Under Pressure. Lori Foster

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Under Pressure - Lori Foster Body Armor

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A chilling smile slid across his face. “Next time I’ll be better prepared.”

      A promise, a threat.

      Cat pressed a fist to her chest to contain her aching heart. Tesh would come after her again, but he would no longer physically engage. Instead he’d trap them, plan a sneak attack, maybe even shoot Leese from a distance. He wanted to take her back to her father, but to do that, he’d have to eliminate Leese first.

      How could she be responsible for that?

      The gravity of the danger didn’t seem to bother Leese. He stood there, so casual he might have been bored, until Tesh and the others retreated around the corner of the parking lot.

      The second Leese opened the door, Cat made room for him. On her knees, she scampered over, then faced him and reached for his arm. She had to explain, had to make him understand. “Leese...”

      “Buckle up.” To Justice, he said, “Drive.”

      “My thought exactly.” Already backing out of the parking space, Justice left the lot with enough speed to make her grab the seat for balance.

      Cold from the inside out, she stared at Leese.

      For the most part, he ignored her as he surveyed the area, his gaze sharp, his jaw locked.

      As soon as he pulled onto the road, Justice asked, “Where to?”

      “Right there.” Leese pointed at the shopping center entrance almost directly across from the hotel. “Pull in to the side lot, but circle around to face the road. If I can see which car is theirs, that’d be helpful.”

      “Leese...” she said again, desperation clawing through her. She needed him to know what he was getting into. Yes, having help, any type of backup, would be amazing. But it would also put him in the crosshairs of so much danger.

      Acknowledging her only with a hand on her thigh, he gave Justice instructions. “Go through there. Stay back though. You can use that truck to help conceal us. Yeah, right here. Good. Keep it in gear, your foot on the brake.”

      “I’m ready,” Justice said, sounding anxious for a chase.

      Her heart thumped painfully. She tried to make her voice strong, but it emerged a thin whisper. “You have to let me go.”

      Ignoring that, Leese gently pushed her back in her seat. “Sit back. I need you to put on your seat belt.” He did that for her while also watching the road and occasionally checking their surroundings. “There.” He leaned forward. “That’s them.” As if committing them to memory, he recited the plates out loud.

      Justice used his phone to zoom in for a picture. “Got it.” One hand on the wheel, he thumbed through some screens and texted the photo to Leese. “Do we follow?”

      “No. Opposite direction. Go out the back of the lot.”

      She needed a way to dissuade him. Cat racked her brain, but nothing felt adequate to convey the level of trouble she would bring on him. “Leese, you have to listen to me.”

      He patted her. “Try not to worry.”

      Okay, that stole some of the numb fear and instead turned it into annoyance. “This is a mistake.”

      Turning a corner, Justice said to Leese, “Maybe she wants to nap again.”

      Of all the idiot... “No, I don’t.”

      “Okay, okay,” Justice soothed. “Don’t get riled.”

      Eyes narrowing, Cat thought about telling him off. But truthfully, she didn’t want to distract either of them, so she compressed her lips and stayed silent.

      They drove down a few side streets, then left the commercial area for a residential neighborhood before finding another main road.

      Leese kept vigil out the rear window for what felt like forever before he marginally relaxed. “We need to switch cars.”

      “You think they’ll follow?” Justice asked.

      “They obviously already did, that’s how they knew we were at the hotel.” Leese removed his cell from a clip on his belt. “They were waiting for us, so they might’ve tagged this car too. Who knows?”

      Worse and worse, Cat thought. “Tagged, as in...”

      “Put something on it to make it easier to track us,” Justice explained. Then to Leese, he asked, “You really think so? That’s a lot of expense and trouble, right?”

      “I’m not sure cost is factoring in.” Leese’s gaze skipped to Cat. “But we can get filled in more on that in a minute.”

      Cat could do no more than stare in wonder. “You know they’ll keep coming after me.”

      He thumbed in a speed dial number, then put the phone to his ear. “That’s the one thing I do know.”

      “You also know my stepfather hired you.”

      “Stepfather? No, that’s news to me.” He lifted a finger when she started to speak again, then said into the phone, “I need to see Sahara. Yeah, today.” He glanced at a thick watch on his wrist. “Two hours, give or take. Tell her I’m bringing a guest. Yeah.”

      Several times Justice sent her looks of sympathy in the rearview mirror.

      Because of this Sahara person? Who was she and what did it mean to visit her?

      While Leese finished his call, she curled into the seat, her arms around herself as a pervasive cold stiffened her bones and made her stomach cramp.

      “Sounds good, we’ll be there.” Leese disconnected the call. “Head to Cincinnati. We’ll switch up there.”

      “Switch up cars?” Justice asked.


      Clearly impressed by that, Justice clarified, “I’m sticking with you?”

      “For now.”

      That obviously pleased him. “Got it.”

      “Turn up the heat a little too, will you? Cat’s chilled.”

      A near-hysterical laugh bubbled up. Chilled? She was far, far beyond chilled.

      If Tesh had his way, she could end up... No. She wouldn’t think about that yet. She had to believe she still had a chance.

      Worried, scared and, yes, still annoyed, she looked at Leese. “You led them to me.”

      “Seems so.” Leese stripped off his coat and tucked it around her. “But now I’m going to ensure they don’t get you.” He lifted her chin. “You need to believe that.”

      Oh, how she wanted to, but drumming up enthusiasm for the possibility wasn’t easy.

      Leese stared into her eyes, brushed his thumb over her cheek, then shocked her silly by leaning down

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