How to Melt a Frozen Heart. Cara Colter
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Her eyebrows knit together in consternation and she struggled to sit up.
“Hey,” he said, his attempt at a soothing tone coming out of his mouth like rust, a hoarse croak. “Try not to move.”
She looked as if she had no intention of following his well-meaning instruction, so he laid a hand on her shoulder. It was tiny underneath a thin jacket that appeared to be soaking up rain rather than repelling it.
He could see a little bow on what could be her pajamas at the V of her jacket.
She shook off his hand, sat up, wincing from the effort. He’d been right about her chin giving a clue to her temperament. She was stubborn.
“Who are you?” she demanded. “What are you doing out here, on my property, at this time of night?”
He was annoyed with himself that the tone of her voice increased the sense of enchantment weaving through this miserable night. Despite the lack of welcome in her words, her voice reminded him of maple syrup, rich and smooth and sweet.
She scanned his face, that initial reaction of trust, of welcome, completely gone. Now she looked wary and stubborn and maybe just a little frightened.
What she didn’t have was the look of a person who would be trying to dupe an old lady out of her money.
No sense putting off the moment of truth.
“Are you Nora?”
She nodded. He let that sink in. No head scarf. No dangling earrings. Certainly no blue eye shadow, or slash of red at her mouth.
Brendan was aware that in a very short time he had started to hope the woman in a vulnerable little heap in the mud was not the same woman who had written Deedee a letter promising to heal her cat. With energy. For a fee.
He looked at her fresh face, tried to imagine dangling earrings and heavy makeup and the gypsy scarf, and found his imagination didn’t quite go that far. But fresh faced or not, she’d duped Deedee. He was already disillusioned by life, so why be disturbed by the gathering of a little more evidence?
Still, for the moment she looked faintly frightened, and he felt a need to alleviate that.
“I brought a cat out,” he said. “I heard a ruckus out here, saw a light and came to investigate.”
She considered his explanation, but looked doubtful. He suspected he didn’t look much like the kind of guy who would be attached to his cat.
“I heard you were a healer.” He tried to strip judgment from his tone, but he must have looked even less like the kind of guy who would put any kind of faith in a healer than one who would be attached to a cat, because her doubtful expression intensified.
“Who did you hear that from?” she asked uneasily. Her eyes skittered toward the fence, as if she was going to try and make an escape.
“Deedee Ashton.”
The name did not seem to register, but then she might be struggling to remember her own name at the moment.
“Can you tell me what happened?” he asked.
She put a hand to the goose egg above her eye.
“I don’t know for sure,” she said. “The horses might have knocked me over.”
He scanned the corral. Three horses were squeezed against the back fence, restless and white-eyed. He didn’t know much about horses, but these ones seemed in no way docile.
He told himself firmly that it was none of his business what kind of chances she took. He didn’t know her. He certainly didn’t care about her. Still, there was a certain kind of woman that could make a man feel he should be protective. That was the kind you really had to guard against, especially if you had already failed in the department of protecting the smaller and weaker and more vulnerable.
Brendan ordered himself not to comment. But, of course, his mouth disobeyed his mind.
“Given you’re about the size of a peanut, doesn’t it seem a touch foolhardy to decide to come mingle with your wild mustangs in the middle of the night?”
She glared at him. Her look clearly said don’t tell me what to do, which was fair.
“Unless, of course, you hoped your energy was going to tame them?”
Those amazing eyes narrowed. “What do you know about my energy?”
“Not as much as I plan to.”
“Why does that sound like a threat?” she asked.
He shrugged.
She tossed her head at that, but he saw a veil drop smoothly over the flash of fire in those green eyes, as if he had hurt her by being a doubter. You’d think, in her business, she would have developed a thicker skin.
But he would have to deal with all that later. She had begun to shiver from being wet, but when she tried to move, a small groan escaped her lips.
He knew he shouldn’t move her. But she was clearly freezing. Now was not the time to confront her about any claims she had made to Deedee. He shrugged out of his coat and wrapped it around her.
She looked as if she planned to protest his act of chivalry, but when he tucked his coat around her, he could clearly see the warmth seduced her. She snuggled inside it instead. She looked innocent, about as threatening as a wounded sparrow.
Stripping away any censure he felt about her claims of extraordinary power, he said, “Can you move your hands? How about your feet? Can you turn your head from side to side for me?”
“What are you? A doctor?” Despite the protest, she tested each of her body parts as he named it.
He touched the ugly-looking bump rising above her right eye. She winced.
“You’re not lucky enough to have conjured up a doctor. You’ll have to work on your conjuring a little. I’m an architect. Luckily, I have a little construction site first aid experience.”
As he had hoped, at the mention of his profession—oh, those professional men were so trustworthy—her wariness of him faded, though annoyance at his conjuring remark had turned her green eyes to slits that reminded him of Charlie.
He picked the flashlight out of the mud and shone it in her eyes, looking for pupil reaction.
“Tell me about your cat,” she said, swatting at the light.
“So you can send him energy?”
“Why are you here, if you’re so cynical?”
He felt a shiver along his spine, similar to what he had felt when he passed under the ark sign. What if he hadn’t come along when he had? Would she have lain in the mud until she had hypothermia? Would the horses have trampled her?