Australia: Gorgeous Grooms. Trish Morey

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Australia: Gorgeous Grooms - Trish Morey Mills & Boon M&B

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off, and slip into bed.

      It was almost midnight when Loukas closed down the laptop and muted the desk lamp. He’d spoken to Constantine in the Athens office, liaised with two colleagues in Paris, another in Rome. There’d been data to peruse to which he added his input, and the stock markets.

      He lifted his arms and stretched, easing out the kinks in his shoulders, then he sat in contemplative silence for several long minutes before rising to his feet.

      In the kitchen he filled a glass with chilled water, drank it down, then he checked the security system and moved quietly upstairs.

      The master bedroom suite bore the softened light from muted lamps, and it took only a brief glance to determine both beds were empty.

      A slight frown creased his forehead as he crossed to the en suite, knocked quietly, and when there was no answer he opened the door.

      For a moment he stood taking in the scene … the soft pulsing jets in the spa-bath, the slender feminine form whose facial features in repose looked peaceful, almost childlike and bare of artificial enhancements.

      Her soft, slightly parted mouth almost begged the touch of his own. Fine, almost porcelain skin moulded delicate bone structure, a perfect nose, and long natural eyelashes fanned out from petal-like eyelids.

      He moved quietly towards the bath and switched off the jets, then he collected one of several large folded bath-towels and spoke her name.

      There was no sign she heard him, and his gaze skimmed over her slender curves, the soft swell of her breasts with their tender peaks, the delicate waist, flat stomach with its slim gold pin with a strategically placed diamond attached to her navel. A cheeky jewellery accessory that winked and gleamed beneath the water’s surface.

      He felt the stirring of arousal, and banked it down.

      ‘Alesha.’ His voice was firm, and he caught the faint flutter of her eyelashes. ‘Wake up.’

      He saw the moment his words penetrated her subconscious, the sudden upwards sweep of her lashes as she came awake, and the stark mix of startled surprise and fear in the depths of her eyes the instant before she recognized him and gained the reality of her surroundings.

      ‘It’s after midnight,’ he said quietly. ‘You fell asleep.’

      Loukas glimpsed her attempt to control the fleeting expressions chasing her features, saw the embarrassment change to indignation as she automatically used her hands to shield the vulnerable parts of her body.

      ‘Leave the towel and go … please.’

      He was tempted to release the water, scoop her out and wrap her in the towel, then carry her to bed. His.

      Except when he took her, it would be because she wanted him, not an act she conceded out of duty or mere compliance.

      He might be many things, and he’d been called on several … but he stood by his word.

      So he did as she requested and closed the door behind him, then he shed his clothes, took a cool shower, and slid between the sheets to lie with his arms crossed behind his head.

      He watched idly as she emerged into the bedroom attired in cotton sleep trousers and a singlet top, looking impossibly young.

      A slight smile widened his generous mouth as she avoided meeting his gaze, and he waited until she slipped beneath the covers before closing the lamps.

      ‘Goodnight.’ His voice was an indolent drawl in the darkness, and he only just heard her muffled response.


      ALESHA woke to light filtering through partly closed shutters along the wall of glass facing east.

      For a brief moment she felt slightly disorientated by her unfamiliar surroundings, then memory surfaced as she cautiously examined the spacious room.

      Specifically the large bed next to the one she’d occupied through the night … and she experienced a sense of relief to find it empty.

      She brushed a hand through her hair and checked the time, saw it was almost eight, and hurriedly slid from the bed before gathering up fresh clothes and disappearing into the en suite to complete her morning routine and dress.

      Jeans and a stylish tee sufficed, and she caught her hair in a ponytail, added gloss to her lips, then she made her way downstairs to the kitchen.

      Coffee would be good, breakfast even better, and she entered the spacious, beautifully appointed kitchen to discover Eloise stacking the dishwasher, with no sign of Loukas in sight.

      ‘Good morning.’ Alesha kept it light and offered a warm smile, which the housekeeper returned in kind.

      ‘It’s a lovely day,’ Eloise added. ‘What can I get you for breakfast?’

      ‘If it’s okay with you, I’ll make coffee, and just grab some cereal and fruit, and take it out onto the terrace.’

      ‘I can easily prepare a cooked breakfast if you’d prefer.’

      ‘Thanks, but cereal is fine.’

      There was something infinitely relaxing in looking out over the harbour. Small and large craft sprinkled the sparkling Port Jackson waters; tugboats guided a massive tanker towards the wharves, while ferries cruised the distance between the city and Manly.

      The cityscape bore tall modern high-rise buildings in varying architectural designs, their plate-glass windows glinting as the sun rose in the sky.

      No matter where she’d travelled, Sydney was home. The place of her birth and education. It held familiarity for her. Memories, all of them good … until Seth. And just as she emerged whole and healed, she was flung into the unknown again by her father’s hand.

      ‘Finish your coffee, then we’ll collect the rest of your belongings from the apartment.’

      Loukas had the silent tread of a cat, and she replaced her cup down onto its saucer with care before she turned to meet his gaze.

      Attired in jeans and a chambray shirt, he bore a deceptively casual air that was the antithesis of the man he’d proven himself to be.

      It was the eyes, Alesha perceived. Dark silken depths that were too perceptive for anyone’s peace of mind … especially hers.

      Oh, why not admit it? He unsettled her, increasing her vulnerability to a point where she felt constantly on edge in his presence.

      ‘I can manage to do that on my own.’

      ‘You don’t need to.’

      ‘What if I prefer to?’

      ‘Give it up, Alesha.’

      She tilted her head and held his gaze with equanimity. ‘I was unaware taking your name meant alienating my freedom of choice.’

      He rested a hip against the edge of the table and leant towards her, not exactly crowding her in, but close … too close.

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