Australia: Gorgeous Grooms. Trish Morey

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Australia: Gorgeous Grooms - Trish Morey Mills & Boon M&B

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and she returned home with renewed vigour to shower, breakfast, then dress for work.

      The executive power suit, minimum jewellery, hair smoothed into an upswept style, a light touch with make-up, killer heels … and she was good to go.

      Laptop, briefcase, shoulder bag … check.

      Minutes later she slid behind the wheel of her silver BMW, engaged the engine, then made her way to the main arterial road leading into the city.

      Traffic at this hour was heavy, and making it through electronically controlled intersections without at least two enforced stops was rare.

      Consequently it was almost eight when Alesha took the lift from the basement parking area to a high floor in the tall modern building housing the Karsouli Corporation.

      A luxurious office suite with prime views over the inner harbour, expensive carpeting, sparkling glass, executive furniture and expensive works of art adorning the walls.

      Dimitri had enjoyed displaying the acquisitions earned by his success. Ongoing consultations with a prominent interior decorator ensured ostentatious didn’t figure in the scheme of things.

      Alesha didn’t want anything to change. In fact, she’d insist on it. Karsouli would remain Karsouli in honour of her father’s memory, his years of hard work.

      ‘Good morning.’ Her smile held genuine warmth as she passed through Reception and trod the wide passageway leading to her office.

      A greeting she repeated as her PA rose from behind a desk with the day’s scheduling in hand.

      ‘Mr Andreou requests your presence a.s.a.p. An executive meeting will be chaired by Mr Andreou at ten in the conference room. Department heads are currently being advised. I’ve noted everything in your diary, and printed a copy for your perusal.’

      Alesha took the offered schedule, skimmed it, and her eyes widened fractionally.

      Loukas was wasting no time in setting several contingency plans in motion.

      ‘Thanks, Anne. You can alert Mr Andreou I’ll be with him in ten minutes.’

      ‘I understand there is some urgency to his request.’

      Sufficient for Anne to issue the caution? All hail the new chief? Except the partnership with Loukas was equal. And damned if she’d drop everything and rush to his bidding!

      ‘Ten minutes, Anne.’

      She took every one of them before entering the large office Dimitri had occupied for as long as she could remember … and tamped down the faint resentment she experienced at seeing Loukas seated behind her father’s desk.

      ‘You wanted to see me?’ The polite smile she summoned didn’t reach her eyes as Loukas rose to his feet and moved forward to close the door behind her.

      An action that sent the nerves in her stomach into a tangled knot.

      He indicated a leather chair. ‘Take a seat.’ Whereupon he crossed to the desk to lean one hip against its edge.

      She continued to stand. ‘I hope this won’t take long.’

      ‘You’d have preferred a memo relaying I’m due in Melbourne late this afternoon to head an emergency meeting before flying on to Adelaide, then the Gold Coast?’

      ‘You require my input?’

      ‘Personally or professionally?’

      A trick question? ‘Professionally, of course.’

      Of course. His eyes narrowed a little as he took in the red power suit, the killer heels, the upswept hair, and his fingers itched to loosen the pins holding the elegantly contrived knot in place.

      Her choice of apparel made a statement, one she’d deliberately sought to portray, he noted silently. And wondered why she’d thought it necessary.

      Because she felt threatened by him? Perhaps she had cause, professionally.

      ‘The current state of Karsouli requires swift action, and formal meetings with each of the men who head the corporation’s three out-of-state offices are imperative. Personally, not via conference call.’

      Alesha didn’t give him the satisfaction of verbally agreeing with him. ‘When will you be back?’

      ‘Late Thursday evening.’

      ‘I trust you’ll keep me posted. Is that all?’

      One eyebrow quirked a little. ‘There’s the matter of our wedding details.’

      Her stomach executed a painful somersault, and it took considerable effort to remain calm. ‘Email me the time and venue.’

      ‘Wolseley Road, Point Piper.’ He offered the number. ‘Friday, four o’clock in the afternoon.’

      A slight frown creased her forehead. ‘That’s a private residence.’ Situated amongst Sydney’s most expensive real estate.

      ‘My home, which is currently in the final stages of redecoration.’

      Sufficient money could achieve almost anything … and obviously had. It explained his preference for temporary hotel accommodation.

      ‘There’s also the legalities attached to the union,’ Loukas relayed smoothly. ‘We have an appointment at three-thirty this afternoon to tend to the necessary paperwork.’

      Ensuring everything was neatly tied together before he flew out to Melbourne, she perceived, and attempted to quell the feeling she’d boarded a runaway train from which escape would involve irreparable damage to life and limb.


      ‘There’s nothing you want to add?’

      A whole heap in verbal castigation … none of which would do any good! Instead, she managed a stunningly sweet smile. ‘Not at this moment.’

      She turned and made for the door, only to discover he was there before her, and she attempted to ignore his close proximity, the musky tang of his cologne, the sheer sensuality he managed to exude without any seeming effort at all.

      Assuring herself she was immune didn’t quite cut it. Nor did likening him to all men.

      Loukas Andreou stood alone, a male entity that defied categorization.

      So where did that leave her?

      Right now … out of here!

      ‘Ten in the conference room,’ Loukas reminded her silkily as she exited the room.

      A meeting he chaired with the type of ruthless strategy that left no room for doubt his proposed restructuring of Karsouli would be immediate and far-reaching.

      Details were provided in individual folders placed in front of the attending executives, who were each given forty-eight hours in which to submit approval, reservations … or otherwise.


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