleared throat and released her hand. Seeing her again would be crazy. His mind was already made up. To him, dog therapy was nothing but … fluff. Still, the chance to spend time with this bewitching woman was something he couldn’t make himself pass up.

      No matter how much his logical side told him it wasn’t a good idea.

      “Okay, thirty minutes. You can call my secretary to set up a date and time. But be warned, I rarely change my mind.”

      Once a decision had been made, Thomas stuck by that decision. No matter what. It was something the hospital staff had learned about him in the two years he’d been here.

      But agreeing to meet with Miss Cates?

      Thomas had seriously reconsidered allowing the meeting to take place many times over the past week.

      Thunder Canyon General wasn’t a large facility, but thanks to the financial boom that came to town a few years back and the hard work of the hospital administrators—including his grandmother Ernestine North until she finally retired a year ago—the facility lacked for nothing.

      Including a thriving gossip grapevine that, until recently, he’d never been a part of. An accomplishment Thomas had worked hard at since accepting his position.

      He’d come home to Thunder Canyon determined not to make the same mistake twice. Oh, he knew the staff talked about him. Even after twenty-four months he was still considered the “new” guy around here.

      His reputation as a skilled surgeon, and a success rate that was all the more impressive here at TC because of his age, followed him from his previous position at the UCLA Medical Center in Santa Monica.

      Thank goodness that was the only thing that had followed.

      He also knew some at Thunder Canyon General considered his bedside manner a bit … cold, at least to those who confused emotional involvement with professionalism.

      A mistake he wouldn’t make again.

      But thanks to Annabel Cates and her dog he’d found himself the recipient of even more stares, whispered conversations that ended when he appeared and a few hazing incidents, some subtle and others not so much, starting the day after her visit.

      The sweater Marge had worn the other day covered in miniature poodles had been a delicate jab, but the not-so-quiet barking his fellow surgeons and residents engaged in whenever he walked into the doctors’ lounge was not.

      The old-fashioned glass apothecary jar filled with dog biscuits and tied with a bright bow he’d found on his desk just the other day had been a nice touch. There’d been no card and Marge hadn’t said a word about it. Deciding that leaving it in the break room for someone who actually had a pet would only add more fuel to the fire, he’d tucked the jar into the bottom drawer of his credenza.

      All of which had to be the reason why Thomas found Annabel on his mind so much over the past several days. While he could admit, at least to himself, there’d been a spark of attraction, she was definitely not his type.

      If he had one.

      It’d been a while since he’d dated anyone. The women he’d gone out with in the past, when he found the time or desire, were professionals focused on their careers, much like him.

      Of course, his last attempt at a serious relationship had dissolved into such a fiasco he ended up having no choice but to seek another job as far away from Southern California as he could get.

      Which meant returning home to Thunder Canyon.

      Besides, Annabel seemed … well, a bit flaky, idealistic, pushy. They could not be more opposite. Yet when he reviewed his calendar each morning he’d found himself looking for her name.

      It wasn’t until after Forrest Traub’s surgery two days ago that it appeared with the promised thirty minutes blocked out for Thursday afternoon.


      Annabel—and her dog—should be here any minute.

      Not wanting a repeat from last time, Thomas sat behind his desk and tried to edit his latest article for a leading medical journal, but after reading the same paragraph three times he was glad when familiar tapping at the door came.

      “Come in,” he said, recognizing his secretary’s signature knock. “Marge, I’m out of red markers. Could you find me a few more, please?”

      “Sorry. I come bearing gifts, but not a red marker in sight.”

      Thomas looked up and found Annabel Cates standing in his doorway. He immediately noticed she wore her hair pulled back from her face in a ponytail. It made her look younger, though the curves presented in her simple bright yellow top and denim skirt said otherwise. He found himself wondering just how old she was.

      He stood, his gaze drawn to her bare legs and toes, thanks to her sandals, this time the nails sporting a matching neon-yellow shade.

      Details. Thomas was known for being a man of details, but he realized he’d taken in her entire outfit before he noticed the large, leafy green plant she held in her hands.

      And the fact she was alone. No dog in sight.

      “Don’t tell me my secretary is baby—err, dog sitting.”

      She smiled and it lit up her entire face. Another detail he remembered from the last time she was in his office.

      “Nope, it’s just me this time. Disappointed?”

      “Not in the least. Please, come in.”

      She did, closing the door behind her before she walked to his desk and held out the plant. “This is for you. It’s a Peace Lily.”

      “Are we at war?”

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