Maitland Maternity: Triplets, Quads and Quints. Kasey Michaels
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“Because I was taking a bubble bath to relax—until someone began pounding on my door.”
He only repeated the first part of her sentence. “Yeah, I’ll stay with her a little while until I’m sure she’s okay. Yeah.” He hung up the phone.
“Don’t mind me,” she muttered.
“Sorry, I should’ve asked permission, but I was sure it was Lisa. When I called and couldn’t get an answer, we both panicked.”
She closed her eyes. “I didn’t think you knew where I lived,” she muttered.
“Lisa gave me directions.”
She opened her eyes when he put the blood pressure cuff on her arm.
“Just lie back and relax,” he said softly.
The problem was she knew her blood pressure was high. She didn’t want him to order her to the hospital.
When he released the pressure and took the cuff off without saying a word, she prompted him. “Well?”
“It’s a little high, but I know you don’t want to go to the hospital. I’ll agree to that if you’ll let me treat you here.”
“What kind of treatment?”
“Remember when I told you I gave great foot massages?”
“Yes.” He couldn’t mean what he was implying.
“I’m going to give you a foot massage.”
“Don’t be ridiculous. I’m fine.”
“Stay calm. It won’t hurt.”
“I don’t want you touching me.” She was afraid it would remind her too much of making love with the man.
“Bri, either you let me rub your feet and calm you down, or you will have to go to the hospital.”
“No, I—Okay. A foot massage,” she rapidly agreed. Even if she protested going to the hospital, it would only take one call to Abby or her father for Dr. Callaghan to make it impossible for her to stay home.
“Let’s go to your bedroom.”
“No! I can sit on the couch.”
“We’ll be more comfortable on the bed. Do you have any foot cream?”
“Yes. It’s in the bathroom. It’s pink, scented peppermint. I’ll—”
“Go on to your bedroom and pile up lots of pillows behind you. I’ll get the cream.”
He entered the room only a couple of minutes later while she was still piling up pillows on the bed.
“I found the cream and a towel. Now, do you have a book to read, something you enjoy?”
She nodded. “I—I started a book last night, but I fell asleep.”
“Get it while I pour you a glass of milk.”
“But I just ate!”
He ignored her and headed for the kitchen.
“Fine. Bring me milk. If it will get rid of you, I’ll even drink it!” she muttered. Then she grabbed her book, turned on the bedside lamp and crawled up in the middle of the bed.
Hunter put a glass of milk beside her on the lamp table. “I’ll have to turn my back to you to do a good job, so just relax and read, drink a little milk.”
Somehow, having his back to her made everything easier. He pulled her muumuu up to her knees, but no higher. Then he poured cream into his hands, holding it there for it to warm. He took her right foot into his large, warm palms and began to rub in the cream. His strong fingers kneaded the sole of her foot and she sighed.
“I’m not hurting you, am I?” he asked.
“No. No, it feels—good.” She hated to admit it, but it did feel great. She hadn’t seen her feet often in the last couple of months. Though she wore sensible shoes, as her weight increased, her feet grew more stressed.
Her left foot edged toward her right one, as if making its own plea not to be ignored.
Half an hour later, Bri lay back against the pillows, the milk glass empty and her eyes closed. She hadn’t read a single page of the romance novel. She’d been too busy indulging in her own fantasy.
WHEN HUNTER finally felt he’d done all he could, he peeped over his shoulder to discover a relaxed Bri, her eyes closed, breathing deeply. He rose from the bed and moved around to the side, putting his fingers on her pulse.
She was doing much better. When he called her name, she didn’t respond, and he realized she’d gone to sleep.
Excellent. He’d felt so guilty when he’d reached her office, and Lisa had said she’d gone home because of stress. He hadn’t intentionally teased her about the babies being his. Well, maybe a little. But he hadn’t realized how fragile she was.
And they were his babies. He felt sure of that now. Otherwise, why would she be so worried about him talking to her father? She’d denied his fatherhood and lied about an ex-boyfriend. That wasn’t fair.
But he couldn’t put any pressure on her. Just hinting that she might have lied could’ve brought on early labor. He was going to have to be very careful until she went into labor.
No offer of marriage.
No claim of fatherhood.
No seducing her.
It was amazing that he still found her sexy when she was seven months pregnant with triplets. But he did. He’d like to kiss her, just to be sure the magic was still there, but he felt sure that would bring on more stress.
He wanted to cup her cheek as she lay sleeping, but he couldn’t even do that.
With a sigh, he pulled the cover over her so she wouldn’t get chilled. Then he left the bedroom. Picking up the phone, he called Lisa. “She’s gone to sleep. I need to know the best place to order her a decent dinner. Someone who delivers.”
“Well, mostly fast food does the deliveries. I could get her some supper from Austin Eats and take it by there after work, if you’d like.”
“That would be great, Lisa. I’m on my way back to the office. I’ll stop by and give you some money.”
“Oh, that’s okay, I’ll—”
“I’ll be there in a minute.”
Now he’d know she would eat a good dinner and then go back to sleep. And while he knew she had plenty of money to pay for her meals, it pleased him to pay for it himself. After all, she