Maitland Maternity: Triplets, Quads and Quints. Kasey Michaels
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“Hunter? Allow me to introduce Mrs. Helen Robb,” R.J. said, jolting him from his thoughts. Apparently they’d reached his office while he was thinking. He had no idea how they’d gotten here.
“Welcome to Maitland Maternity, and McCallum Wing in particular, Dr. Callaghan.”
Hunter stared at the trim, gray-haired woman. Her voice was serene and soothing. Now, if she had brains, he was in luck.
“Thank you, Mrs. Robb.”
“Please, call me Helen. Everyone does.” She turned and led the way into his office. “I arranged the furniture to my liking. If there’s anything you want changed, don’t hesitate to tell me. I’ll call maintenance and get someone up here at once.”
His office was large. “I like the arrangement very much. It looks efficient and soothing.” The decor was done in blue and beige with an occasional touch of yellow.
“I left room on the wall by the windows for your degrees and certificates. If you’ll give them to me when you’ve unpacked, I’ll see that they are hung in place.”
“Perfect. Have you worked at the hospital long?”
“Yes, almost since the beginning. I was Mr. William Maitland’s secretary until he died. Then I’ve worked in different departments, so I feel I know the hospital well.”
Hunter looked at R.J. and nodded before he responded to her words. “Good. You’ll be a big help to me as I try to learn everyone’s name and position. Thank you, Helen.”
She smiled and disappeared into the outer office.
“She seems perfect, R.J. Thanks.”
“She’s one of the best. But if a problem arises, let me know. Now, do you want to go to lunch at a nearby restaurant, eat in the cafeteria, skip lunch while you settle in, have Helen bring you something, or—”
“I’d love for Helen to bring me something while I get settled in, if that wouldn’t be rude of me. I’m anxious to find my footing. Everything happened so quickly, I need some time. It’s only been ten days since I first interviewed.”
“Of course, and Helen will be glad to do so. She’ll start you a tab in the cafeteria. You don’t pay until after you’ve run up a hundred dollars a month, so you don’t have to give her any money,” he added as Hunter reached for his wallet. “It’s part of your contract.”
“Maybe the first thing I’d better do is read the details on that contract,” Hunter said with a laugh. “I’d forgotten that little benefit.”
R.J. smiled in return. “I’m just glad you signed it. You could’ve stayed in Chicago and received the same promotion within another year. We feel fortunate you felt like a change of venue. Any particular reason?”
Hunter avoided the other man’s gaze. With a shrug of his shoulders, he said, “You know, sometimes you just feel the need to move on. And Maitland Maternity Hospital, even without the new wing, has a great reputation.”
“True. Well, welcome one more time. I’ll stop by at two and pick you up for your welcoming party.”
“Thanks,” Hunter said again. Once R. J. Maitland, whom Hunter liked so far, had disappeared he breathed a sigh of relief. No more questions about his acceptance of the job. He didn’t want his reasons examined too closely. He didn’t even want to think about them. After telling himself he didn’t ever want to see her again, he’d jumped at the chance to work with her. The job was a good one, but Briana had been the deciding factor.
When Helen appeared at his door after he called her name, he asked her to fetch him lunch. She gave him a succinct summation of what they offered, and he chose randomly and sent her on her way.
Now he was really alone.
No one watching, no one talking, no one guessing about him.
Now he could replay his meeting with a very pregnant Briana McCallum. Pregnant with his children. He was going to be a father of three identical little girls. At least he thought so. He’d dreamed of having a family—one day. When he’d found Briana seven months ago, he’d dreamed of the family they would have. But then reality had slapped him in the face. He wasn’t married, making a future.
Reality. What would she expect of him? Now that she knew how to find him, would she insist on marriage?
His heart sped up as he again remembered the sensations he’d felt when he’d held her in his arms. Sensations he’d dismissed for seven months. They weren’t so easily dismissed now.
But he didn’t dare give in to those thoughts. He still had no proof that Briana was anything but a rich uncaring woman. She probably had no intention of raising her children. Maybe she was like her father, not interested in babies.
Even he couldn’t believe that fantasy. She might have left him high and dry. She might not have been interested in a future with him. But he’d seen nothing in their brief time together that said she would ignore her—their daughters.
And he intended to play a role in his daughters’ lives, so if she insisted on marriage, then he’d marry her. He didn’t want anyone calling his daughters illegitimate. He’d punch their lights out if they dared.
So, a marriage of convenience?
That was probably what she’d want. He could handle that. Of course he could. He began massaging his temples at the thought of living in the same house with Briana and never touching her. Never.
“Dr. Callaghan? Do you have a headache?” Helen asked. She’d entered his office quietly while his eyes were closed.
“No! No, not at all. I was thinking. That was fast, Helen. I promise I won’t ask you to wait on me all the time. I just needed a little time to myself.”
“I don’t mind at all.”
“Have you eaten?”
“I picked myself up some lunch while I was there.”
“Why don’t you bring it in here and we can talk while we eat. Unless you would be uncomfortable?”
“Not at all.”
Hunter wondered how long it would take him to lead the conversation to Briana McCallum without being obvious. Because she was the only part of the hospital he was interested in right now.
AT FIVE UNTIL TWO, Briana touched up her makeup, determined not to look washed out, combed her hair, smoothed any wrinkles out of her navy blue two-piece maternity suit, and started out of her office for the welcoming party in the cafeteria.
“Are you ready to go, Bri?” Lisa asked, jumping up from her desk. “Dr. Abby said I was to go with you, in case you felt faint.”
Bri sighed. She was paying a heavy price for her silly fainting spell. But it wouldn’t happen again. Because she wasn’t going to be surprised again. “Fine, Lisa.” She waited patiently for Lisa to reach her side.
“The new doctor sure is